Groovy Documentation

[Groovy] Interface SignatoryProvider

interface SignatoryProvider

Provides implementations of signatory implementations for a project.

Method Summary
void configure(SigningExtension settings, Closure closure)

Evaluates the given DSL-containing-closure as signatory configuration.

Object getDefaultSignatory(Project project)

Object getSignatory(String name)

Retrieves the signatory with the given name.


Method Detail


void configure(SigningExtension settings, Closure closure)
Evaluates the given DSL-containing-closure as signatory configuration.
settings - The signing settings for the project the configure is happening for


Object getDefaultSignatory(Project project)

Attempts to create a signatory for the project that will be used everywhere something is to be signed and an explicit signatory has not been set (for the task/operation).

This may be called multiple times and the implementor is free to return a different instance if the project state has changed in someway that influences the default signatory.

project - The project which the signatory is for
The signatory, or null if there is insufficient information available to create one.


Object getSignatory(String name)
Retrieves the signatory with the given name.
name - The desired signatory's name.
The signatory with the given name if found, or null if no signatory is found with this name.


Gradle API 1.4