Groovy Documentation

[Java] Interface EarModule

public interface EarModule

A module element in a deployment descriptor like application.xml.

David Gileadi

Method Summary
String getAltDeployDescriptor()

The alt-dd element specifies an optional URI to the post-assembly version of the deployment descriptor file for a particular Java EE module.

String getPath()

The connector element specifies the URI of an archive file, relative to the top level of the application package.

void setAltDeployDescriptor(String altDeployDescriptor)

void setPath(String path)

Node toXmlNode(Node parentModule, Object name)

Convert this object to an XML Node (or two nodes if altDeployDescriptor is not null).


Method Detail


public String getAltDeployDescriptor()
The alt-dd element specifies an optional URI to the post-assembly version of the deployment descriptor file for a particular Java EE module. The URI must specify the full pathname of the deployment descriptor file relative to the application's root directory. If alt-dd is not specified, the deployer must read the deployment descriptor from the default location and file name required by the respective component specification.


public String getPath()
The connector element specifies the URI of an archive file, relative to the top level of the application package.


public void setAltDeployDescriptor(String altDeployDescriptor)


public void setPath(String path)


public Node toXmlNode(Node parentModule, Object name)
Convert this object to an XML Node (or two nodes if altDeployDescriptor is not null).
parentModule - The parent <module> node to add this node to.
name - The name of this node.
The new node. If an <alt-dd> node is created it is not returned.


Gradle API 1.0-milestone-9