Groovy Documentation

[Java] Interface DomainObjectCollection

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DomainObjectCollection
extends Collection

A DomainObjectCollection is a specialised Collection that adds the ability to modification notifications and live filtered sub collections.

The filtered collections returned by the filtering methods, such as matching(Closure), return collections that are live. That is, they reflect changes made to the source collection that they were created from. This is true for filtered collections made from filtered collections etc.

You can also add actions which are executed as elements are added to the collection. Actions added to filtered collections will be fired if an addition/removal occurs for the source collection that matches the filter.

- The type of domain objects in this collection.

Method Summary
void all(Action action)

Executes the given action against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.

void all(Closure action)

Executes the given closure against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.

Collection findAll(Closure spec)

Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification.

DomainObjectCollection matching(Spec spec)

Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given specification.

DomainObjectCollection matching(Closure spec)

Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification.

Action whenObjectAdded(Action action)

Adds an Action to be executed when an object is added to this collection.

void whenObjectAdded(Closure action)

Adds a closure to be called when an object is added to this collection.

Action whenObjectRemoved(Action action)

Adds an Action to be executed when an object is removed from this collection.

void whenObjectRemoved(Closure action)

Adds a closure to be called when an object is removed from this collection.

DomainObjectCollection withType(Class type)

Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type.

DomainObjectCollection withType(Class type, Action configureAction)

Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type.

DomainObjectCollection withType(Class type, Closure configureClosure)

Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type.

Methods inherited from interface Collection
add, equals, hashCode, clear, contains, isEmpty, size, toArray, toArray, addAll, iterator, remove, containsAll, removeAll, retainAll
Methods inherited from class Object
wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail


public void all(Action action)
Executes the given action against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.
action - The action to be executed


public void all(Closure action)
Executes the given closure against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection. The object is passed to the closure as the closure delegate. Alternatively, it is also passed as a parameter.
action - The action to be executed


public Collection findAll(Closure spec)
Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification.
spec - The specification to use. The closure gets a collection element as an argument.
The collection of matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.


public DomainObjectCollection matching(Spec spec)
Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given specification. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.
spec - The specification to use.
The collection of matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.


public DomainObjectCollection matching(Closure spec)
Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.
spec - The specification to use. The closure gets a collection element as an argument.
The collection of matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.


public Action whenObjectAdded(Action action)
Adds an Action to be executed when an object is added to this collection.
action - The action to be executed
the supplied action


public void whenObjectAdded(Closure action)
Adds a closure to be called when an object is added to this collection. The newly added object is passed to the closure as the parameter.
action - The closure to be called


public Action whenObjectRemoved(Action action)
Adds an Action to be executed when an object is removed from this collection.
action - The action to be executed
the supplied action


public void whenObjectRemoved(Closure action)
Adds a closure to be called when an object is removed from this collection. The removed object is passed to the closure as the parameter.
action - The closure to be called


public DomainObjectCollection withType(Class type)
Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are later added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.
type - The type of objects to find.
The matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.


public DomainObjectCollection withType(Class type, Action configureAction)
Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type. Equivalent to calling withType(type).all(configureAction)
type - The type of objects to find.
configureAction - The action to execute for each object in the resulting collection.
The matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.


public DomainObjectCollection withType(Class type, Closure configureClosure)
Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type. Equivalent to calling withType(type).all(configureClosure).
type - The type of objects to find.
configureClosure - The closure to execute for each object in the resulting collection.
The matching objects. Returns an empty collection if there are no such objects in this collection.


Gradle API 1.8