Groovy Documentation

Package org.gradle.api.publish.ivy

Types that deal with publishing in the Ivy format.


Interface Summary
IvyArtifact An artifact published as part of a IvyPublication.
IvyArtifactSet A Collection of IvyArtifacts to be included in an IvyPublication.
IvyConfiguration A configuration included in an IvyPublication, which will be published in the ivy descriptor file generated.
IvyConfigurationContainer The set of IvyConfigurations that will be included in the IvyPublication.
IvyDependency A module dependency declared in an ivy dependency descriptor published as part of an IvyPublication.
IvyModuleDescriptor The descriptor of any Ivy publication.
IvyPublication A IvyPublication is the representation/configuration of how Gradle should publish something in Ivy format, to an Ivy repository.

Exception Summary
InvalidIvyPublicationException Thrown when attempting to publish with an invalid IvyPublication.

Gradle API 1.7