
Represents a long-lived connection to a Gradle project. You obtain an instance of a ProjectConnection by using connect.

try (ProjectConnection connection = GradleConnector.newConnector()
       .forProjectDirectory(new File("someFolder"))
       .connect()) {

   //obtain some information from the build
   BuildEnvironment environment = connection.model(BuildEnvironment.class).get();

   //run some tasks


Thread safety information

All implementations of ProjectConnection are thread-safe, and may be shared by any number of threads.

All notifications from a given ProjectConnection instance are delivered by a single thread at a time. Note, however, that the delivery thread may change over time.




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Creates a builder for an executer which can be used to run actions in different phases of the build.
abstract fun <T> action(buildAction: BuildAction<T>): BuildActionExecuter<T>
Creates an executer which can be used to run the given action when the build has finished.
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abstract fun close()
Closes this connection.
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abstract fun <T> getModel(modelType: Class<T>): T
Fetches a snapshot of the model of the given type for this project.
abstract fun <T> getModel(modelType: Class<T>, handler: ResultHandler<in T>)
Starts fetching a snapshot of the given model, passing the result to the given handler when complete.
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inline fun <T : Any> ProjectConnection.getModel(modelType: KClass<T>): T
inline fun <T : Any> ProjectConnection.getModel(modelType: KClass<T>, handler: ResultHandler<in T>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.tooling.ProjectConnection.getModel.

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abstract fun <T> model(modelType: Class<T>): ModelBuilder<T>
Creates a builder which can be used to query the model of the given type.
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inline fun <T : Any> ProjectConnection.model(modelType: KClass<T>): ModelBuilder<T>

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.tooling.ProjectConnection.model.

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abstract fun newBuild(): BuildLauncher
Creates a launcher which can be used to execute a build.
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Creates a test launcher which can be used to execute tests.
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abstract fun notifyDaemonsAboutChangedPaths(changedPaths: List<Path>)
Notifies all daemons about file changes made by an external process, like an IDE.