
interface TaskOutputs(source)

A TaskOutputs represents the outputs of a task.

You can obtain a TaskOutputs instance using getOutputs.


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abstract fun cacheIf(spec: Spec<in Task>)
abstract fun cacheIf(cachingEnabledReason: String, spec: Spec<in Task>)
Cache the results of the task only if the given spec is satisfied.
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Registers an output directory for this task.
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Registers some output directories for this task.
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abstract fun doNotCacheIf(cachingDisabledReason: String, spec: Spec<in Task>)
Disable caching the results of the task if the given spec is satisfied.
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Registers some output file for this task.
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Registers some output files for this task.
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abstract fun getFiles(): FileCollection
Returns the output files of this task.
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abstract fun getHasOutput(): Boolean
Returns true if this task has declared any outputs.
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abstract fun upToDateWhen(upToDateClosure: Closure)
abstract fun upToDateWhen(upToDateSpec: Spec<in Task>)
Adds a predicate to determine whether previous outputs of this task can be reused.