Groovy Documentation

[Groovy] Class SonarProject


class SonarProject

Per-project configuration options.

Property Summary
File baseDir

The base directory for the analysis.

List binaryDirs

The directories containing the project's compiled code to be analyzed.

File cloverReportPath

The Clover XML report file.

File coberturaReportPath

The Cobertura XML report file.

String date

The date when analysis was performed.

String description

A description for the project.

String dynamicAnalysis

Whether and how to perform dynamic analysis.

boolean importSources

Tells whether to the project's source code should be stored and made available via the Sonar web interface.

SonarJavaSettings java

Java-related configuration options.

String key

The identifier for the project.

String language

The programming language to be analyzed.

FileCollection libraries

A class path containing the libraries used by this project.

String name

The name for the project.

List propertyProcessors

Post-processors for per-project Sonar properties.

boolean skip

Tells whether to skip analysis of this project.

boolean skipDesignAnalysis

Tells whether to skip analysis of the project's design.

List sourceDirs

The directories containing the project's production source code to be analyzed.

String sourceEncoding

The character encoding for the project's source files.

String sourceExclusions

Source files to be excluded from analysis.

List testDirs

The directories containing the project's test source code to be analyzed.

File testReportPath

The directory containing the JUnit XML test report.

String version

The version of the project.

File workDir

The working directory for the analysis.

Method Summary
void java(Closure config)

Configures Java-related configuration options.

void withProjectProperties(Closure block)

Registers a closure for post-processing the per-project Sonar properties covered by SonarProjectModel, and for adding further properties not covered by that model.

Methods inherited from class Object
wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Property Detail


File baseDir
The base directory for the analysis. Defaults to $project.projectDir.


List binaryDirs
The directories containing the project's compiled code to be analyzed. Defaults to main.output.classesDir.


File cloverReportPath
The Clover XML report file. Defaults to null.


File coberturaReportPath
The Cobertura XML report file. Defaults to null.


String date
The date when analysis was performed. Format is yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 2010-12-25). Defaults to the current date.


String description
A description for the project. Defaults to $project.description.


String dynamicAnalysis
Whether and how to perform dynamic analysis. Dynamic analysis includes the analysis of test and code coverage reports. The following values are allowed: Defaults to reuseReports.


boolean importSources
Tells whether to the project's source code should be stored and made available via the Sonar web interface. Defaults to true.


SonarJavaSettings java
Java-related configuration options.


String key
The identifier for the project. Defaults to $$


String language
The programming language to be analyzed. Only one language per project can be analyzed. Defaults to java.


FileCollection libraries
A class path containing the libraries used by this project. Defaults to project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + Jvm.current().runtimeJar.


String name
The name for the project. Defaults to $


List propertyProcessors
Post-processors for per-project Sonar properties.
See Also:


boolean skip
Tells whether to skip analysis of this project. Allows to only analyze a subset of projects in a Gradle build. Defaults to false.


boolean skipDesignAnalysis
Tells whether to skip analysis of the project's design. Defaults to false.


List sourceDirs
The directories containing the project's production source code to be analyzed. Defaults to project.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs.


String sourceEncoding
The character encoding for the project's source files. Accepts the same values as Charset (e.g. UTF-8, MacRoman, Shift_JIS). Defaults to the JVM's platform encoding.


String sourceExclusions
Source files to be excluded from analysis. Specified as comma-separated list of Ant-style patterns which are relative to a source directory.

Example: com/mycompany/*/.java, **/*

Defaults to null.


List testDirs
The directories containing the project's test source code to be analyzed. Defaults to project.sourceSets.test.allSource.srcDirs.


File testReportPath
The directory containing the JUnit XML test report. Defaults to project.test.testResultsDir.


String version
The version of the project. Defaults to $project.version.


File workDir
The working directory for the analysis. Defaults to $project.buildDir/sonar.

Method Detail


void java(Closure config)
Configures Java-related configuration options. The specified closure delegates to an instance of type SonarJavaSettings.
config - Java-related configuration options


void withProjectProperties(Closure block)
Registers a closure for post-processing the per-project Sonar properties covered by SonarProjectModel, and for adding further properties not covered by that model. The properties are passed to the closure as a map of String keys and values. Keys correspond to the Sonar properties as described in the Sonar documentation.

Evaluation of the closure is deferred until build execution time. If this method is called multiple times, closures will be evaluated in the order they have been registered.


 withProjectProperties { props ->
     // add further properties
     props[""] = "some value"
     props[""] = "another value"

     // modify existing properties (rarely necessary)
     props["sonar.sourceEncoding"] = "UTF-8"
block - a closure for post-processing per-project Sonar properties


Gradle API 1.0-milestone-9