Groovy Documentation

[Java] Class CompileOptions


public class CompileOptions
extends AbstractOptions

Main options for Java compilation.

Method Summary
CompileOptions debug(Map debugArgs)

Convenience method to set DebugOptions with named parameter syntax.

CompileOptions depend(Map dependArgs)

Convenience method to set DependOptions with named parameter syntax.

protected boolean excludeFromAntProperties(String fieldName)

CompileOptions fork(Map forkArgs)

Convenience method to set ForkOptions with named parameter syntax.

protected String getAntPropertyName(String fieldName)

protected Object getAntPropertyValue(String fieldName, Object value)

String getBootClasspath()

Returns the bootstrap classpath to be used for the compiler process.

String getCompiler()

Returns the compiler to be used.

List getCompilerArgs()

Returns any additional arguments to be passed to the compiler.

boolean getDebug()


DebugOptions getDebugOptions()

Returns options for generating debugging information.

DependOptions getDependOptions()

Returns options for using the Ant task.

String getEncoding()

Returns the character encoding to be used when reading source files.

String getExtensionDirs()

Returns the extension dirs to be used for the compiler process.

boolean getFailOnError()


ForkOptions getForkOptions()

Returns options for running the compiler in a child process.

boolean getIncludeJavaRuntime()

Tells whether the Java runtime should be put on the compile class path.

boolean getOptimize()

Tells whether to produce optimized byte code.

boolean isDebug()

Tells whether to include debugging information in the generated class files.

boolean isDeprecation()

Tells whether to log details of usage of deprecated members or classes.

boolean isFailOnError()

Tells whether to fail the build when compilation fails.

boolean isFork()

Tells whether to run the compiler in its own process.

boolean isIncludeJavaRuntime()

Tells whether the Java runtime should be put on the compile class path.

boolean isListFiles()

Tells whether to log the files to be compiled.

boolean isOptimize()

Tells whether to produce optimized byte code.

boolean isUseAnt()

Tells whether to use the Ant javac task over Gradle's own Java compiler integration.

boolean isUseDepend()

Tells whether to use the Ant task.

boolean isVerbose()

Tells whether to produce verbose output.

boolean isWarnings()

Tells whether to log warning messages.

Map optionMap()

Internal method.

void setBootClasspath(String bootClasspath)

Sets the bootstrap classpath to be used for the compiler process.

void setCompiler(String compiler)

Sets the compiler to be used.

void setCompilerArgs(List compilerArgs)

Sets any additional arguments to be passed to the compiler.

void setDebug(boolean debug)

Sets whether to include debugging information in the generated class files.

void setDebugOptions(DebugOptions debugOptions)

Sets options for generating debugging information.

void setDependOptions(DependOptions dependOptions)

Sets options for using the Ant task.

void setDeprecation(boolean deprecation)

Sets whether to log details of usage of deprecated members or classes.

void setEncoding(String encoding)

Sets the character encoding to be used when reading source files.

void setExtensionDirs(String extensionDirs)

Sets the extension dirs to be used for the compiler process.

void setFailOnError(boolean failOnError)

Sets whether to fail the build when compilation fails.

void setFork(boolean fork)

Sets whether to run the compiler in its own process.

void setForkOptions(ForkOptions forkOptions)

Sets options for running the compiler in a child process.

void setIncludeJavaRuntime(boolean includeJavaRuntime)

Sets whether the Java runtime should be put on the compile class path.

void setListFiles(boolean listFiles)

Sets whether to log the files to be compiled.

void setOptimize(boolean optimize)

Sets whether to produce optimized byte code.

void setUseAnt(boolean useAnt)

Sets whether to use the Ant javac task over Gradle's own Java compiler integration.

void setUseDepend(boolean useDepend)

Sets whether to use the Ant task.

void setVerbose(boolean verbose)

Sets whether to produce verbose output.

void setWarnings(boolean warnings)

Sets whether to log warning messages.

Methods inherited from class AbstractOptions
define, excludeFromAntProperties, getAntPropertyName, getAntPropertyValue, optionMap

Method Detail


public CompileOptions debug(Map debugArgs)
Convenience method to set DebugOptions with named parameter syntax. Calling this method will set debug to true.


public CompileOptions depend(Map dependArgs)
Convenience method to set DependOptions with named parameter syntax. Calling this method will set useDepend to true.


protected boolean excludeFromAntProperties(String fieldName)


public CompileOptions fork(Map forkArgs)
Convenience method to set ForkOptions with named parameter syntax. Calling this method will set fork to true.


protected String getAntPropertyName(String fieldName)


protected Object getAntPropertyValue(String fieldName, Object value)


public String getBootClasspath()
Returns the bootstrap classpath to be used for the compiler process. Only takes effect if fork is true. Defaults to null.


public String getCompiler()
Returns the compiler to be used. Only takes effect if useAnt is true.
use CompileOptions.forkOptions.executable instead


public List getCompilerArgs()
Returns any additional arguments to be passed to the compiler. Defaults to the empty list.


public boolean getDebug()
use isDebug()


public DebugOptions getDebugOptions()
Returns options for generating debugging information.


public DependOptions getDependOptions()
Returns options for using the Ant task.


public String getEncoding()
Returns the character encoding to be used when reading source files. Defaults to null, in which case the platform default encoding will be used.


public String getExtensionDirs()
Returns the extension dirs to be used for the compiler process. Only takes effect if fork is true. Defaults to null.


public boolean getFailOnError()
use isFailOnError()


public ForkOptions getForkOptions()
Returns options for running the compiler in a child process.


public boolean getIncludeJavaRuntime()
Tells whether the Java runtime should be put on the compile class path. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Defaults to false.
No replacement


public boolean getOptimize()
Tells whether to produce optimized byte code. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Note that this flag is ignored by Sun's javac starting with JDK 1.3.
No replacement


public boolean isDebug()
Tells whether to include debugging information in the generated class files. Defaults to true. See DebugOptions#getDebugLevel()#getDebugLevel() for which debugging information will be generated.


public boolean isDeprecation()
Tells whether to log details of usage of deprecated members or classes. Defaults to false.


public boolean isFailOnError()
Tells whether to fail the build when compilation fails. Defaults to true.


public boolean isFork()
Tells whether to run the compiler in its own process. Note that this does not necessarily mean that a new process will be created for each compile task. Defaults to false.


public boolean isIncludeJavaRuntime()
Tells whether the Java runtime should be put on the compile class path. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Defaults to false.
No replacement


public boolean isListFiles()
Tells whether to log the files to be compiled. Defaults to false.


public boolean isOptimize()
Tells whether to produce optimized byte code. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Note that this flag is ignored by Sun's javac starting with JDK 1.3.
No replacement


public boolean isUseAnt()
Tells whether to use the Ant javac task over Gradle's own Java compiler integration. Defaults to false.
No replacement


public boolean isUseDepend()
Tells whether to use the Ant task. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Defaults to false.


public boolean isVerbose()
Tells whether to produce verbose output. Defaults to false.


public boolean isWarnings()
Tells whether to log warning messages. The default is true.


public Map optionMap()
Internal method.


public void setBootClasspath(String bootClasspath)
Sets the bootstrap classpath to be used for the compiler process. Only takes effect if fork is true. Defaults to null.


public void setCompiler(String compiler)
Sets the compiler to be used. Only takes effect if useAnt is true.
use CompileOptions.forkOptions.executable instead


public void setCompilerArgs(List compilerArgs)
Sets any additional arguments to be passed to the compiler. Defaults to the empty list.


public void setDebug(boolean debug)
Sets whether to include debugging information in the generated class files. Defaults to true. See DebugOptions#getDebugLevel()#getDebugLevel() for which debugging information will be generated.


public void setDebugOptions(DebugOptions debugOptions)
Sets options for generating debugging information.


public void setDependOptions(DependOptions dependOptions)
Sets options for using the Ant task.


public void setDeprecation(boolean deprecation)
Sets whether to log details of usage of deprecated members or classes. Defaults to false.


public void setEncoding(String encoding)
Sets the character encoding to be used when reading source files. Defaults to null, in which case the platform default encoding will be used.


public void setExtensionDirs(String extensionDirs)
Sets the extension dirs to be used for the compiler process. Only takes effect if fork is true. Defaults to null.


public void setFailOnError(boolean failOnError)
Sets whether to fail the build when compilation fails. Defaults to true.


public void setFork(boolean fork)
Sets whether to run the compiler in its own process. Note that this does not necessarily mean that a new process will be created for each compile task. Defaults to false.


public void setForkOptions(ForkOptions forkOptions)
Sets options for running the compiler in a child process.


public void setIncludeJavaRuntime(boolean includeJavaRuntime)
Sets whether the Java runtime should be put on the compile class path. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Defaults to false.
No replacement


public void setListFiles(boolean listFiles)
Sets whether to log the files to be compiled. Defaults to false.


public void setOptimize(boolean optimize)
Sets whether to produce optimized byte code. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Note that this flag is ignored by Sun's javac starting with JDK 1.3.
No replacement


public void setUseAnt(boolean useAnt)
Sets whether to use the Ant javac task over Gradle's own Java compiler integration. Defaults to false.
No replacement


public void setUseDepend(boolean useDepend)
Sets whether to use the Ant task. Only takes effect if useAnt is true. Defaults to false.


public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
Sets whether to produce verbose output. Defaults to false.


public void setWarnings(boolean warnings)
Sets whether to log warning messages. The default is true.


Gradle API 1.8