Groovy Documentation

[Java] Interface ArtifactIdentifier

public interface ArtifactIdentifier

The identifier for a module artifact.

Method Summary
String getClassifier()

Returns the classifier of this dependency artifact.

String getExtension()

Returns the extension of this dependency artifact.

ModuleVersionIdentifier getModuleVersionIdentifier()

Returns the identifier of the module that owns this artifact.

String getName()

Returns the name of the dependency artifact.

String getType()

Returns the type of the dependency artifact.


Method Detail


public String getClassifier()
Returns the classifier of this dependency artifact.


public String getExtension()
Returns the extension of this dependency artifact. Often the extension is the same as the type, but sometimes this is not the case. For example for an ivy xml module descriptor, the type is ivy and the extension is xml.
See Also:


public ModuleVersionIdentifier getModuleVersionIdentifier()
Returns the identifier of the module that owns this artifact.


public String getName()
Returns the name of the dependency artifact.


public String getType()
Returns the type of the dependency artifact. Often the type is the same as the extension, but sometimes this is not the case. For example for an ivy xml module descriptor, the type is ivy and the extension is xml.
See Also:


Gradle API 1.2