Groovy Documentation
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


absolutePath(String) - Method in Project

Converts a name to an absolute project path, resolving names relative to this project.

absoluteProjectPath(String) - Method in Project

Converts a name to an absolute project path, resolving names relative to this project.

AbstractArchiveTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
AbstractArchiveTask is the base class for all archive tasks.
AbstractClasspathEntry - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
AbstractClasspathEntry(String, boolean, String, Set) - Constructor in AbstractClasspathEntry
AbstractCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
The base class for all JVM-based language compilation tasks.
AbstractCopyTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
AbstractCopyTask is the base class for all copy tasks.
AbstractJettyRunTask - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
Base class for all tasks which deploy a web application to an embedded Jetty web container.
AbstractLibrary - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
AbstractLibrary(String, boolean, String, Set, String, String) - Constructor in AbstractLibrary
AbstractOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
@author Hans Dockter
AbstractReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
The base class for all project report tasks.
AbstractReportTask() - Constructor in AbstractReportTask
accept(Artifact, File) - Method in PublishFilter
AccessRule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
AccessRule(def, def) - Constructor in AccessRule
Action - Interface in org.gradle.api
Performs some action against objects of type T.
add(String, Closure) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
Adds a configuration with the given name.
add(String, Object, Closure) - Method in DependencyHandler
Adds a dependency to the given configuration, and configures the dependency using the given closure.
add(Map) - Method in ExcludeRuleContainer
Adds an exclude rule to this container.
add(FileCollection) - Method in FileCollection

Adds another collection to this collection.

add(Object, Closure) - Method in ResolverContainer
Adds a resolver to this container, at the end of the resolver sequence.
add(String, Closure) - Method in SourceSetContainer
Adds a source set with the given name.
add(String, Class) - Method in TaskContainer

Creates a Task with the given name and type, and adds it to this container.

addAfter(Object, String, Closure) - Method in ResolverContainer
Adds a resolver to this container, after the given resolver.
addArtifact(PublishArtifact) - Method in Configuration
Adds an artifact to be published to this configuration.
addArtifact(PublishArtifact) - Method in MavenDeployment
Adds an additional artifact to this deployment.
addArtifact(DependencyArtifact) - Method in ModuleDependency

Adds an artifact to this dependency.

addBefore(Object, String, Closure) - Method in ResolverContainer
Adds a resolver to this container, before the given resolver.
addBooleanOption(String, boolean) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addBuildListener(BuildListener) - Method in Gradle

Adds a BuildListener to this Build instance.

addClasspathEntry(Node, Map) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
addDependency(ModuleDependency) - Method in ClientModule
Add a dependency to the client module.
addDependency(Dependency) - Method in Configuration
Adds a dependency to this configuration.
addEnumOption(String, T) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addFileOption(String, File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addFilter(String, Closure) - Method in PomFilterContainer
Adds a publish filter.
addFirst(Object, Closure) - Method in ResolverContainer
Adds a resolver to this container, at the start of the resolver sequence.
addInitScript(File) - Method in StartParameter
Adds the given file to the list of init scripts that are run before the build starts.
addListener(Object) - Method in Gradle
Adds the given listener to this build.
addListener(Object) - Method in GradleLauncher

Adds a listener to this build instance.

addMapping(int, Configuration, String) - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer

Specifies that dependencies of a certain configuration should be mapped against a certain Maven scope.

addMultilineStringsOption(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addOption(JavadocOptionFileOption) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addPathOption(String, String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addPathVariable(String, File) - Method in PathFactory
addProjectEvaluationListener(ProjectEvaluationListener) - Method in Gradle
Adds a listener to this build, to receive notifications as projects are evaluated.
addProtocolProviderJars(Collection) - Method in MavenDeployer
Out of the box only uploading to the filesysten and via http is supported.
addRule(String, Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectContainer
Adds a rule to this container.
addStandardErrorListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in GradleLauncher

Adds a StandardOutputListener to this build instance.

addStandardErrorListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
Adds a listener which receives output written to standard error by the Gradle logging system.
addStandardOutputListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in GradleLauncher

Adds a StandardOutputListener to this build instance.

addStandardOutputListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
Adds a listener which receives output written to standard output by the Gradle logging system.
addStringOption(String, String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addStringsOption(String, String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
addTaskExecutionGraphListener(TaskExecutionGraphListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Adds a listener to this graph, to be notified when this graph is ready.

addTaskExecutionListener(TaskExecutionListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Adds a listener to this graph, to be notified as tasks are executed.

addTestListener(TestListener) - Method in Test
Registers a test listener with this task.
addToAntBuilder(def, String) - Method in AntBuilderAware
addToAntBuilder(Object, String) - Method in FileCollection
Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node.
addToAntBuilder(Object, String) - Method in IntersectionPatternSet
addToAntBuilder(def, String) - Method in PatternSet
addToNode(Node) - Method in Dependency
addToNode(Node) - Method in ModuleDependency
addToNode(Node) - Method in ModuleLibrary
addValueToMapIfNotNull(Map, Field) - Method in AbstractOptions
afterActions(Task) - Method in TaskActionListener
This method is called immediately after the task has completed performing its actions.
afterConfigured - Field in GeneratorTask
afterEvaluate(Closure) - Method in Project

Adds a closure to be called immediately after this project has been evaluated.

afterEvaluate(Project, ProjectState) - Method in ProjectEvaluationListener

This method is called when a project has been evaluated, and before the evaluated project is made available to other projects.

afterExecute(Task, TaskState) - Method in TaskExecutionListener
This method is call immediately after a task has been executed.
afterExecute(Task, TaskState) - Method in TaskExecutionLogger
afterProject(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called immediately after a project is evaluated.
afterSuite(Closure) - Method in Test

Adds a closure to be notified after a test suite has executed.

afterSuite(TestDescriptor, TestResult) - Method in TestListener
Called after a test suite is finished.
afterTask(Closure) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Adds a closure to be called immediately after a task has executed.

afterTest(Closure) - Method in Test
Adds a closure to be notified after a test has executed.
afterTest(TestDescriptor, TestResult) - Method in TestListener
Called after a test is finished.
all(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Executes the given closure against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.
allObjects(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Executes the given closure against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.
allPlugins(Closure) - Method in PluginCollection
Executes the given closure against all plugins in this collection, and any plugins subsequently added to this collection.
allprojects(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures this project and each of its sub-projects.

allTasks(Closure) - Method in TaskCollection
Executes the given closure against all tasks in this collection, and any tasks subsequently added to this collection.
ALWAYS_ACCEPT - Field in PublishFilter
and(Closure) - Method in AndSpec
and(Spec) - Method in Specs
AndSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
A CompositeSpec which requires all its specs to be true in order to evaluate to true.
AndSpec(Iterable) - Constructor in AndSpec
announce(String, String) - Method in AnnouncePluginConvention
Sends an announcement of the given type.
AnnouncePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
This plugin allows to send announce messages to Twitter.
AnnouncePluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
AnnouncePluginConvention(def) - Constructor in AnnouncePluginConvention
Announcer - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
An Announcer allows messages to be sent.
ANT_IVY_2_SLF4J_LEVEL_MAPPER - Field in Logging
ant(Closure) - Method in Project

Executes the given closure against the AntBuilder for this project.

AntBuilder - Class in org.gradle.api

An AntBuilder allows you to use Ant from your build script.

AntBuilderAware - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
An AntBuilderAware represents an object which can add itself to Ant tasks, using an AntBuilder.
AntGroovydoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
@author Hans Dockter
AntGroovydoc(IsolatedAntBuilder, ClassPathRegistry) - Constructor in AntGroovydoc
AntJavadoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
@author Hans Dockter
antlr(Closure) - Method in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
Configures the Antlr source for this set.
AntlrPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr
A plugin for adding Antlr support to java projects.
AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr
Contract for a Gradle "convention object" that acts as a handler for what I call a virtual directory mapping, injecting a virtual directory named 'antlr' into the project's various source.
AntlrTask - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr

Generates parsers from Antlr grammars.

AntScalaDoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
AntScalaDoc(IsolatedAntBuilder, Iterable, Iterable) - Constructor in AntScalaDoc
AntTarget - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.ant
A task which executes an Ant target.
AntTarget() - Constructor in AntTarget
append(boolean, String) - Method in RelativePath
Appends the given names to the end of this path.
appendNode(Node) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
appendNode(Node) - Method in AbstractLibrary
appendNode(Node) - Method in ClasspathEntry
appendNode(Node) - Method in Facet
appendNode(Node) - Method in Output
appendNode(Node) - Method in SourceFolder
appendNode(Node) - Method in WbDependentModule
appendNode(Node) - Method in WbProperty
appendNode(Node) - Method in WbResource
APPLICATION_GROUP - Field in ApplicationPlugin
APPLICATION_PLUGIN_NAME - Field in ApplicationPlugin
ApplicationPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which runs a project as a Java Application.

ApplicationPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Convention used for the ApplicationPlugin.

ApplicationPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in ApplicationPluginConvention
apply(Project) - Method in AnnouncePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in AntlrPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in ApplicationPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in BasePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in CodeQualityPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in GroovyBasePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in GroovyPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in JavaBasePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in JavaPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in JettyPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in MavenPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in OsgiPlugin
apply(T) - Method in Plugin
Apply this plugin to the given target object.
apply(Class) - Method in PluginContainer
Applies a plugin to the project.
apply(Map) - Method in Project

Configures this project using plugins or scripts.

apply(Project) - Method in ProjectReportsPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in ReportingBasePlugin
apply(String) - Method in Rule
Applies this rule for the given unknown domain object.
apply(Project) - Method in ScalaBasePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in ScalaPlugin
apply(Map) - Method in Script

Configures the delegate object for this script using plugins or scripts.

apply(Project) - Method in SonarPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in WarPlugin
applyJettyXml() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
applyJettyXml() - Method in JettyRun
applyJettyXml() - Method in JettyRunWar
args(Iterable) - Method in Exec
args(Iterable) - Method in ExecSpec
Adds arguments for the command to be executed.
args(Iterable) - Method in JavaExec
args(Iterable) - Method in JavaExecSpec
Adds args for the main class to be executed.
artifact(Closure) - Method in ModuleDependency

Adds an artifact to this dependency.

ArtifactHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
This class is for creating publish artifacts and adding them to configurations.
artifacts(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures the published artifacts for this project.

asElement() - Method in XmlProvider
Returns the XML document as a DOM org.w3c.dom.Element.
asNode() - Method in XmlProvider
Returns the XML document as a Groovy groovy.util.Node.
ASSEMBLE_TASK_NAME - Field in BasePlugin
assertNormalExitValue() - Method in ExecResult
Throws an org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException if the process exited with a non-zero exit value.
asString() - Method in XmlProvider
Returns the XML document as a java.lang.StringBuilder.
asType(Class) - Method in FileCollection

Converts this collection into an object of the specified type.

Attributes - Interface in
Represent the attributes of a manifest section.
attributes(Map, String) - Method in Manifest
Adds content to the given section of the manifest.
author() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions


BaseExecSpec - Interface in org.gradle.process
Specifies options for launching a child process.
BasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which defines a basic project lifecycle and some common convention properties.

BasePluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
BasePluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in BasePluginConvention
beforeActions(Task) - Method in TaskActionListener
This method is called immediately before the task starts performing its actions.
beforeConfigured - Field in GeneratorTask
beforeDeployment(Closure) - Method in MavenResolver
Adds a closure to be executed immediately before a deployment to this resolver.
beforeEvaluate(Closure) - Method in Project

Adds a closure to be called immediately before this project is evaluated.

beforeEvaluate(Project) - Method in ProjectEvaluationListener
This method is called immediately before a project is evaluated.
beforeExecute(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionListener
This method is called immediately before a task is executed.
beforeExecute(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionLogger
beforeMerged(Closure) - Method in IdeaModuleIml
Adds a closure to be called after *.iml content is loaded from existing file but before gradle build information is merged

This is advanced api that gives access to internal implementation of idea plugin.

beforeProject(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called immediately before a project is evaluated.
beforeSuite(Closure) - Method in Test

Adds a closure to be notified before a test suite is executed.

beforeSuite(TestDescriptor) - Method in TestListener
Called before a test suite is started.
beforeTask(Closure) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Adds a closure to be called immediately before a task is executed.

beforeTest(Closure) - Method in Test
Adds a closure to be notified before a test is executed.
beforeTest(TestDescriptor) - Method in TestListener
Called before a test is started.
bootClasspath(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
bootClasspath(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
bootstrapClasspath(Object) - Method in JavaExec
bootstrapClasspath(Object) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Adds the given values to the end of the bootstrap classpath for the process.
bootstrapClasspath(Object) - Method in Test
bottom(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
breakIterator() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
breakIterator() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
BUILD_GROUP - Field in BasePlugin
BUILD_NEEDED_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
build() - Method in ProjectBuilder
Creates the project.
BUILD_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
Buildable - Interface in org.gradle.api
A Buildable represents an artifact or set of artifacts which are built by one or more Task instances.
BuildableProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
Represents a project which has Gradle tasks associated with it.
BuildAdapter - Class in org.gradle
A BuildListener adapter class for receiving build events.
BuildCommand - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
BuildCommand(String, Map) - Constructor in BuildCommand
buildCommand(String) - Method in EclipseProject
Adds a build command to the eclipse project.
builder() - Method in ProjectBuilder
Creates a project builder.
BuildException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
Thrown when a Gradle build fails, or when a model cannot be built.
BuildException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in BuildException
BuildExceptionReporter - Class in org.gradle
A BuildListener which reports the build exception, if any.
BuildExceptionReporter.FailureDetails(Throwable) - Constructor in BuildExceptionReporter.FailureDetails
BuildExceptionReporter.RecordingStyledTextOutput.ChangeStyleAction(Style) - Constructor in BuildExceptionReporter.RecordingStyledTextOutput.ChangeStyleAction
BuildExceptionReporter(StyledTextOutputFactory, StartParameter, BuildClientMetaData) - Constructor in BuildExceptionReporter
buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildAdapter
buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter
buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildListener

Called when the build is completed.

buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildLogger
buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildResultLogger
buildFinished(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called when the build is completed.
BuildLauncher - Interface in org.gradle.tooling

A BuildLauncher allows you to configure and execute a Gradle build.

BuildListener - Interface in org.gradle

A BuildListener is notified of the major lifecycle events as a GradleLauncher instance executes a build.

BuildLogger - Class in org.gradle
A BuildListener which logs the build progress.
BuildLogger(Logger, StyledTextOutputFactory, StartParameter, BuildRequestMetaData) - Constructor in BuildLogger
BuildResult - Class in org.gradle

A BuildResult packages up the results of a build executed by a GradleLauncher instance.

BuildResult(Gradle, Throwable) - Constructor in BuildResult
BuildResultLogger - Class in org.gradle
A BuildListener which logs the final result of the build.
BuildResultLogger(StyledTextOutputFactory, Clock) - Constructor in BuildResultLogger
buildscript(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures the build script classpath for this project.

buildscript(Closure) - Method in Script
Configures the classpath for this script.
buildStarted(Gradle) - Method in BuildAdapter
buildStarted(Gradle) - Method in BuildListener

Called when the build is started.

buildStarted(Gradle) - Method in BuildLogger
buildStarted(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called when the build is started.
builtBy(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
Registers some tasks which build the files of this collection.
builtBy(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
Registers some tasks which build the files of this collection.


CacheUsage - Enum in org.gradle

CacheUsage specifies how compiled scripts should be cached.

captureStandardError(LogLevel) - Method in LoggingManager
Requests that output written to System.err be routed to Gradle's logging system.
captureStandardOutput(LogLevel) - Method in LoggingManager
Requests that output written to System.out be routed to Gradle's logging system.
captureStandardOutput(LogLevel) - Method in Project

Starts redirection of standard output during to the logging system during project evaluation.

captureStandardOutput(LogLevel) - Method in Script

Starts redirection of standard output during to the logging system during script execution.

captureStandardOutput(LogLevel) - Method in Task

Enables redirection of standard output during task execution to the logging system.

charSet(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
check() - Method in Checkstyle
check() - Method in CodeNarc
CHECK_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
Checkstyle - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
Runs Checkstyle against some source files.
childrenDependOnMe() - Method in Project

Declares that all child projects of this project have an execution dependency on this project.

CircularReferenceException - Class in org.gradle.api

A CircularReferenceException is thrown if circular references exists between tasks, the project evaluation order or the project dependsOn order.

CircularReferenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in CircularReferenceException
CLASSES_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
CLASSIFIER - Field in Dependency
Classpath - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
Represents the customizable elements of an eclipse classpath file.
Classpath() - Constructor in Classpath
The name of the configuration used to assemble the script classpath.
classpath(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
classpath(Object) - Method in JavaExec
classpath(Object) - Method in JavaExecSpec
Adds elements to the classpath for executing the main class.
classpath(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
classpath(Object) - Method in War
Adds files to the classpath to include in the WAR archive.
ClasspathEntry - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
Represents an entry in the Eclipse classpath.
clean() - Method in Delete
CLEAN_TASK_NAME - Field in BasePlugin
CLIENT_MODULE_KEY - Field in ClientModule
ClientModule - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
To model a module in your dependency declarations.
close() - Method in ProjectConnection
Closes this connection.
CodeNarc - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
Runs CodeNarc against some source files.
CodeQualityPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
A Plugin which measures and enforces code quality for Java and Groovy projects.
commandLine(Iterable) - Method in Exec
commandLine(Iterable) - Method in ExecSpec
Sets the full command line, including the executable to be executed plus its arguments.
CommandLineArgumentException - Class in org.gradle
A CommandLineArgumentException is thrown when command-line arguments cannot be parsed.
CommandLineArgumentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in CommandLineArgumentException
Compile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
Compiles Java source files.
compile() - Method in AbstractCompile
Compile() - Constructor in Compile
COMPILE - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
compile() - Method in GroovyCompile
COMPILE_JAVA_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
COMPILE_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
compile() - Method in ScalaCompile
compiledBy(Object) - Method in SourceSet
Registers a set of tasks which are responsible for compiling this source set into the classes directory.
CompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
@author Hans Dockter
CompositeSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
A Spec which aggregates a sequence of other Spec instances.
CompositeSpec(Iterable) - Constructor in CompositeSpec
Compression - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
Specifies the compression which should be applied to a TAR archive.
Conf2ScopeMapping - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
An immutable mapping to map a dependency configuration to a Maven scope.
Conf2ScopeMapping(Integer, Configuration, String) - Constructor in Conf2ScopeMapping
Constructs a Conf2ScopeMapping.
Conf2ScopeMappingContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Defines a set of rules for how to map the Gradle dependencies to a pom.
ConfigurableFileCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

A ConfigurableFileCollection is a mutable FileCollection.

ConfigurableFileTree - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

A FileTree with a single base directory, which can be configured and modified.

Configuration - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A Configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies.

Configuration.State - Enum in org.gradle.api.artifacts
The states a configuration can be into.
ConfigurationContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A ConfigurationContainer is responsible for managing a set of Configuration instances.

configurations(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures the dependency configurations for this project.

configure(List) - Method in Classpath
configure(Classpath) - Method in EclipseClasspath
configure() - Method in EclipseConfigurer
configure(Project) - Method in EclipseProject
configure(WtpComponent) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
configure(WtpFacet) - Method in EclipseWtpFacet
configure(Module) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
configure(Project) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
configure(Workspace) - Method in GenerateIdeaWorkspace
configure(Project) - Method in IdeaConfigurer
configure(Path, Set, Set, Set, Boolean, Path, Path, Set, String) - Method in Module
configure(Iterable, Action) - Method in Project
Configures a collection of objects via an action.
configure(Closure) - Method in Task

Applies the statements of the closure against this task object.

configure(String, String, List) - Method in WtpComponent
configure(List) - Method in WtpFacet
configure(T) - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
configureConfigurations(ConfigurationContainer) - Method in WarPlugin
configureDomainObject() - Method in GeneratorTask
configureEclipseConfigurer(Project) - Method in EclipsePlugin
configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, AbstractCompile) - Method in JavaBasePlugin
configureRootSpec() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
configureRootSpec() - Method in Copy
configureScanner() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
configureScanner() - Method in JettyRun
configureScanner() - Method in JettyRunWar
configureWebApplication() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Subclasses should invoke this to setup basic info on the webapp.
configureWebApplication() - Method in JettyRun
configureWebApplication() - Method in JettyRunWar
connect() - Method in GradleConnector
Creates a connection to the project in the specified project directory.
consoleScanner - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
A scanner to check ENTER hits on the console.
Container - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
Container(String, boolean, String, Set) - Constructor in Container
container(Class, Closure) - Method in Project
Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type.
containers(String) - Method in EclipseClasspath
Adds containers to the .classpath.
contains(File) - Method in FileCollection
Determines whether this collection contains the given file.
contentEquals(Dependency) - Method in Dependency
Returns whether two dependencies have identical values for their properties.
ContentFilterable - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
Represents some binary resource whose content can be filtered.
contributeCommandLineOptions(ExecSpec) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
contributeCommandLineOptions(ExecSpec) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
Convention - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Convention manages a set of convention objects.

ConventionValue - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
A ConventionValue can be assigned to a org.gradle.api.internal.IConventionAware task.
convertClosureToSpec(Closure) - Method in Specs
Copy - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Copies files into a destination directory.
copy() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
copy() - Method in ClientModule
copy(Closure) - Method in Configuration
Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
Copy() - Constructor in Copy
copy() - Method in Dependency
Creates and returns a new dependency with the property values of this one.
copy() - Method in ExternalDependency
copy() - Method in ExternalModuleDependency
copy() - Method in ModuleDependency
copy(Closure) - Method in Project
Copies the specified files.
copy() - Method in ProjectDependency
copy(Closure) - Method in Script
Copy the specified files.
copyFrom(PatternFilterable) - Method in PatternSet
CopyProcessingSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
Specifies the destination of a copy.
copyRecursive(Closure) - Method in Configuration
Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
CopySourceSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
Specifies sources for a file copy.
CopySpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
A set of specifications for copying files.
copySpec(Closure) - Method in Project
Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
copySpec(Closure) - Method in Script
Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
copyTo(ProcessForkOptions) - Method in Exec
copyTo(File) - Method in FileTreeElement
Copies this file to the given target file.
copyTo(ProcessForkOptions) - Method in JavaExec
copyTo(JavaForkOptions) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Copies these options to the given options.
copyTo(ProcessForkOptions) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Copies these options to the given target options.
copyTo(JavaForkOptions) - Method in Test
CoreJavadocOptions - Class in org.gradle.external.javadoc
Provides the core Javadoc Options.
CoreJavadocOptions(JavadocOptionFile) - Constructor in CoreJavadocOptions
create() - Method in EclipseClasspath
create() - Method in EclipseProject
create() - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
create() - Method in EclipseWtpFacet
create() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
create() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
create() - Method in GenerateIdeaWorkspace
create(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectFactory
Creates a new object with the given name.
create() - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
createAntBuilder() - Method in Project

Creates an additional AntBuilder for this project.

createArtifactPomContainer(MavenPomMetaInfoProvider, PomFilterContainer, ArtifactPomFactory) - Method in MavenFactory
createArtifactPomFactory() - Method in MavenFactory
createConf2ScopeMappingContainer(Map) - Method in MavenFactory
createConnectionFactory() - Method in GradleConnector.ConnectorServiceRegistry
createDistributionFactory() - Method in GradleConnector.ConnectorServiceRegistry
createExcludeRuleConverter() - Method in MavenFactory
createGroovyMavenDeployer(String, PomFilterContainer, ArtifactPomContainer, LoggingManagerInternal) - Method in MavenFactory
createLocalMavenCacheLocator() - Method in MavenFactory
createMavenInstaller(String, PomFilterContainer, ArtifactPomContainer, LoggingManagerInternal) - Method in MavenFactory
createMavenPomFactory(ConfigurationContainer, Conf2ScopeMappingContainer, PomDependenciesConverter, FileResolver) - Method in MavenFactory
createPomDependenciesConverter(ExcludeRuleConverter) - Method in MavenFactory
createPomFilterContainer(Factory) - Method in MavenFactory
createRepositoryHandler() - Method in Project
Creates a new repository handler.
createServer() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
create a proxy that wraps a particular jetty version Server object.
createServer() - Method in JettyRun
createServer() - Method in JettyRunWar
createStartParameter(String) - Method in GradleLauncher
Returns a StartParameter object out of command line syntax arguments.
CreateStartScripts - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.application

A Task for creating OS dependent startScripts.

createTask(Map, String, Closure) - Method in Project

Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project.


debug(Map) - Method in CompileOptions
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
DebugOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
@author Hans Dockter
DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_POM_NAME - Field in PomFilterContainer
The default build directory name.
DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE - Field in Project
The default project build file name.
DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR_NAME - Field in ResolverContainer
DEFAULT_CACHE_IVY_PATTERN - Field in ResolverContainer
DEFAULT_GRADLE_USER_HOME - Field in StartParameter
The default user home directory.
DEFAULT_MAVEN_CENTRAL_REPO_NAME - Field in ResolverContainer
DEFAULT_MAVEN_DEPLOYER_NAME - Field in RepositoryHandler
DEFAULT_MAVEN_INSTALLER_NAME - Field in RepositoryHandler
DEFAULT_MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO_NAME - Field in ResolverContainer

The default name for the settings file.

DEFAULT_STATUS - Field in Module
DEFAULT_STATUS - Field in Project
DEFAULT_TYPE - Field in DependencyArtifact
DEFAULT_VERSION - Field in Project
DefaultTask - Class in org.gradle.api
DefaultTask is the standard Task implementation.
DefaultTask() - Constructor in DefaultTask
defaultTasks(String) - Method in Project

Sets the names of the default tasks of this project.

define(Map) - Method in AbstractOptions
Delete - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks

Deletes files or directories.

delete(Object) - Method in Delete
Adds some files to be deleted by this task.
delete(Object) - Method in DeleteAction
Deletes files and directories.
delete(Object) - Method in Project
Deletes files and directories.
delete(Object) - Method in Script
Deletes files and directories.
DeleteAction - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
Deletes files and directories.
deleteAllActions() - Method in Task

Removes all the actions of this task.

depend(Map) - Method in CompileOptions
Set the dependency options from a map.
dependencies(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures the dependencies for this project.

dependencies(Closure) - Method in ScriptHandler
Configures the dependencies for the script.
Dependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
A Dependency represents a dependency on the artifacts from a particular source.
DEPENDENCY_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
DependencyArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

An Artifact represents an artifact included in a Dependency.

DependencyHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl

A DependencyHandler is used to declare artifact dependencies.

DependencyReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
Displays the dependency tree for a project.
DependencySpecs - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts.specs
Various Spec implementations for selecting Dependency instances.
DependencySpecs.DependencyTypeSpec(Type) - Constructor in DependencySpecs.DependencyTypeSpec
DependOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile

Options to send to Ant's depend task.

dependsOn(String, boolean) - Method in Project

Declares that this project has an execution dependency on the project with the given path.

dependsOn(Object) - Method in Task

Adds the given dependencies to this task.

dependsOnChildren(boolean) - Method in Project

Declares that this project have an execution dependency on each of its child projects.

dependsOnTaskDidWork() - Method in Task

Checks if any of the tasks that this task depends on didWork.

depthCompare(Project) - Method in Project

Compares the nesting level of this project with another project of the multi-project hierarchy.

destinationDirectory(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
destinationDirectory(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
detachedConfiguration(Dependency) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
Creates a configuration, but does not add it to this container.
dir(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
Registers an input directory hierarchy.
dir(Object) - Method in TaskOutputs
Registers an output directory for this task.
Directory - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Creates a directory.
Directory() - Constructor in Directory
disableStandardOutputCapture() - Method in LoggingManager
Disables routing System.out and System.err to Gradle's logging system.
disableStandardOutputCapture() - Method in Project
Disables redirection of standard output during project evaluation.
disableStandardOutputCapture() - Method in Script
Disables redirection of standard output during script execution.
disableStandardOutputCapture() - Method in Task
Disables redirection of standard output during task execution.
disableTestReport() - Method in Test
doAppend(String) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter.RecordingStyledTextOutput
docEncoding(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
docFilesSubDirs() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
doclet(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
doclet(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
docletpath(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
docletpath(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
docTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
DOCUMENTATION_GROUP - Field in JavaBasePlugin
doFirst(Closure) - Method in Task

Adds the given closure to the beginning of this task's action list.

doLast(Closure) - Method in Task

Adds the given closure to the end of this task's action list.

domainObject - Field in GeneratorTask
DomainObjectCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api

A DomainObjectCollection represents a read-only set of domain objects of type T.

DomainObjectSet - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
A set of domain objects of type T.
doStyleChange(Style) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter.RecordingStyledTextOutput


eachEntry(Closure) - Method in ManifestMergeSpec
Adds an action to be applied to each key-value tuple in a merge operation.
eachFile(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
eachFile(Closure) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Adds an action to be applied to each file as it about to be copied into its destination.
eachFile(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
EclipseClasspath - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
Generates an Eclipse .classpath file.
EclipseClasspath() - Constructor in EclipseClasspath
EclipseConfigurer - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
@date 11.03.11
Szczepan Faber,
EclipseDomainModel - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
For now, we only need the Project.
EclipseJdt - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
Generates the Eclipse JDT configuration file.
EclipseJdt() - Constructor in EclipseJdt
EclipsePlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse

A plugin which generates Eclipse files.

EclipseProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
Generates an Eclipse .project file.
EclipseProject() - Constructor in EclipseProject
EclipseProjectDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
Represents a dependency on another Eclipse project.
EclipseSourceDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
A source directory in an Eclipse project.
EclipseTask - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
An Eclipse centric view of a Gradle task.
EclipseWtpComponent - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
Generates the org.eclipse.wst.common.component settings file for Eclipse WTP.
EclipseWtpComponent() - Constructor in EclipseWtpComponent
EclipseWtpFacet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
Generates the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core settings file for Eclipse WTP.
EclipseWtpFacet() - Constructor in EclipseWtpFacet
EmptyFileVisitor - Class in org.gradle.api.file
The EmptyFileVisitor can be extends by implementations that only require to implement one of the 2 visit methods (dir or file).
enableTestReport() - Method in Test
encoding(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
encoding(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
environment(Map) - Method in Exec
environment(Map) - Method in JavaExec
environment(String, Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Adds an environment variable to the environment for this process.
environment(String, Object) - Method in Test
equals(def) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
equals(def) - Method in AbstractLibrary
equals(def) - Method in AccessRule
equals(def) - Method in BuildCommand
equals(def) - Method in Classpath
equals(Object) - Method in CompositeSpec
equals(Object) - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
equals(Object) - Method in DependencySpecs.DependencyTypeSpec
equals(def) - Method in Facet
equals(Object) - Method in Groovydoc.Link
equals(def) - Method in JarDirectory
equals(def) - Method in Jdk
equals(def) - Method in Link
equals(def) - Method in Module
equals(def) - Method in ModuleDependency
equals(def) - Method in ModuleLibrary
equals(def) - Method in ModulePath
equals(def) - Method in Output
equals(def) - Method in Path
equals(Object) - Method in PatternSet
equals(def) - Method in Project
equals(Object) - Method in PublishInstruction
equals(Object) - Method in RelativePath
equals(def) - Method in SourceFolder
equals(Object) - Method in StartParameter
equals(def) - Method in WbDependentModule
equals(def) - Method in WbProperty
equals(def) - Method in WbResource
equals(def) - Method in WtpComponent
equals(def) - Method in WtpFacet
error(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
evaluationDependsOn(String) - Method in Project

Declares that this project has an evaulation dependency on the project with the given path.

exclude(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
exclude(Map) - Method in Configuration
Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration.
exclude(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
exclude() - Method in FileCopyDetails
Excludes this file from the copy.
exclude() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Excludes this key from being in the manifest after the merge.
exclude(Map) - Method in ModuleDependency
Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies of this dependency.
exclude(Closure) - Method in PatternFilterable
Adds an exclude spec.
exclude(Closure) - Method in PatternSet
exclude(Closure) - Method in SourceTask
exclude(Closure) - Method in Test
excludedFieldsFromOptionMap() - Method in AbstractOptions
excludedFieldsFromOptionMap() - Method in CompileOptions
excludedFieldsFromOptionMap() - Method in DependOptions
excludedFieldsFromOptionMap() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
excludedFieldsFromOptionMap() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
excludeDocFilesSubDir(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
excludeGroups(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
ExcludeRule - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
An ExcludeRule is used to describe transitive dependencies that should be excluded when resolving dependencies.
ExcludeRuleContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A container for adding exclude rules for dependencies.

excludeSpecs(Iterable) - Method in PatternSet
Exec - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Executes a command line process.
Exec() - Constructor in Exec
exec(Closure) - Method in Project
Executes an external command.
exec(Closure) - Method in Script
Executes an external command.
ExecResult - Interface in org.gradle.process
Represents the result of running an external process.
ExecSpec - Interface in org.gradle.process
Specified the options for executing some command.
executable(Object) - Method in Exec
executable(Object) - Method in JavaExec
executable(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Sets the name of the executable to use.
executable(Object) - Method in Test
execute(T) - Method in Action
Performs this action against the given object.
execute(FileCollection, File, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, Set, Iterable, Iterable, Project) - Method in AntGroovydoc
execute(List, File, Set, String, String, List, List, boolean, AntBuilder) - Method in AntJavadoc
execute(FileCollection, File, Iterable, Iterable, ScalaDocOptions) - Method in AntScalaDoc
execute(StyledTextOutput) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter.RecordingStyledTextOutput.ChangeStyleAction
execute() - Method in Sonar
executeAntTarget() - Method in AntTarget
executeTests() - Method in Test
expand(Map) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
expand(Map) - Method in ContentFilterable

Expands property references in each file as it is copied.

expand(Map) - Method in CopySpec
extDirs(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
extDirs(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
extendsFrom(Configuration) - Method in Configuration
Adds the given configurations to the set of configuration which this configuration extends from.
ExternalDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
Represents an external artifact dependency.
ExternalModuleDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A ModuleDependency is a Dependency on a module outside the current project hierarchy.


Facet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
facet(Map) - Method in EclipseWtpFacet
Adds a facet.
Facet(String, String) - Constructor in Facet
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in AbstractOptions
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in CompileOptions
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in DebugOptions
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in ForkOptions
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
fieldName2AntMap() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
fieldValue2AntMap() - Method in AbstractOptions
fieldValue2AntMap() - Method in CompileOptions
fieldValue2AntMap() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
fieldValue2AntMap() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
file(Object, PathValidation) - Method in Project

Resolves a file path relative to the project directory of this project and validates it using the given scheme.

file(Object, PathValidation) - Method in Script

Resolves a file path relative to the directory containing this script and validates it using the given scheme.

file(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
Registers some input file for this task.
file(Object) - Method in TaskOutputs
Registers some output file for this task.
FileCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

A FileCollection represents a collection of files which you can query in certain ways.

FileCollection.AntType - Enum in org.gradle.api.file
Ant types which a FileCollection can be mapped to.
fileCollection(Dependency) - Method in Configuration
Resolves this configuration lazyly.
FileCollectionDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
A FileCollectionDependency is a Dependency on a collection of local files which are not stored in a repository.
FileCopyDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

Provides details about a file or directory about to be copied, and allows some aspects of the destination file to be modified.

files(Dependency) - Method in Configuration
Resolves this configuration.
files(Object, Closure) - Method in Project

Creates a new ConfigurableFileCollection using the given paths.

files(Object, Closure) - Method in Script

Creates a new ConfigurableFileCollection using the given paths.

files(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
Registers some input files for this task.
files(Object) - Method in TaskOutputs
Registers some output files for this task.
FileTree - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

A FileTree represents a hierarchy of files.

fileTree(Closure) - Method in Project

Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the provided closure.

fileTree(Closure) - Method in Script

Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the provided closure.

FileTreeElement - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
Information about a file in a FileTree.
FileVisitDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
Provides access to details about a file or directory being visited by a FileVisitor.
FileVisitor - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

A FileVisitor is used to visit each of the files in a FileTree.

filter(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
filter(Closure) - Method in ContentFilterable
Adds a content filter based on the provided closure.
filter(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
filter(Spec) - Method in FileCollection

Restricts the contents of this collection to those files which match the given criteria.

filter(Closure) - Method in PomFilterContainer
Sets the default publish filter.
filterIterable(Iterable, Spec) - Method in Specs
findAll(Spec) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Returns the objects in this collection which meet the given specification.
findByName(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
Locates an object by name, returning null if there is no such object.
findByPath(String) - Method in TaskContainer

Locates a task by path.

findGradleSonarJar() - Method in Sonar
findJettyWebXmlFile(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Try and find a jetty-web.xml file, using some historical naming conventions if necessary.
findPlugin(Class) - Method in Convention
Locates the plugin convention object with the given type.
findPlugin(Class) - Method in PluginContainer
Returns the plugin for the given type.
findProject(String) - Method in Project

Locates a project by path.

findProject(File) - Method in Settings

Returns the project with the given project directory.

finishConfigurationBeforeStart() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
finishConfigurationBeforeStart() - Method in JettyRun
finishConfigurationBeforeStart() - Method in JettyRunWar
flatDir(Map) - Method in RepositoryHandler
Adds a resolver that looks into a number of directories for artifacts.
footer(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
fork(Map) - Method in CompileOptions
fork(Map) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
ForkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
@author Hans Dockter
forProjectDirectory(File) - Method in GradleConnector
Specifies the working directory to use.
forTasks(Iterable) - Method in BuildLauncher
Sets the tasks to be executed.
from(Object, Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
from(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
Adds a set of source paths to this collection.
from(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
Specifies base directory for this file tree using the given path.
from(Object, Closure) - Method in CopySourceSpec
Specifies the source files or directories for a copy and creates a child CopySourceSpec.
from(Object, Closure) - Method in CopySpec
from(Object, Closure) - Method in Manifest
Specifies other manifests to be merged into this manifest.
from(Object) - Method in ManifestMergeSpec
Adds a merge path to a manifest that should be merged into the base manifest.
from(Object) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction
Adds a script to use to configure the target objects.
fromString(String) - Method in CacheUsage

CacheUsage specifies how compiled scripts should be cached.


generate(Project) - Method in AbstractReportTask
generate() - Method in AntlrTask
generate() - Method in CreateStartScripts
generate(Project) - Method in DependencyReportTask
generate() - Method in Groovydoc
generate() - Method in IdeaModule
generate() - Method in Javadoc
generate(Project) - Method in ProjectReportTask
generate(Project) - Method in PropertyReportTask
generate() - Method in ScalaDoc
generate(Project) - Method in TaskReportTask
GenerateIdeaModule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
Generates an IDEA module file.
GenerateIdeaProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
Generates an IDEA project file.
GenerateIdeaWorkspace - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
Generates an IDEA workspace file.
generateLinuxStartScript(def) - Method in CreateStartScripts
generateWindowsStartScript(def) - Method in CreateStartScripts
generator - Field in GeneratorTask
GeneratorTask - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api

A GeneratorTask generates a configuration file based on a domain object of type T.

GeneratorTask() - Constructor in GeneratorTask
getActions() - Method in Task

Returns the sequence of Action objects which will be executed by this task, in the order of execution.

getActivePomFilters() - Method in PomFilterContainer
getAdditionalRuntimeJars() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Returns the classpath to make available to the web application.
getAll() - Method in Configuration
Returns all the configurations belonging to the same configuration container as this configuration (including this configuration).
getAll() - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Returns the objects in this collection.
getAll() - Method in DomainObjectSet
Returns the elements of this set as a list, in iteration order of this set.
getAllAntlr() - Method in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
All Antlr source for this source set.
getAllArtifactFiles() - Method in Configuration
Returns the artifacts of this configuration as a FileCollection, including artifacts of extended configurations.
getAllArtifacts() - Method in Configuration
Returns the artifacts of this configuration including the artifacts of extended configurations.
getAllArtifacts(ResolvedDependency) - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns a union of the module and parent artifacts of this dependency and its children.
getAllDependencies(Class) - Method in Configuration
Gets the set of dependencies of type T for this configuration including those contributed by superconfigurations.
getAllGroovy() - Method in GroovySourceSet
All Groovy source for this source set.
getAllJava() - Method in SourceSet
All Java source files for this source set.
getAllJvmArgs() - Method in JavaExec
getAllJvmArgs() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns the full set of arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
getAllJvmArgs() - Method in Test
getAllModuleArtifacts() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the module artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency and recursively to its children.
getAllprojects() - Method in Project

Returns the set containing this project and its subprojects.

getAllScala() - Method in ScalaSourceSet
All Scala source for this source set.
getAllSource() - Method in SourceSet
All source files for this source set.
getAllTasks(boolean) - Method in Project

Returns a map of the tasks contained in this project, and optionally its subprojects.

getAllTasks() - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Returns the tasks which are included in the execution plan.

getAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
getAnt() - Method in Project

Returns the AntBuilder for this project.

getAnt() - Method in Task

Returns the AntBuilder for this task.

getAntGroovydoc() - Method in Groovydoc
getAntlr() - Method in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
All Antlr source for this source set.
getAntlrClasspath() - Method in AntlrTask
Returns the classpath containing the Ant ANTLR task implementation.
getAntScalaDoc() - Method in ScalaDoc
getApiDocTitle() - Method in ReportingBasePluginConvention
Returns the title for API documentation for the project.
getAppendix() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the appendix part of the archive name, if any.
getApplicationPrefix() - Method in ApplicationPluginConvention
getArchiveBase() - Method in Wrapper
The archive base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
getArchiveClassifier() - Method in Wrapper
The classifier of the archive as part of the download URL.
getArchiveName() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the archive name.
getArchiveName() - Method in Wrapper
The name of the archive as part of the download URL.
getArchivePath() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
The path where the archive is constructed.
getArchivePath() - Method in Tar.TarCopyActionImpl
getArchivePath() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the path where the gradle distributions archive should be saved (i.e. the parent dir).
getArchivePath() - Method in Zip.ZipCopyAction
getArgs() - Method in Exec
getArgs() - Method in ExecSpec
Returns the arguments for the command to be executed.
getArgs() - Method in JavaExec
getArgs() - Method in JavaExecSpec
Returns the arguments passed to the main class to be executed.
getArtifactId() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the artifact id for this POM.
getArtifacts() - Method in Configuration
Returns the artifacts of this configuration excluding the artifacts of extended configurations.
getArtifacts() - Method in MavenDeployment
Returns the artifacts which will be deployed.
getArtifacts() - Method in ModuleDependency
Returns the artifacts belonging to this dependency.
getArtifacts() - Method in Project
Returns a handler for assigning artifacts produced by the project to configurations.
getArtifacts(ResolvedDependency) - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns a union of the module and parent artifacts of this dependency.
getArtifacts() - Method in Upload
Returns the artifacts which will be uploaded.
getAsFileTree() - Method in FileCollection
Converts this collection to a FileTree.
getAsFileTree() - Method in FileTree
Returns this.
getAsMap() - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
Returns the objects in this collection, as a map from object name to object instance.
getAsPath() - Method in FileCollection
Returns the contents of this collection as a platform-specific path.
getAsSpec() - Method in IntersectionPatternSet
getAsSpec() - Method in PatternSet
getAt(String) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
getAt(int) - Method in DomainObjectSet
Returns the element of this set at the given index in iteration order of this set.
getAt(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
Locates an object by name, failing if there is no such task.
getAt(Class) - Method in PluginContainer
Returns a plugin with the specified type if this plugin has been used in the project.
getAt(String) - Method in ResolverContainer
getAt(String) - Method in TaskCollection
getAttachedArtifacts() - Method in MavenDeployment
Returns the additional artifacts for this deployment.
getAttributes() - Method in Manifest
Returns the main attributes of the manifest.
getBaseDir() - Method in AntTarget
Returns the Ant project base directory to use when executing the target.
getBaseName() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the base name of the archive.
getBaseValue() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Returns the value for the key of the manifest that is the target of the merge.
getBashScript() - Method in CreateStartScripts
getBatScript() - Method in CreateStartScripts
getBootClasspath() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getBootClasspath() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getBootstrapClasspath() - Method in JavaExec
getBootstrapClasspath() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns the bootstrap classpath to use for the process.
getBootstrapClasspath() - Method in Test
getBottom() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getBuildAnalysis() - Method in GradleLauncher
Evaluates the settings and all the projects.
getBuildAndRunAnalysis() - Method in GradleLauncher
Evaluates the settings and all the projects.
getBuildArtifacts() - Method in Configuration
Returns a TaskDependency object containing all required dependencies to build the artifacts belonging to this configuration or to one of its super configurations.
getBuildDependencies() - Method in Buildable
Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact.
getBuildDependencies() - Method in Configuration
Returns a TaskDependency object containing all required dependencies to build the internal dependencies (e.g. project dependencies) belonging to this configuration or to one of its super configurations.
getBuildDir() - Method in Project

Returns the build directory of this project.

getBuildDirName() - Method in Project

Returns the name of the build directory of this project.

getBuildExecuter() - Method in StartParameter

Returns the org.gradle.execution.BuildExecuter to use for the build.

getBuildFile() - Method in GradleBuild
Returns the build file that should be used for this build.
getBuildFile() - Method in Project

Returns the build file Gradle will evaluate against this project object.

getBuildFile() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the build file for this project.
getBuildFile() - Method in StartParameter
Returns the build file to use to select the default project.
getBuildFileName() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the name of the build file for this project.
getBuildscript() - Method in Project
Returns the build script handler for this project.
getBuildscript() - Method in Script
Returns the script handler for this script.
getBuildScriptSource() - Method in StartParameter

Returns the org.gradle.groovy.scripts.ScriptSource to use for the build file for this build.

getBuildTasks() - Method in JavaPlugin.EmbeddableJavaProjectImpl
getBuiltBy() - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
Returns the set of tasks which build the files of this collection.
getBuiltBy() - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
Returns the set of tasks which build the files of this collection.
getByName(String, Closure) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
getByName(String, Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
Locates an object by name, failing if there is no such object.
getByName(String, Closure) - Method in ResolverContainer
getByName(String) - Method in TaskCollection
getByPath(String) - Method in TaskContainer

Locates a task by path.

getCacheUsage() - Method in StartParameter
getCandidateClassFiles() - Method in Test
Returns the classes files to scan for test classes.
getCharSet() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getCheckstyleConfigFile() - Method in JavaCodeQualityPluginConvention
The Checkstyle configuration file.
getCheckstyleResultsDir() - Method in JavaCodeQualityPluginConvention
The directory to write the Checkstyle results into.
getChildProjects() - Method in Project

Returns the direct children of this project.

getChildren() - Method in EclipseProject
getChildren() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
getChildren() - Method in HierarchicalProject
Returns the child projects of this project.
getChildren() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the children of this project, if any.
getChildren() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the transitive ResolvedDependency instances of this resolved dependency.
getClasses() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the compiled classes directory for this source set.
getClassesDir() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the classes dir.
getClassesDir() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the directory to assemble the compiled classes into.
getClassesTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the name of the classes task for this source set.
getClassifier() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the classifier part of the archive name, if any.
getClassifier() - Method in DependencyArtifact
Returns the classifier of this dependency artifact.
getClassifier() - Method in PublishArtifact
Returns the classifier of this published artifact.
getClassLoader() - Method in ScriptHandler
Returns the ClassLoader which contains the classpath for this script.
getClassName() - Method in TestDescriptor
Returns the test class name for this test, if any.
getClasspath() - Method in AbstractCompile
Returns the classpath to use to compile the source files.
getClasspath() - Method in Checkstyle
Returns the classpath containing the compiled classes for the source files to be inspected.
getClasspath() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getClasspath() - Method in EclipseProject
Returns the external dependencies which make up the classpath of this project.
getClasspath() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the classpath containing the Groovy library to be used.
getClasspath() - Method in Javadoc
Returns the classpath to use to resolve type references in the source code.
getClasspath() - Method in JavaExec
getClasspath() - Method in JavaExecSpec
Returns the classpath for executing the main class.
getClasspath() - Method in JettyRun
Returns the classpath for the web application.
getClasspath() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getClasspath() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the classpath.
getClasspath() - Method in ScalaDoc

Returns the classpath to use to locate classes referenced by the documented source.

getClasspath() - Method in Test
Returns the classpath to use to execute the tests.
getClasspath() - Method in War
Returns the classpath to include in the WAR archive.
getClassPathFiles() - Method in JettyRun
getCodeNarcConfigFile() - Method in GroovyCodeQualityPluginConvention
The CodeNarc configuration file.
getCodeNarcReportsDir() - Method in GroovyCodeQualityPluginConvention
The directory to write CodeNarc reports into.
getCommandLine() - Method in BaseExecSpec
Returns the full command line, including the executable plus its arguments.
getCommandLine() - Method in Exec
getCommandLine() - Method in JavaExec
getCompileClasspath() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the classpath used to compile this source.
getCompileJavaTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the name of the compile Java task for this source set.
getCompiler() - Method in GroovyCompile
getCompiler() - Method in ScalaCompile
getCompileTaskName(String) - Method in SourceSet
Returns the name of a compile task for this source set.
getCompression() - Method in Tar
Returns the compression to use for this archive.
getCompression() - Method in Tar.TarCopyActionImpl
getConf2ScopeMappings() - Method in MavenPluginConvention
Returns the set of rules for how to map Gradle dependencies to Maven scopes.
getConfigFile() - Method in Checkstyle
Returns the Checkstyle configuration file to use.
getConfigFile() - Method in CodeNarc
Returns the CodeNarc configuration file to use.
getConfiguration() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
Returns the dependency configuration name.
getConfiguration() - Method in ModuleDependency
Returns the configuration of this dependency module (not the configurations this dependency belongs too).
getConfiguration() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the configuration under which this instance was resolved.
getConfiguration() - Method in Upload
Returns the configuration to upload.
getConfigurations() - Method in DependencyReportTask
Returns the configurations to generate the report for.
getConfigurations() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the configuration container used for mapping configurations to maven scopes.
getConfigurations() - Method in Project
Returns the configurations of this project.
getConfigurations() - Method in ScriptHandler
Returns the configurations of this handler.
getConfiguredContextHandlers() - Method in JettyRun
getConnectors() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getContentPath() - Method in IdeaModule
getContextPath() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Returns the context path to use to deploy the web application.
getConvention() - Method in Project

Returns the Convention for this project.

getConvention() - Method in Task

Returns the Convention object for this task.

getCopyAction() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getCopyAction() - Method in Copy
getCopyAction() - Method in Sync
getCopyAction() - Method in Tar
getCopyAction() - Method in Zip
getCurrentDir() - Method in StartParameter
Returns the directory to use to select the default project, and to search for the settings file.
getDate() - Method in PublishArtifact
Returns the date that should be used when publishing this artifact.
getDebug() - Method in JavaExec
getDebug() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns true if debugging is enabled for the process.
getDebug() - Method in Test
getDefaultProjectSelector() - Method in StartParameter
Returns the selector used to choose the default project of the build.
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Classpath
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Jdt
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Module
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Project
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Workspace
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in WtpComponent
getDefaultResourceName() - Method in WtpFacet
getDefaultSource() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getDefaultSource() - Method in SourceTask
Returns the default source for this task, if any.
getDefaultTasks() - Method in Project

Returns the names of the default tasks of this project.

getDelete() - Method in Delete
Returns the set of files which will be deleted by this task.
getDependencies() - Method in ClientModule
Returns all the dependencies added to the client module.
getDependencies(Class) - Method in Configuration
Gets the set of dependencies of type T directly contained in this configuration (ignoring superconfigurations).
getDependencies() - Method in IdeaModule
getDependencies() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the dependencies for this POM.
getDependencies() - Method in Project
Returns the dependency handler of this project.
getDependencies() - Method in ScriptHandler
Returns the dependencies of the script.
getDependencies(Task) - Method in TaskDependency

Determines the dependencies for the given Task.

getDependencyCacheDir() - Method in Compile
getDependencyCacheDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
getDependencyProject() - Method in ProjectDependency
Returns the project associated with this project dependency.
getDependsOn() - Method in Task

Returns the dependencies of this task.

getDependsOnProjects() - Method in Project

Returns the set of projects which this project depends on.

getDepth() - Method in Project

Returns the nesting level of a project in a multi-project hierarchy.

getDescription() - Method in AntTarget
getDescription() - Method in Configuration
Returns the description for this configuration.
getDescription() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the description.
getDescription() - Method in Project
Returns the description of this project.
getDescription() - Method in Rule
Returns the description of the rule.
getDescription() - Method in Task
Returns the description of this task.
getDescriptorDestination() - Method in PublishInstruction
Returns the file destination where to create the ivy.xml file.
getDescriptorDestination() - Method in Upload
Returns the path to generate the dependency descriptor to.
getDestinationDir() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the directory where the archive is generated into.
getDestinationDir() - Method in AbstractCompile
Returns the directory to generate the .class files into.
getDestinationDir() - Method in Copy
Returns the directory to copy files into.
getDestinationDir() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the directory to generate the documentation into.
getDestinationDir() - Method in Javadoc

Returns the directory to generate the documentation into.

getDestinationDir() - Method in ScalaDoc
Returns the directory to generate the API documentation into.
getDestinationDir() - Method in Sync
Returns the directory to copy files into.
getDestinationDirectory() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getDestinationDirectory() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getDidWork() - Method in Task

Checks if the task actually did any work.

getDidWork() - Method in TaskState

Checks if the task actually did any work.

getDidWork() - Method in WorkResult
getDir() - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
Returns the base directory of this file tree.
getDir() - Method in GradleBuild
Returns the project directory for the build.
getDirectory() - Method in ScanTargetPattern
getDirectory() - Method in SourceDirectory
Returns the source directory.
getDirMode() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getDirMode() - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target directories.
getDistributionBase() - Method in Wrapper
The distribution base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
getDistributionPath() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the path where the gradle distributions needed by the wrapper are unzipped.
getDistributionUrl() - Method in Wrapper
The URL to download the gradle distribution from.
getDistsDir() - Method in BasePluginConvention
Returns the directory to generate TAR and ZIP archives into.
getDocEncoding() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getDoclet() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getDoclet() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getDocletpath() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getDocletpath() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getDocsDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Returns a file pointing to the root directory supposed to be used for all docs.
getDocTitle() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the title for the package index(first) page.
getDocTitle() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getDocURL() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the docURL value.
getDomainObject() - Method in GeneratorTask
getDownloadJavadoc() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
Whether to download and add javadoc associated with the dependency jars.
getDownloadSources() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
Whether to download and add sources associated with the dependency jars.
getEclipseDomainModel() - Method in EclipsePlugin
getEffectiveManifest() - Method in Manifest
Returns a new manifest instance where all the attribute values are expanded (e.g. there toString method is called).
getEffectivePom() - Method in MavenPom
Returns a pom with the generated dependencies and the whenConfigured(org.gradle.api.Action) actions applied.
getEnableAssertions() - Method in JavaExec
getEnableAssertions() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns true if assertions are enabled for the process.
getEnableAssertions() - Method in Test
getEnabled() - Method in Task

Returns if this task is enabled or not.

getEncoding() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getEncoding() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getEndTime() - Method in TestResult
Returns the time when this test completed execution.
getEnvironment() - Method in Exec
getEnvironment() - Method in JavaExec
getEnvironment() - Method in ProcessForkOptions
The environment variables to use for the process.
getEnvironment() - Method in Test
getErrorOutput() - Method in BaseExecSpec
Returns the output stream to consume standard error from the process executing the command.
getErrorOutput() - Method in Exec
getErrorOutput() - Method in JavaExec
getException() - Method in TestResult
If the test failed with an exception, this will be the exception.
getExceptions() - Method in TestResult
If the test failed with any exceptions, this will contain the exceptions.
getExcludeArgs() - Method in ExcludeRule
Returns the arguments of an exclude rule.
getExcludeDirs() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The directories to be excluded.
getExcludeDocFilesSubDir() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getExcludedTaskNames() - Method in StartParameter
Returns the names of the tasks to be excluded from this build.
getExcludePaths() - Method in IdeaModule
getExcludeRules() - Method in Configuration
Returns the exclude rules applied for resolving any dependency of this configuration.
getExcludeRules() - Method in ModuleDependency
Returns the exclude rules for this dependency.
getExcludes() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getExcludes() - Method in PatternFilterable
Returns the set of exclude patterns.
getExcludes() - Method in PatternSet
getExcludes() - Method in ScanTargetPattern
getExcludes() - Method in SourceTask
getExcludes() - Method in Test
Returns the exclude patterns for test execution.
getExcludeSpecs() - Method in PatternSet
getExecResult() - Method in Exec
Returns the result for the command run by this task.
getExecutable() - Method in Exec
getExecutable() - Method in Javadoc
Returns the javadoc executable to use to generation the javadoc.
getExecutable() - Method in JavaExec
getExecutable() - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Returns the name of the executable to use.
getExecutable() - Method in Test
getExecuted() - Method in ProjectState

Returns true if this project has been evaluated.

getExecuted() - Method in TaskState

Returns true if this task has been executed.

getExitEnvironmentVar() - Method in CreateStartScripts
getExitValue() - Method in ExecResult
Returns the exit value of the process.
getExtDirs() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getExtDirs() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getExtDocUrl() - Method in JavadocOfflineLink
getExtendsFrom() - Method in Configuration
Returns the names of the configurations which this configuration extends from.
getExtension() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the extension part of the archive name.
getExtension() - Method in Compression
getExtension() - Method in DependencyArtifact
Returns the extension of this dependency artifact.
getExtension() - Method in PublishArtifact
Returns the extension of this published artifact.
getExtension() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
getExtraScanTargets() - Method in JettyRun
getFactory() - Method in GradleLauncher
getFailedTestCount() - Method in TestResult
Returns the number of failed atomic tests executed for this test.
getFailure() - Method in BuildResult
getFailure() - Method in ProjectState
Returns the exception describing the project failure, if any.
getFailure() - Method in TaskState
Returns the exception describing the task failure, if any.
getFile() - Method in ExternalDependency
Returns the file for this dependency.
getFile() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns the file being visited.
getFile() - Method in PublishArtifact
Returns the file of this artifact.
getFile(File) - Method in RelativePath
getFile() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
getFileMode() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getFileMode() - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target files.
getFiles() - Method in FileCollection
Returns the contents of this collection as a Set.
getFiles(Spec) - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
Returns the files for the specified subset of configuration dependencies.
getFiles() - Method in TaskInputs
Returns the input files of this task.
getFiles() - Method in TaskOutputs
Returns the output files of this task.
getFilter() - Method in PomFilterContainer
Returns the default filter being used. .
getFilter() - Method in SourceDirectorySet
Returns the filter used to select the source from the source directories.
getFirstLevelModuleDependencies() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
Returns the ResolvedDependency instances for each direct dependency of the configuration.
getFooter() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the html footer for each page.
getFooter() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getForkEvery() - Method in Test
Returns the maximum number of test classes to execute in a forked test process.
getFrom() - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
Returns the set of source paths for this collection.
getGradle() - Method in BuildResult
getGradle() - Method in Gradle
Returns this Gradle instance.
getGradle() - Method in Project

Returns the Gradle invocation which this project belongs to.

getGradle() - Method in Settings
Returns the Gradle instance for the current build.
getGradleHomeDir() - Method in Gradle

Returns the Gradle home directory, if any.

getGradleUserHomeDir() - Method in Gradle

Returns the Gradle user home directory.

getGradleUserHomeDir() - Method in StartParameter
Returns the directory to use as the user home directory.
getGradleVersion() - Method in Gradle

Returns the current Gradle version.

getGradleVersion() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the gradle version for the wrapper.
getGroovy() - Method in GroovySourceSet
Returns the source to be compiled by the Groovy compiler for this source set.
getGroovyClasspath() - Method in GroovyCompile
Returns the classpath containing the version of Groovy to use for compilation.
getGroovyClasspath() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the classpath used to locate classes referenced by the documented sources.
getGroovyOptions() - Method in GroovyCompile
Gets the options for the Groovy compilation.
getGroup() - Method in Dependency
Returns the group of this dependency.
getGroup() - Method in Module
getGroup() - Method in Project

Returns the group of this project.

getGroup() - Method in Task
Returns the task group which this task belongs to.
getGroupId() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the group id for this POM.
getGroups() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getHasInputs() - Method in TaskInputs
Returns true if this task has declared the inputs that it consumes.
getHasOutput() - Method in TaskOutputs
Returns true if this task has declared any outputs.
getHasSourceFiles() - Method in TaskInputs
Returns true if this task has declared that it accepts source files.
getHeader() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the html header for each page.
getHeader() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getHeader() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getHelpFile() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getHierarchy() - Method in Configuration
Gets a ordered set including this configuration and all superconfigurations recursively.
getHttpPort() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for incoming HTTP requests.
getHttpPort() - Method in JettyPluginConvention
Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for incoming HTTP requests.
getId() - Method in ClientModule
Returns the id of the client module.
getIncludeEmptyDirs() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getIncludeEmptyDirs() - Method in CopySpec
Tells if empty target directories will be included in the copy.
getIncludes() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getIncludes() - Method in PatternFilterable
Returns the set of include patterns.
getIncludes() - Method in PatternSet
getIncludes() - Method in ScanTargetPattern
getIncludes() - Method in SourceTask
getIncludes() - Method in Test
Returns the include patterns for test execution.
getIncludeSpecs() - Method in PatternSet
getInheritOutputDirs() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
If true, output directories for this module will be located below the output directory for the project; otherwise, they will be set to the directories specified by #outputDir and #testOutputDir.
getInitScripts() - Method in StartParameter
Returns all explicitly added init scripts that will be run before the build starts.
getInputFile() - Method in GeneratorTask
The input file to load the initial configuration from.
getInputs() - Method in Task

Returns the inputs of this task.

getInstructions() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns all exisiting instruction.
getJarFile() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the file to write the wrapper jar file to.
getJarPath() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the jar path, relative to the project directory.
getJava() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the Java source which is to be compiled by the Java compiler into the class output directory.
getJavaCompiler() - Method in Compile
getJavaConvention(Project) - Method in JettyPlugin
getJavadocPath() - Method in AbstractLibrary
getJavaVersion() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The JDK to use for this module.
getJavaVersion() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
The java version used for defining the project sdk.
getJettyConfig() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Returns the jetty configuration file to use.
getJettyEnvXml() - Method in JettyRun
getJettyEnvXmlFile() - Method in JettyRun
getJFlags() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getJFlags() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getJvmArgs() - Method in JavaExec
getJvmArgs() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns the extra arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
getJvmArgs() - Method in Test
getKey() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Returns the key that is to be merged.
getKind() - Method in ClasspathEntry
getKind() - Method in Container
getKind() - Method in Library
getKind() - Method in Output
getKind() - Method in ProjectDependency
getKind() - Method in SourceFolder
getKind() - Method in Variable
getLastModified() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns the last modified time of this file.
getLastName() - Method in RelativePath
getLevel() - Method in LoggingManager
Returns the current logging level.
getLibsDir() - Method in BasePluginConvention
Returns the directory to generate JAR and WAR archives into.
getLicense() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the license.
getLifecycleTaskName() - Method in EclipsePlugin
getLifecycleTaskName() - Method in IdeaPlugin
getLineNumber() - Method in LocationAwareException
Returns the line in the script where this exception occurred, if known.
getLineNumber() - Method in ScriptCompilationException
getLinks() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL.
getLinks() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getLinksOffline() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getLocale() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getLocale() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getLocation() - Method in LocationAwareException

Returns a description of the location of where this exception occurred.

getLogger(String) - Method in Logging
Returns the logger with the given name.
getLogger() - Method in Project

Returns the logger for this project.

getLogger() - Method in Script
Returns the logger for this script.
getLogger() - Method in Task

Returns the logger for this task.

getLogging() - Method in Project
Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this project's build script.
getLogging() - Method in Script
Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this script.
getLogging() - Method in Task
Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this task.
getLogLevel() - Method in StartParameter
getMain() - Method in JavaExec
getMain() - Method in JavaExecSpec
Returns the fully qualified name of the Main class to be executed.
getMainArtifact() - Method in MavenDeployment
Returns the main artifact for this deployment.
getMainSpec() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getManifest() - Method in Jar
Returns the manifest for this JAR archive.
getMapping(Collection) - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
Returns a scope that corresponds to the given configurations.
getMappings() - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
Returns a map with all the configuration to scope mappings.
getMavenPomDir() - Method in ResolverContainer
getMavenScopeMappings() - Method in ResolverContainer
getMaxHeapSize() - Method in JavaExec
getMaxHeapSize() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns the maximum heap size for the process, if any.
getMaxHeapSize() - Method in Test
getMaxMemory() - Method in Javadoc
Returns the amount of memory allocated to this task.
getMaxParallelForks() - Method in Test
Returns the maximum number of forked test processes to execute in parallel.
getMemberLevel() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getMemberLevel() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getMergeValue() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Returns the value for the key of the manifest that is the source for the merge.
getMessage() - Method in LocationAwareException
Returns the fully formatted error message, including the location.
getMetaInf() - Method in Jar
getModel() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the underlying native Maven org.apache.maven.model.Model object.
getModel(Class, ResultHandler) - Method in ProjectConnection
Fetches a snapshot of the model for this project asynchronously.
getModuleArtifacts() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the module artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency.
getModuleDir() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The content root directory of the module.
getModuleGroup() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the module group of the resolved dependency.
getModuleName() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
Configures module name.
getModuleName() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the module name of the resolved dependency.
getModuleVersion() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the module version of the resolved dependency.
getName() - Method in Configuration
Returns the name of this configuration.
getName() - Method in Dependency
Returns the name of this dependency.
getName() - Method in DependencyArtifact
Returns the name of the dependency artifact.
getName() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns the base name of this file.
getName() - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
getName() - Method in Module
getName() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in Project

Returns the name of this project.

getName() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the name of this project.
getName() - Method in PublishArtifact
Returns the name of the artifact.
getName() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
getName() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the name of the resolved dependency.
getName() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the name of this source set.
getName() - Method in Task

Returns the name of this task.

getName() - Method in TestDescriptor
Returns the name of the test.
getNativeLibraryLocation() - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
getNoQualifiers() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getOption() - Method in JavadocOptionFileOption
getOptionFiles() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getOptionFiles() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getOptions() - Method in Compile
Returns the compilation options.
getOptions() - Method in GroovyCompile
Returns the options for Java compilation.
getOptions() - Method in Javadoc
Returns the javadoc generation options.
getOptions() - Method in ScalaCompile
Returns the Java compilation options.
getOptions() - Method in Test

Returns the test options options.

getOptionsFile() - Method in Javadoc
getOptsEnvironmentVar() - Method in CreateStartScripts
Returns the name of the application's OPTS environment variable.
getOriginalMessage() - Method in LocationAwareException

Returns the undecorated message of this exception.

getOutputDir() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The output directory for production classes.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in AntlrTask
Returns the directory to generate the parser source files into.
getOutputFile() - Method in AbstractReportTask
Returns the file which the report will be written to.
getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
Configures output *.iml file.
getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
output *.ipr file
getOutputFile() - Method in GeneratorTask
The output file to write the final configuration to.
getOutputFile() - Method in IdeaModule
getOutputLevel() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getOutputLevel() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getOutputPath() - Method in IdeaModule
getOutputs() - Method in Task

Returns the outputs of this task.

getOverrideWebXml() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getOverview() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getOverview() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns a html file to be used for overview documentation.
getOverview() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getPackagelistLoc() - Method in JavadocOfflineLink
getPackages() - Method in Groovydoc.Link
Returns a list of package prefixes to be linked with an external site.
getPackaging() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the packaging for this POM.
getParent() - Method in EclipseProject
getParent() - Method in Gradle

Returns the parent build of this build, if any.

getParent() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
getParent() - Method in HierarchicalProject
Returns the parent project of this project, if any.
getParent() - Method in Project

Returns the parent project of this project, if any.

getParent() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the parent of this project, if any.
getParent() - Method in RelativePath
Returns the parent of this path.
getParent() - Method in TestDescriptor
Returns the parent of this test, if any.
getParentArtifacts(ResolvedDependency) - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency which it only has for a particular parent.
getParents() - Method in ResolvedDependency
Returns the ResolvedDependency instances that have this instance as a transitive dependency.
getPath() - Method in EclipseProjectDependency
Returns the path to use for this project dependency.
getPath() - Method in EclipseSourceDirectory
Returns the relative path for this source directory.
getPath() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
getPath() - Method in Project

Returns the path of this project.

getPath() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the path of this project.
getPath() - Method in Task

Returns the path of the task, which is a fully qualified name for the task.

getPathString() - Method in RelativePath
getPlugin(Class) - Method in Convention
Locates the plugin convention object with the given type.
getPlugin(Class) - Method in PluginContainer
Returns a plugin with the specified type if this plugin has been used in the project.
getPlugins() - Method in Convention
Returns the plugin convention objects contained in this convention.
getPlugins() - Method in Project
Returns the plugins container for this project.
getPom() - Method in PomFilterContainer
Returns the pom property of the custom filter.
getPomArtifact() - Method in MavenDeployment
Returns the POM for this deployment.
getPomDir() - Method in MavenPluginConvention
Returns the directory to generate Maven POMs into.
getPomDirName() - Method in MavenPluginConvention
Returns the name of the directory to generate Maven POMs into, relative to the build directory.
getPriority() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
Returns the priority.
getProcessResourcesTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the name of the resource process task for this source set.
getProject() - Method in EclipseTask
getProject() - Method in Project

Returns this project.

getProject() - Method in Task

Returns the Project which this task belongs to.

getProjectConfiguration() - Method in ProjectDependency
Returns the configuration associated with this project dependency.
getProjectDependencies() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
Returns the project dependencies for this project.
getProjectDependenciesBuildInstruction() - Method in StartParameter
getProjectDir() - Method in Project

The directory containing the project build file.

getProjectDir() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Returns the project directory of this project.
getProjectDirectory() - Method in Project
Returns the project directory for this project.
getProjectProperties() - Method in StartParameter
getProjectReportDir() - Method in ProjectReportsPluginConvention
Returns the directory to generate the project reports into.
getProjects() - Method in AbstractReportTask
Returns the set of project to generate this report for.
getProjects() - Method in ProjectReportsPluginConvention
getProperties() - Method in AntBuilder
Returns the properties of the Ant project.
getProperties() - Method in Checkstyle
Returns the properties available for use in the configuration file.
getProperties() - Method in Project

Returns the properties of this project.

getProperties() - Method in TaskInputs
Returns the set of input properties for this task.
getPropertiesFile() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the file to write the wrapper properties to.
getRebuildTasks() - Method in JavaPlugin.EmbeddableJavaProjectImpl
getReferences() - Method in AntBuilder
Returns the references of the Ant project.
getRelativePath() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
getReload() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getRenderer() - Method in AbstractReportTask
getRenderer() - Method in DependencyReportTask
getRenderer() - Method in ProjectReportTask
getRenderer() - Method in PropertyReportTask
getRenderer() - Method in TaskReportTask
getReportableCauses() - Method in LocationAwareException
Returns the reportable causes for this failure.
getReportFile() - Method in CodeNarc
Returns the file to write the report to.
getReportFormat() - Method in CodeNarc
Returns the format type of the CodeNarc report.
getReportsDir() - Method in ReportingBasePluginConvention
Returns the directory containing all reports for this project.
getReportsDirName() - Method in ReportingBasePluginConvention
Returns the name of the reports directory, relative to the project's build directory.
getRepositories() - Method in Project
Returns a handler to create repositories which are used for retrieving dependencies and uploading artifacts produced by the project.
getRepositories() - Method in ScriptHandler
Returns a handler to create repositories which are used for retrieving dependencies for the script classpath.
getRepositories() - Method in Upload
Returns the repositories to upload to.
getRepository() - Method in MavenDeployer
Returns the repository o be used for uploading artifacts.
getRequestLog() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getResolvedArtifacts() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
Returns the set of artifact meta-data for this configuration.
getResolvedConfiguration() - Method in Configuration
Resolves this configuration.
getResolvedDependency() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
getResolvers() - Method in ResolverContainer
Returns the resolvers in this container, in sequence.
getResources() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the non-Java resources which are to be copied into the class output directory.
getResultFile() - Method in Checkstyle
Returns the file to generate the XML results to.
getResultType() - Method in TestResult
Describes a test result.
getRootDir() - Method in Project

Returns the root directory of this project.

getRootDir() - Method in Settings

Returns the root directory of the build.

getRootProject() - Method in Gradle

Returns the root project of this build.

getRootProject() - Method in Project

Returns the root project for the hierarchy that this project belongs to.

getRootProject() - Method in Settings

Returns the root project of the build.

getRootSpec() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
getRules() - Method in ExcludeRuleContainer
Returns all the exclude rules added to this container.
getRules() - Method in NamedDomainObjectContainer
Returns the rules used by this container.
getRuntimeClasspath() - Method in JavaPlugin.EmbeddableJavaProjectImpl
getRuntimeClasspath() - Method in SourceSet
Returns the classpath used to execute this source.
getScala() - Method in ScalaSourceSet
Returns the source to be compiled by the Scala compiler for this source set.
getScalaClasspath() - Method in ScalaCompile
Returns the classpath to use to load the Scala compiler.
getScalaClasspath() - Method in ScalaDoc
Returns the classpath to use to load the ScalaDoc tool.
getScalaCompileOptions() - Method in ScalaCompile
Returns the Scala compilation options.
getScalaDocOptions() - Method in ScalaDoc
Returns the ScalaDoc generation options.
getScanIntervalSeconds() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getScanner() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getScannerListeners() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getScanTargetPatterns() - Method in JettyRun
getScanTargets() - Method in JettyRun
getScope() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
Returns the Maven scope name.
getScopeMappings() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the scope mappings used for generating this pom.
getScopes() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The keys of this map are the Intellij scopes.
getScriptDestinationPath() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the script destination path, relative to the project directory.
getScriptFile() - Method in Wrapper
Returns the file to write the wrapper script to.
getScriptSource() - Method in LocationAwareException

Returns the source of the script where this exception occurred.

getScriptSource() - Method in ScriptCompilationException
getSection() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Returns the section this merge details belongs to.
getSections() - Method in Manifest
Returns the sections of the manifest (excluding the main section).
getSegments() - Method in RelativePath
getServer() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getSettings() - Method in MavenResolver
Returns a maven settings object.
getSettings() - Method in Settings

Returns this settings object.

getSettingsDir() - Method in Settings

Returns the settings directory of the build.

getSettingsScriptSource() - Method in StartParameter

Returns the org.gradle.groovy.scripts.ScriptSource to use for the settings script for this build.

getShowStacktrace() - Method in StartParameter
getSingleFile() - Method in FileCollection
Returns the content of this collection, asserting it contains exactly one file.
getSize() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns the size of this file.
getSkipMessage() - Method in TaskState
Returns a message describing why the task was skipped.
getSkipped() - Method in TaskState
Returns true if the execution of this task was skipped for some reason.
getSkippedTestCount() - Method in TestResult
Returns the number of skipped atomic tests executed for this test.
getSnapshotRepository() - Method in MavenDeployer
Returns the repository o be used for uploading snapshot artifacts.
getSource() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
Returns the source files for this task.
getSource() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getSource() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getSource() - Method in SourceTask
Returns the source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied.
getSourceCompatibility() - Method in AbstractCompile
Returns the Java language level to use to compile the source files.
getSourceCompatibility() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Returns the source compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
getSourceDirectories() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
Returns the source directories for this project.
getSourceDirs() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The directories containing the production sources.
getSourceFile() - Method in ScriptHandler
Returns the file containing the source for the script, if any.
getSourceFiles() - Method in TaskInputs
Returns the set of source files for this task.
getSourceNames() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
getSourceNames() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getSourcePaths() - Method in IdeaModule
getSourceURI() - Method in ScriptHandler
Returns the URI for the script source, if any.
getSpecs() - Method in CompositeSpec
getSrcDirs() - Method in SourceDirectorySet
Returns the source directories which make up this set.
getStandardErrorCaptureLevel() - Method in LoggingManager
Returns the log level that output written to System.err will be mapped to.
getStandardInput() - Method in BaseExecSpec
Returns the standard input stream for the process executing the command.
getStandardInput() - Method in Exec
getStandardInput() - Method in JavaExec
getStandardOutput() - Method in BaseExecSpec
Returns the output stream to consume standard output from the process executing the command.
getStandardOutput() - Method in Exec
getStandardOutput() - Method in JavaExec
getStandardOutputCaptureLevel() - Method in LoggingManager
Returns the log level that output written to System.out will be mapped to.
getStartParameter() - Method in Gradle
Returns the StartParameter used to start this build.
getStartParameter() - Method in GradleBuild
Returns the full set of parameters that will be used to execute the build.
getStartParameter() - Method in Settings

Returns the set of parameters used to invoke this instance of Gradle.

getStartTime() - Method in TestResult
Returns the time when this test started execution.
getState() - Method in Configuration

A Configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies.

getState() - Method in Project
Returns the evaluation state of this project.
getState() - Method in Task
Returns the execution state of this task.
getStatus() - Method in Module
getStatus() - Method in Project

Returns the status of this project.

getStopKey() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Returns the key to use to stop Jetty.
getStopKey() - Method in JettyPluginConvention
Returns the key to use to stop Jetty.
getStopKey() - Method in JettyStop
Returns the stop key.
getStopPort() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for stop requests.
getStopPort() - Method in JettyPluginConvention
Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for stop requests.
getStopPort() - Method in JettyStop
Returns the TCP port to use to send stop command.
getStylesheetFile() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getSubprojects() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
The subprojects that should be mapped to modules in the ipr file.
getSubprojects() - Method in Project

Returns the set containing the subprojects of this project.

getSuccessfulTestCount() - Method in TestResult
Returns the number of successful atomic tests executed for this test.
getSuites(File) - Method in TestNGOptions
getSymbolicName() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the symbolic name.
getSystemProperties() - Method in JavaExec
getSystemProperties() - Method in JavaForkOptions
Returns the system properties which will be used for the process.
getSystemProperties() - Method in Test
getSystemPropertiesArgs() - Method in StartParameter
getTagletPath() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getTags() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getTarget() - Method in AntTarget
Returns the Ant target to execute.
getTarget() - Method in LocationAwareException
Returns the target exception.
getTargetCompatibility() - Method in AbstractCompile
Returns the target JVM to generate the .class files for.
getTargetCompatibility() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Returns the target compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
getTargetFiles() - Method in Delete
Returns the resolved set of files which will be deleted by this task.
getTargetProject() - Method in EclipseProjectDependency
getTargetProject() - Method in ProjectDependency
Returns the target of this dependency.
getTask() - Method in TaskExecutionException
getTaskDependencies() - Method in Task

Returns a TaskDependency which contains all the tasks that this task depends on.

getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(boolean, String) - Method in Configuration
Returns a TaskDependency object containing dependencies on all tasks with the specified name from project dependencies related to this configuration or one of its super configurations.
getTaskGraph() - Method in Gradle

Returns the TaskExecutionGraph for this build.

getTaskName(String, String) - Method in SourceSet
Returns the name of a task for this source set.
getTaskNames() - Method in StartParameter
Returns the names of the tasks to execute in this build.
getTasks() - Method in BuildableProject
Returns the tasks of this project.
getTasks() - Method in EclipseProject
getTasks() - Method in GradleBuild
Returns the tasks that should be executed for this build.
getTasks() - Method in Project

Returns the tasks of this project.

getTasksByName(String, boolean) - Method in Project

Returns the set of tasks with the given name contained in this project, and optionally its subprojects.

getTemporaryDir() - Method in Task

Returns a directory which this task can use to write temporary files to.

getTestClassesDir() - Method in Test
Returns the root folder for the compiled test sources.
getTestCount() - Method in TestResult
Returns the total number of atomic tests executed for this test.
getTestFramework() - Method in Test
getTestOutputDir() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The output directory for test classes.
getTestOutputPath() - Method in IdeaModule
getTestReportDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Returns a file pointing to the root directory to be used for reports.
getTestReportDir() - Method in Test
Returns the root folder for the test reports.
getTestResultsDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Returns a file pointing to the root directory of the test results.
getTestResultsDir() - Method in Test
Returns the root folder for the test results.
getTestSourceDirs() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The directories containing the test sources.
getTestSourcePaths() - Method in IdeaModule
getTestSrcDirs() - Method in Test
Returns the directories containing the test source.
getTitle() - Method in Javadoc

Returns the title for the generated documentation.

getTitle() - Method in ScalaDoc
Returns the documentation title.
getType() - Method in DependencyArtifact
Returns the type of the dependency artifact.
getType() - Method in DependencySpecs.DependencyTypeSpec
getType() - Method in PublishArtifact
Returns the type of the published artifact.
getType() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
getTypeName() - Method in WebdavResolver
getUnixWrapperScriptGenerator() - Method in Wrapper
getUploadTaskName() - Method in Configuration
Returns the name of the task that upload the artifacts of this configuration to repositories declared by the user.
getUrl() - Method in DependencyArtifact
Returns an URL under which this dependency artifact can be retrieved.
getUrl() - Method in Groovydoc.Link
Returns the base url for the external site.
getUrl() - Method in ModulePath
getUrlRoot() - Method in Wrapper
The base URL to download the gradle distribution from.
getUserRealms() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getValue(Convention, IConventionAware) - Method in ConventionValue
Returns some object.
getValue() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Returns the value for the key of the manifest after the merge takes place.
getValue() - Method in OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption
getVariables() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
The variables to be used for replacing absolute paths in the iml entries.
getVendor() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the vendor.
getVersion() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Returns the version part of the archive name, if any.
getVersion() - Method in Dependency
Returns the version of this dependency.
getVersion() - Method in MavenPom
Returns the version for this POM.
getVersion() - Method in Module
getVersion() - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the version.
getVersion() - Method in Project

Returns the version of this project.

getWarConvention(Project) - Method in JettyPlugin
getWebApp() - Method in JettyRunWar
Returns the web application to deploy.
getWebAppConfig() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getWebAppDir() - Method in WarPluginConvention
Returns the web application directory.
getWebAppSourceDirectory() - Method in JettyRun
Returns the directory containing the web application source files.
getWebDefaultXml() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
getWebInf() - Method in War
getWebXml() - Method in JettyRun
Returns the web.xml file to use.
getWebXml() - Method in War
Returns the web.xml file to include in the WAR archive.
getWildcards() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
The wildcard resource patterns.
getWindowTitle() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns the browser window title for the documentation.
getWindowTitle() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
getWindowTitle() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
getWorkingDir() - Method in Exec
getWorkingDir() - Method in JavaExec
getWorkingDir() - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Returns the working directory for the process.
getWorkingDir() - Method in Test
getXmlTransformer() - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
globalProperties(Map) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified properties to the map of global properties.
globalProperty(String, String) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified property to the map of global properties.
Gradle - Interface in org.gradle.api.invocation

Represents an invocation of Gradle.

GRADLE_PROPERTIES - Field in Project
gradleApi() - Method in DependencyHandler
Creates a dependency on the API of the current version of Gradle.
GradleBuild - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Executes a Gradle build.
GradleBuild() - Constructor in GradleBuild
GradleConnectionException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
Thrown when there is some problem using a Gradle connection.
GradleConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GradleConnectionException
GradleConnector - Class in org.gradle.tooling

A GradleConnector is the main entry point to the Gradle tooling API.

GradleException - Class in org.gradle.api

GradleException is the base class of all exceptions thrown by Gradle.

GradleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GradleException
GradleLauncher - Class in org.gradle

GradleLauncher is the main entry point for embedding Gradle.

GradleScriptException - Class in org.gradle.api

A GradleScriptException is thrown when an exception occurs in the compilation or execution of a script.

GradleScriptException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GradleScriptException
graphPopulated(TaskExecutionGraph) - Method in BuildLogger
graphPopulated(TaskExecutionGraph) - Method in TaskExecutionGraphListener

This method is called when the TaskExecutionGraph has been populated, and before any tasks are executed.

groovy(Closure) - Method in GroovySourceSet
Configures the Groovy source for this set.
GroovyBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which extends the JavaBasePlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.

GroovyCodeQualityPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
GroovyCodeQualityPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in GroovyCodeQualityPluginConvention
GroovyCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
Compiles Groovy source files, and optionally, Java source files.
GroovyCompile() - Constructor in GroovyCompile
GroovyCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
@author Hans Dockter
Groovydoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc

Generates HTML API documentation for Groovy source, and optionally, Java source.

Groovydoc.Link - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
A Link class represent a link between groovydoc/javadoc output and url.
Groovydoc.Link(String, String) - Constructor in Groovydoc.Link
Constructs a Link.
Groovydoc() - Constructor in Groovydoc
GROOVYDOC_TASK_NAME - Field in GroovyPlugin
GroovyForkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
@author Hans Dockter
GroovyMavenDeployer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Adds Groovy configuration convenience methods on top of the MavenDeployer.
GroovyPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.

GroovySourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
A GroovySourceSetConvention defines the properties and methods added to a SourceSet by the GroovyPlugin.
GROUP_KEY - Field in ExcludeRule
group(String, String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
groupsFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions


hasError() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
Returns whether all dependencies were successfully retrieved or not.
hashCode() - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
hashCode() - Method in AbstractLibrary
hashCode() - Method in AccessRule
hashCode() - Method in BuildCommand
hashCode() - Method in Classpath
hashCode() - Method in CompositeSpec
hashCode() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
hashCode() - Method in DependencySpecs.DependencyTypeSpec
hashCode() - Method in Facet
hashCode() - Method in Groovydoc.Link
hashCode() - Method in JarDirectory
hashCode() - Method in Jdk
hashCode() - Method in Link
hashCode() - Method in Module
hashCode() - Method in ModuleDependency
hashCode() - Method in ModuleLibrary
hashCode() - Method in ModulePath
hashCode() - Method in Output
hashCode() - Method in Path
hashCode() - Method in PatternSet
hashCode() - Method in Project
hashCode() - Method in PublishInstruction
hashCode() - Method in RelativePath
hashCode() - Method in SourceFolder
hashCode() - Method in StartParameter
hashCode() - Method in WbDependentModule
hashCode() - Method in WbProperty
hashCode() - Method in WbResource
hashCode() - Method in WtpComponent
hashCode() - Method in WtpFacet
hasPlugin(Class) - Method in PluginContainer
Returns true if the container has a plugin with the given type, false otherwise.
hasProperty(String) - Method in Project

Determines if this project has the given property.

hasProperty(String) - Method in Task

Determines if this task has the given property.

hasTask(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Determines whether the given task is included in the execution plan.

header(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
header(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
helpFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
HierarchicalEclipseProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
Represents the basic information about an Eclipse project.
HierarchicalProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
Represents a project which belongs to some hierarchy.


IdeaConfigurer - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
@date 03.03.11
Szczepan Faber,
IdeaModel - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Author: Szczepan Faber, created at: 3/31/11
IdeaModule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Model for idea module.
IdeaModuleIml - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities of idea module

For example see docs for IdeaModule

Author: Szczepan Faber, created at: 4/5/11

IdeaPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
@author Hans Dockter
IdeaProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Model for idea project.
IdeaProjectIpr - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities of idea project

For example see docs for IdeaProject

Author: Szczepan Faber, created at: 4/5/11

IllegalDependencyNotation - Class in org.gradle.api
This exceptions is thrown, if a dependency is declared with a ilegal notation.
IllegalDependencyNotation(String, Throwable) - Constructor in IllegalDependencyNotation
IllegalOperationAtExecutionTimeException - Class in org.gradle.api
A IllegalOperationAtExecutionTimeException is thrown if you try to trigger an operation at runtime, which is only allowed at configuration time.
IllegalOperationAtExecutionTimeException(String) - Constructor in IllegalOperationAtExecutionTimeException
iml(Closure) - Method in IdeaModule
Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output xml or affecting the way existing *.iml content is merged with gradle build information

For example see docs for IdeaModule

importBuild(Object) - Method in AntBuilder
Imports an Ant build into the associated Gradle project.
include(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
include(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
include(Closure) - Method in PatternFilterable
Adds an include spec.
include(Closure) - Method in PatternSet
include(String[]) - Method in Settings

Adds the given projects to the build.

include(Closure) - Method in SourceTask
include(Closure) - Method in Test
includeFlat(String[]) - Method in Settings

Adds the given projects to the build.

includeGroups(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
includeSpecs(Iterable) - Method in PatternSet
info(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
injectCustomFactory(GradleLauncherFactory) - Method in GradleLauncher
Input - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Attached to a task property to indicate that the property specifies some input value for the task.

InputDirectory - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a property as specifying an input directory for a task.

InputFile - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a property as specifying an input file for a task.

InputFiles - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a property as specifying the input files for a task.

INSTALL_TASK_NAME - Field in MavenPlugin
instruction(String, String) - Method in OsgiManifest
Adds arguments to an instruction.
instructionFirst(String, String) - Method in OsgiManifest
Adds arguments to an instruction.
instructionValue(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
Returns the list of arguments for a particular instruction.
INTERNAL_REPOSITORY_NAME - Field in ResolverContainer
intersect() - Method in PatternSet
IntersectionPatternSet - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.util
IntersectionPatternSet(PatternSet) - Constructor in IntersectionPatternSet
into(Object, Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
into(Object) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Specifies the destination directory for a copy.
into(Object, Closure) - Method in CopySpec
Creates and configures a child CopySpec with the given destination path.
InvalidUserDataException - Class in org.gradle.api
A InvalidUserDataException is thrown, if a user is providing illegal data for the build.
InvalidUserDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidUserDataException
ipr(Closure) - Method in IdeaProject
Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output xml or affecting the way existing *.ipr content is merged with gradle build information

See the examples in the docs for IdeaProject

isAuthor() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isBreakIterator() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
isBreakIterator() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
isCaseSensitive() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
isCaseSensitive() - Method in CopySpec
Specifies whether case-sensitive pattern matching should be used.
isChanging() - Method in ExternalModuleDependency
Returns whether or nor Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.
isColorOutput() - Method in StartParameter
Returns true if logging output should be displayed in color when Gradle is running in a terminal which supports color output.
isComposite() - Method in TestDescriptor
Is this test a composite test?
isDaemon() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Specifies whether the Jetty server should run in the background.
isDebugEnabled(Marker) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isDependencyOrderEntry(def) - Method in Module
isDetail() - Method in TaskReportTask
isDirectory() - Method in FileTreeElement
Returns true if this element is a directory, or false if this element is a regular file.
isDocFilesSubDirs() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isDryRun() - Method in StartParameter
isEmpty() - Method in FileCollection
Returns true if this collection is empty.
isEnabled(LogLevel) - Method in Logger
Returns true if the given log level is enabled for this logger.
isEnabled(LogLevel) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isErrorEnabled(Marker) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isFailOnError() - Method in Javadoc
Specifies whether this task should fail when errors are encountered during javadoc generation.
isFile() - Method in RelativePath
isForce() - Method in ExternalDependency
Returns whether or not the version of this dependency should be enforced in the case of version conflicts.
isIgnoreExitValue() - Method in BaseExecSpec
Tells whether a non-zero exit value is ignored, or an exception thrown.
isIgnoreExitValue() - Method in Exec
isIgnoreExitValue() - Method in JavaExec
isIgnoreFailures() - Method in Checkstyle
isIgnoreFailures() - Method in CodeNarc
isIgnoreFailures() - Method in Test
isIgnoreFailures() - Method in VerificationTask
Specifies whether the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
isIncludePrivate() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns whether to include all classes and members (i.e. including private ones).
isInfoEnabled(Marker) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isKeyWords() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isLifecycleEnabled() - Method in Logger
Returns true if lifecycle log level is enabled for this logger.
isLifecycleEnabled() - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isLinkSource() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoComment() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoDeprecated() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoDeprecatedList() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoHelp() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoNavBar() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoOpt() - Method in StartParameter
isNoSince() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoTimestamp() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isNoTree() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isOf(Dependency) - Method in Type
Dependency types.
isOptionField(Field) - Method in AbstractOptions
isProfile() - Method in StartParameter
Returns true if a profile report will be generated.
isQuietEnabled() - Method in Logger
Returns true if quiet log level is enabled for this logger.
isQuietEnabled() - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in AndSpec
isSatisfiedBy(Dependency) - Method in DependencySpecs.DependencyTypeSpec
isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in NotSpec
isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in OrSpec
isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in Spec
isScanForTestClasses() - Method in Test
Specifies whether test classes should be detected.
isSearchUpwards() - Method in StartParameter
isSerialWarn() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isSkipUnmappedConfs() - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
Returns whether unmapped configuration should be skipped or not.
isSplitIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isStandardOutputCaptureEnabled() - Method in LoggingManager
Returns true when standard output capture is enabled.
isTestReport() - Method in Test
Specifies whether the test report should be generated.
isTrace() - Method in AntlrTask
Specifies that all rules call traceIn/traceOut.
isTraceEnabled(Marker) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
isTraceLexer() - Method in AntlrTask
Specifies that all lexer rules call traceIn/traceOut.
isTraceParser() - Method in AntlrTask
Specifies that all parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.
isTraceTreeWalker() - Method in AntlrTask
Specifies that all tree walker rules call traceIn/traceOut.
isTransitive() - Method in Configuration
Returns the transitivity of this configuration.
isTransitive() - Method in ModuleDependency
Returns whether this dependency should be resolved including or excluding its transitive dependencies.
isUniqueVersion() - Method in MavenDeployer
Returns whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprised of the timestamp and build number, or to use the same version each time.
isUploadDescriptor() - Method in PublishInstruction
Returns whether an xml module descriptor file should be uploaded or not.
isUploadDescriptor() - Method in Upload
Specifies whether the dependency descriptor should be uploaded.
isUse() - Method in Groovydoc
Returns whether to create class and package usage pages.
isUse() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isVerbose() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
isVerbose() - Method in Javadoc
Returns whether javadoc generation is accompanied by verbose output.
isVerbose() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
isVersion() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
isVisible() - Method in Configuration
Returns true if this is a visible configuration.
isWarnEnabled(Marker) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl


Jar - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
Assembles a JAR archive.
Jar() - Constructor in Jar
JAR_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
JarDirectory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Represents a jar directory element of an idea module library.
JarDirectory(def, def) - Constructor in JarDirectory
java(Closure) - Method in SourceSet
Configures the Java source for this set.
JavaBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which compiles and tests Java source, and assembles it into a JAR file.

JavaCodeQualityPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
JavaCodeQualityPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in JavaCodeQualityPluginConvention
Javadoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc

Generates HTML API documentation for Java classes.

JAVADOC_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
javadocAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
JavadocMemberLevel - Enum in org.gradle.external.javadoc
This enum maps to the -public, -protected, -package and -private options of the javadoc executable.
JavadocOfflineLink - Class in org.gradle.external.javadoc
This class is used to hold the information that can be provided to the javadoc executable via the -linkoffline option.
JavadocOfflineLink(String, String) - Constructor in JavadocOfflineLink
JavadocOptionFileOption - Interface in org.gradle.external.javadoc
Represents a Javadoc command-line option.
JavadocOutputLevel - Enum in org.gradle.external.javadoc
This enum maps to the -verbose and -quiet options of the javadoc executable.
JavaExec - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Executes a Java application in a child process.
JavaExec() - Constructor in JavaExec
javaexec(Closure) - Method in Project
Executes a Java main class.
javaexec(Closure) - Method in Script
Executes a Java main class.
JavaExecSpec - Interface in org.gradle.process
Specifies the options for executing a Java application.
JavaForkOptions - Interface in org.gradle.process

Specifies the options to use to fork a Java process.

JavaPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which compiles and tests Java source, and assembles it into a JAR file.

JavaPlugin.EmbeddableJavaProjectImpl(JavaPluginConvention) - Constructor in JavaPlugin.EmbeddableJavaProjectImpl
JavaPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
Is mixed in into the project when applying the JavaBasePlugin or the JavaPlugin.
JavaPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in JavaPluginConvention
JavaVersion - Enum in org.gradle.api
An enumeration of Java versions.
Jdk - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Represents a the information for the project JavaSDK.
JDK_ANNOTATIONS - Field in TestNGOptions
Jdk(def, def, def, def) - Constructor in Jdk
jdkAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
Jdt - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
Represents the Eclipse JDT settings.
JETTY_RUN - Field in JettyPlugin
JETTY_RUN_WAR - Field in JettyPlugin
JETTY_STOP - Field in JettyPlugin
JettyPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty

A Plugin which extends the WarPlugin to add tasks which run the web application using an embedded Jetty web container.

JettyPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
Convention properties and methods added by the JettyPlugin.
JettyRun - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty

Deploys an exploded web application to an embedded Jetty web container.

JettyRunWar - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty

Deploys a WAR to an embedded Jetty web container.

JettyStop - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
Stops the embedded Jetty web container, if it is running.
jFlags(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
jFlags(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
JUnitOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.junit
The JUnit specific test options.
jvmArgs(Object) - Method in JavaExec
jvmArgs(Object) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Adds some arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
jvmArgs(Object) - Method in Test


keyWords() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions


leftShift(Closure) - Method in Task

Adds the given closure to the end of this task's action list.

Library - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
Library(String, boolean, String, Set, String, String) - Constructor in Library
lifecycle(String, Throwable) - Method in Logger
Logs the given message at lifecycle log level.
LIFECYCLE - Field in Logging
lifecycle(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
Link - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
link(Map) - Method in EclipseProject
Adds a link to the eclipse project.
link(String, String) - Method in Groovydoc
Add links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL.
Link(String, String, String, String) - Constructor in Link
links(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
linksFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
linksOffline(String, String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
linksOfflineFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
linkSource() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
load(Node) - Method in Classpath
load(Properties) - Method in Jdt
load(Node) - Method in Module
load(Node) - Method in Project
load(Node) - Method in Workspace
load(Node) - Method in WtpComponent
load(Node) - Method in WtpFacet
locale(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
locale(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
LocationAwareException - Class in org.gradle.api
A LocationAwareException is an exception which can be annotated with a location in a script.
LocationAwareException(Throwable, Throwable, ScriptSource, Integer) - Constructor in LocationAwareException
log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in Logger
Logs the given message at the given log level.
log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
Logger - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging

An extension to the SLF4J Logger interface, which adds the quiet and lifecycle log levels.

Logging - Class in org.gradle.api.logging

The main entry point for Gradle's logging system.

Logging.LoggerImpl(def) - Constructor in Logging.LoggerImpl
LoggingManager - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging

A LoggingManager provides access to and control over the Gradle logging system.

LoggingOutput - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging
Provides access to the output of the Gradle logging system.
LogLevel - Enum in org.gradle.api.logging
The log levels supported by Gradle.


MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME - Field in SourceSet
The name of the main source set.
Manifest - Interface in
Represents the manifest file of a JAR file.
manifest(Closure) - Method in Jar
Configures the manifest for this JAR archive.
manifest(Closure) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Creates and configures a new instance of a Manifest.
ManifestException - Class in
Is thrown in the case an operation is applied against a Manifest that violates the Manifest specification.
ManifestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in ManifestException
ManifestMergeDetails - Interface in
Details of a value being merged from two different manifests.
ManifestMergeSpec - Interface in
Specifies how the entries of multiple manifests should be merged together.
matching(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification.
matching(PatternFilterable) - Method in FileTree

Restricts the contents of this tree to those files matching the given filter.

matching(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
matching(Closure) - Method in PluginCollection
matching(Closure) - Method in TaskCollection
MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL - Field in ResolverContainer
MAVEN_REPO_PATTERN - Field in ResolverContainer
mavenCentral() - Method in RepositoryHandler
Adds a repository which looks in the Maven central repository for dependencies.
MavenDeployer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven

A resolver that can only be used for uploading artifacts to a Maven repository.

mavenDeployer(Map, Closure) - Method in RepositoryHandler
Behaves the same way as mavenDeployer(java.util.Map).
MavenDeployment - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Represents the artifacts which will be deployed to a maven repository.
MavenFactory - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Factory for various types related to Maven dependency management.
mavenInstaller(Map, Closure) - Method in RepositoryHandler
Behaves the same way as mavenInstaller(java.util.Map).
mavenLocal() - Method in RepositoryHandler
Adds a repository which looks in the local Maven cache for dependencies.
MavenPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which allows project artifacts to be deployed to a Maven repository, or installed to the local Maven cache.

MavenPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
Properties and methods added by the MavenPlugin.
MavenPluginConvention(ProjectInternal) - Constructor in MavenPluginConvention
MavenPom - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Is used for generating a Maven pom file and customizing the generation.
mavenRepo(Map, Closure) - Method in RepositoryHandler
MavenResolver - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
A org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.DependencyResolver which resolves dependencies from Maven repositories.
mergeXmlModule(Module) - Method in IdeaModule
mergeXmlProject(Project) - Method in IdeaProject
metaInf(Closure) - Method in Jar
Adds content to this JAR archive's META-INF directory.
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in TestNGOptions
MinimalJavadocOptions - Interface in org.gradle.external.javadoc
Provides the core Javadoc options.
minus(FileCollection) - Method in FileCollection

Returns a FileCollection which contains the intersection of this collection and the given collection.

mkdir() - Method in Directory
mkdir(Object) - Method in Project
Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
mkdir(Object) - Method in Script
Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
modelFactory - Field in EclipseClasspath
modelFactory - Field in EclipseWtpFacet
Module - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A Module represents the meta-information about a project which should be used when publishing the module.

module(Object, Closure) - Method in DependencyHandler
Creates a dependency on a client module.
module(Closure) - Method in IdeaModel
MODULE_KEY - Field in ExcludeRule
Module(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in Module
ModuleDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A ModuleDependency is a Dependency on a module outside the current project.

ModuleDependency(def, def) - Constructor in ModuleDependency
ModuleLibrary - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Represents an orderEntry of type module-library in the iml xml.
ModuleLibrary(def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in ModuleLibrary
ModulePath - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Represents a path in a format as used often in ipr and iml files.
ModulePath(Path, String) - Constructor in ModulePath


NAME - Field in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
NamedDomainObjectCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api

A NamedDomainObjectCollection represents a read-only set of domain objects of type T.

NamedDomainObjectContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api
A DomainObjectContainer represents a mutable collection of domain objects of type T.
NamedDomainObjectFactory - Interface in org.gradle.api
A factory for named objects of type T.
natures(String) - Method in EclipseProject
Adds natures entries to the eclipse project.
Nested - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a property as specifying a nested bean, whose properties should be checked for annotations.

newBuild() - Method in ProjectConnection
Creates a launcher which can be used to execute a build.
newBuild() - Method in StartParameter

Creates the parameters for a new build, using these parameters as a template.

newConnector() - Method in GradleConnector
Creates a new connector instance.
newInstance(String) - Method in GradleLauncher
Returns a GradleLauncher instance based on the passed command line syntax arguments.
newInstance() - Method in StartParameter
Duplicates this StartParameter instance.
noComment() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noDeprecated() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noDeprecatedList() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noHelp() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noNavBar() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noQualifier(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noQualifiers(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
normalizePath(String) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
noSince() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
not(Spec) - Method in Specs
noTimestamp - Field in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
noTree() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
NotSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
A Spec implementation which negates another Spec.
NotSpec(Spec) - Constructor in NotSpec


ObjectConfigurationAction - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins

An ObjectConfigurationAction allows you to apply Plugins and scripts to an object or objects.

onApply(Project) - Method in EclipsePlugin
onApply(Project) - Method in IdeaPlugin
onComplete(T) - Method in ResultHandler
onFailure(GradleConnectionException) - Method in ResultHandler
onlyIf(Spec) - Method in Task

Execute the task only if the given spec is satisfied.

onOutput(CharSequence) - Method in StandardOutputListener
Called when some output is written by the logging system.
open() - Method in FileTreeElement
Opens this file as an input stream.
Optional - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a task property as optional.

optionFiles(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
optionFiles(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption - Interface in org.gradle.external.javadoc
Represents a Javadoc option.
optionMap() - Method in AbstractOptions
optionMap() - Method in CompileOptions
optionMap() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
options(Closure) - Method in Test
or(boolean, List) - Method in Specs
OrSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
A CompositeSpec which requires any one of its specs to be true in order to evaluate to true.
OrSpec(Spec) - Constructor in OrSpec
OsgiManifest - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi
Represents a manifest file for a JAR containing an OSGi bundle.
osgiManifest(Closure) - Method in OsgiPluginConvention
Creates and configures a new instance of an OsgiManifest .
OsgiPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi
A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to add OSGi meta-information to the project Jars.
OsgiPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi
Is mixed in into the project when applying the OsgiPlugin .
OsgiPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in OsgiPluginConvention
Output - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
Output(String) - Constructor in Output
OutputDirectory - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a property as specifying an output directory for a task.

OutputFile - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Marks a property as specifying an output file for a task.

overview(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
Fluent setter for the overview option.
overview(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions


parse(boolean, RelativePath, String) - Method in RelativePath
Path - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Represents a path in a format as used often in ipr and iml files.
path(File) - Method in IdeaModule
Path(String, String) - Constructor in Path
path(String) - Method in PathFactory
Creates a path for the given URL.
PATH_SEPARATOR - Field in Project
The hierarchy separator for project and task path names.
PathFactory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
PathValidation - Enum in org.gradle.api
An enumeration for describing validation policies for file paths.
PatternFilterable - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.util

A PatternFilterable represents some file container which Ant-style include and exclude patterns or specs can be applied to.

PatternSet - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.util
@author Hans Dockter
PatternSet(Map) - Constructor in PatternSet
Plugin - Interface in org.gradle.api

A Plugin represents an extension to Gradle.

plugin(String) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction
Adds a Plugin to use to configure the target objects.
PluginCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins

A PluginCollection represents a collection of Plugin instances.

PluginContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins

A PluginContainer is used to manage a set of Plugin instances applied to a particular project.

PluginInstantiationException - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
A PluginInstantiationException is thrown when a plugin cannot be instantiated.
PluginInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in PluginInstantiationException
plus(FileCollection) - Method in FileCollection

Returns a FileCollection which contains the union of this collection and the given collection.

plus(FileTree) - Method in FileTree
Returns a FileTree which contains the union of this tree and the given tree.
plus(RelativePath) - Method in RelativePath

Appends the given path to the end of this path.

pom(Closure) - Method in MavenPluginConvention
Creates and configures a new MavenPom.
pom(Closure) - Method in PomFilterContainer
Configures the default pom by a closure.
PomFilterContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Manages a set of MavenPom instances and their associated PublishFilter instances.
PORT_SYSPROPERTY - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
prepend(String) - Method in RelativePath
Prepends the given names to the start of this path.
ProcessForkOptions - Interface in org.gradle.process

Specifies the options to use to fork a process.

Project - Interface in org.gradle.api

This interface is the main API you use to interact with Gradle from your build file.

project(Map) - Method in DependencyHandler
Creates a dependency on a project.
PROJECT_FILE_NAME - Field in Project
project(Closure) - Method in IdeaModel
project(Closure) - Method in MavenPom
Provides a builder for the Maven pom for adding or modifying properties of the Maven getModel().
project(String, Closure) - Method in Project

Locates a project by path and configures it using the given closure.

PROJECT_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
project(File) - Method in Settings

Returns the project with the given project directory.

ProjectBuilder - Class in org.gradle.testfixtures

Creates dummy instances of Project which you can use in testing custom task and plugin implementations.

projectClassesDir(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified directory to the set of project classes directories.
projectClassesDirs(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified directories to the set of project classes directories.
ProjectConnection - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
Represents a long-lived connection to a Gradle project.
projectDependencies(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified dependencies to the set of project dependencies.
ProjectDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
Represents a dependency on another project.
ProjectDependency(String, boolean, String, Set, String) - Constructor in ProjectDependency
projectDependency(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified dependency to the set of project dependencies.
ProjectDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.api.initialization

A ProjectDescriptor declares the configuration required to create and evaluate a Project.

ProjectEvaluationListener - Interface in org.gradle.api

An ProjectEvaluationListener is notified when a project is evaluated.

projectMainSourceDir(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified directory to the set of project main source directories.
projectMainSourceDirs(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified directories to the set of project main source directories.
projectProperties(Map) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified properties to the map of project properties.
projectProperty(String, String) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified property to the map of project properties.
ProjectReportsPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which adds some project visualization report tasks to a project.

ProjectReportsPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
ProjectReportsPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in ProjectReportsPluginConvention
ProjectReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics

Displays a list of projects in the build.

projectsEvaluated(Gradle) - Method in BuildAdapter
projectsEvaluated(Gradle) - Method in BuildListener

Called when all projects for the build have been evaluated.

projectsEvaluated(Gradle) - Method in BuildLogger
projectsEvaluated(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called when all projects for the build have been evaluated.
projectsLoaded(Gradle) - Method in BuildAdapter
projectsLoaded(Gradle) - Method in BuildListener

Called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.

projectsLoaded(Gradle) - Method in BuildLogger
projectsLoaded(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.
ProjectState - Interface in org.gradle.api
ProjectState provides information about the execution state of a project.
projectTestSourceDir(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified directory to the set of project test source directories.
projectTestSourceDirs(File) - Method in Sonar
Adds the specified directories to the set of project test source directories.
properties(Map) - Method in TaskInputs
Registers a set of input properties for this task.
property(Map) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
Adds a property.
property(String) - Method in Project

Returns the value of the given property.

PROPERTY_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
property(String) - Method in Task

Returns the value of the given property of this task.

property(String, Object) - Method in TaskInputs

Registers an input property for this task.

propertyMissing(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
PropertyReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
Displays the properties of a project.
PROVIDED - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
publish(List, File) - Method in Configuration
Publishes the artifacts of this configuration to the specified repositories.
PublishArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A PublishArtifact is an artifact produced by a project.

PublishException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A PublishException is thrown when a dependency configuration cannot be published for some reason.

PublishException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in PublishException
PublishFilter - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
A filter for artifacts to be published.
PublishInstruction - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
Uploading details for artifacts produced by a project.
PublishInstruction(boolean, File) - Constructor in PublishInstruction
Creates a publish instruction.
putIfNotNull(Map, String, Object) - Method in AntGroovydoc


quiet() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
quiet(String, Throwable) - Method in Logger
Logs the given message at quiet log level.
QUIET - Field in Logging
quiet(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
quiet() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions


referencedProjects(String) - Method in EclipseProject
Adds project references to the eclipse project.
RelativePath - Class in org.gradle.api.file

Represents a relative path from some base directory to a file.

relativePath(String, File) - Method in PathFactory
Creates a path relative to the given path variable.
relativePath(Object) - Method in Project

Returns the relative path from the project directory to the given path.

RelativePath(boolean, String) - Constructor in RelativePath
Creates a RelativePath.
relativePath(Object) - Method in Script

Returns the relative path from the directory containing this script to the given path.

relativeProjectPath(String) - Method in Project

Converts a name to a project path relative to this project.

reload - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
reload can be set to either 'automatic' or 'manual'

if 'manual' then the context can be reloaded by a linefeed in the console if 'automatic' then traditional reloading on changed files is enabled.

RELOAD_AUTOMATIC - Field in JettyPlugin
RELOAD_MANUAL - Field in JettyPlugin
removeArtifact(PublishArtifact) - Method in Configuration
Removes an artifact from the artifacts to be published to this configuration.
removeListener(Object) - Method in Gradle
Removes the given listener from this build.
removeProjectEvaluationListener(ProjectEvaluationListener) - Method in Gradle
Removes the given listener from this build.
removeStandardErrorListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
Removes a listener from standard error.
removeStandardOutputListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
Removes a listener from standard output.
removeTaskExecutionGraphListener(TaskExecutionGraphListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Remove a listener from this graph.

removeTaskExecutionListener(TaskExecutionListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Remove a listener from this graph.

removeTestListener(TestListener) - Method in Test
Unregisters a test listener with this task.
rename(Pattern, String) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
rename(Pattern, String) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Renames files based on a regular expression.
rename(Pattern, String) - Method in CopySpec
replace(String, Class) - Method in TaskContainer

Creates a Task with the given name and type, and adds it to this container, replacing any existing task of the same name.

replaceLastName(String) - Method in RelativePath

Returns a copy of this path, with the last name replaced with the given name.

reportException(Throwable) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter
ReportingBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which provides the basic skeleton for reporting.

ReportingBasePluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A BasePluginConvention defines the convention properties and methods used by the ReportingBasePlugin.

ReportingBasePluginConvention(ProjectInternal) - Constructor in ReportingBasePluginConvention
reportInternalError(BuildExceptionReporter.FailureDetails) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter
repositories(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures the repositories for this project.

repositories(Closure) - Method in ScriptHandler
Configures the repositories for the script dependencies.
repositories(Closure) - Method in Upload
Configures the set of repositories to upload to.
RepositoryHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
A RepositoryHandler manages a set of repositories, allowing repositories to be defined and queried.
resetGlobalExcludes() - Method in PatternSet
resolve() - Method in Configuration
Resolves this configuration.
resolve(boolean) - Method in SelfResolvingDependency
Resolves this dependency by specifying the transitive mode.
ResolvedArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
Information about a resolved artifact.
ResolvedConfiguration - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
A ResolvedConfiguration represents the result of resolving a Configuration, and provides access to both the artifacts and the meta-data of the result.
ResolvedDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
Information about a resolved dependency.
ResolveException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A ResolveException is thrown when a dependency configuration cannot be resolved for some reason.

ResolveException(Configuration, Throwable) - Constructor in ResolveException
RESOLVER_NAME - Field in ResolverContainer
RESOLVER_URL - Field in ResolverContainer
ResolverContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts

A ResolverContainer is responsible for managing a set of org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.DependencyResolver instances.

resource(Map) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
Adds a wb-resource.
resources(Closure) - Method in SourceSet
Configures the non-Java resources for this set.
restartWebApp(boolean) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
restartWebApp(boolean) - Method in JettyRun
restartWebApp(boolean) - Method in JettyRunWar
ResultHandler - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
A handler for an asynchronous operation which returns an object of type T.
rethrowFailure() - Method in BuildResult

Rethrows the build failure.

rethrowFailure() - Method in ExecResult
Re-throws any failure executing this process.
rethrowFailure() - Method in ProjectState
Throws the project failure, if any.
rethrowFailure() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
A resolve of a configuration that is not successful does not automatically throws an exception.
rethrowFailure() - Method in TaskState
Throws the task failure, if any.
Rule - Interface in org.gradle.api

A Rule represents some action to perform when an unknown domain object is referenced.

run(ResultHandler) - Method in BuildLauncher
Launchers the build.
run() - Method in GradleLauncher

Executes the build for this GradleLauncher instance and returns the result.

RUNTIME - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
RUNTIME_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin


SATISFIES_ALL - Field in Specs
satisfyAll() - Method in Specs
satisfyNone() - Method in Specs
SCALA_DOC_TASK_NAME - Field in ScalaPlugin
scala(Closure) - Method in ScalaSourceSet
Configures the Scala source for this set.
ScalaBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.scala
ScalaCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
Compiles Scala source files, and optionally, Java source files.
ScalaCompile() - Constructor in ScalaCompile
ScalaCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
ScalaDoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
Generates HTML API documentation for Scala source files.
ScalaDocOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
ScalaPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.scala
ScalaSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
A ScalaSourceSetConvention defines the properties and methods added to a SourceSet by the ScalaPlugin.
scannerListeners - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
List of Listeners for the scanner.
ScanTargetPattern - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
Patterns for scanning for file changes.
Script - Interface in org.gradle.api

This interface is implemented by all Gradle scripts to add in some Gradle-specific methods.

ScriptCompilationException - Class in org.gradle.api
A ScriptCompilationException is thrown when a script cannot be compiled.
ScriptCompilationException(String, Throwable, ScriptSource, Integer) - Constructor in ScriptCompilationException
ScriptHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl

A ScriptHandler allows you to manage the compilation and execution of a build script.

segmentIterator() - Method in RelativePath
SelfResolvingDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
A SelfResolvingDependency is a Dependency which is able to resolve itself, independent of a repository.
send(String, String) - Method in Announcer
serialWarn() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setActions(List) - Method in Task

Sets the sequence of Action objects which will be executed by this task.

setAdditionalRuntimeJars(Iterable) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setAllJvmArgs(Iterable) - Method in JavaExec
setAllJvmArgs(Iterable) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Sets the full set of arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
setAllJvmArgs(Iterable) - Method in Test
setAnnotationsOnSourceCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in TestNGOptions
setAntGroovydoc(AntGroovydoc) - Method in Groovydoc
setAntlrClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in AntlrTask
Specifies the classpath containing the Ant ANTLR task implementation.
setAntScalaDoc(AntScalaDoc) - Method in ScalaDoc
setAppendix(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
setArchiveBase(Wrapper.PathBase) - Method in Wrapper
The archive base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
setArchiveClassifier(String) - Method in Wrapper
setArchiveName(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
Sets the archive name.
setArchiveName(String) - Method in Wrapper
setArchivePath(String) - Method in Wrapper
Set's the path where the gradle distributions archive should be saved (i.e. the parent dir).
setArgs(Iterable) - Method in Exec
setArgs(Iterable) - Method in ExecSpec
Sets the arguments for the command to be executed.
setArgs(Iterable) - Method in JavaExec
setArgs(Iterable) - Method in JavaExecSpec
Sets the args for the main class to be executed.
setArtifactId(String) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the artifact id for this POM.
setAuthor(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setBaseDir(File) - Method in AntTarget
Sets the Ant project base directory to use when executing the target.
setBaseName(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
setBootClasspath(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setBootClasspath(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setBootstrapClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaExec
setBootstrapClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Sets the bootstrap classpath to use for the process.
setBootstrapClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Test
setBottom(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setBreakIterator(boolean) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setBreakIterator(boolean) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setBuildDir(Object) - Method in Project

Sets the build directory of this project.

setBuildDirName(String) - Method in Project

Sets the build directory name of this project.

setBuildExecuter(BuildExecuter) - Method in StartParameter

Sets the org.gradle.execution.BuildExecuter to use for the build.

setBuildFile(Object) - Method in GradleBuild
Sets the build file that should be used for this build.
setBuildFile(File) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the build file to use to select the default project.
setBuildFileName(String) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Sets the name of the build file.
setBuildScriptSource(ScriptSource) - Method in StartParameter

Specifies that the given script should be used as the build file for this build.

setBuiltBy(Iterable) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
Sets the tasks which build the files of this collection.
setBuiltBy(Iterable) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
Sets the tasks which build the files of this collection.
setCacheUsage(CacheUsage) - Method in StartParameter
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in CopySpec
Specifies whether case-sensitive pattern matching should be used for this CopySpec.
setChanging(boolean) - Method in ExternalModuleDependency
Sets whether or nor Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.
setCharSet(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setClassesDir(File) - Method in OsgiManifest
Sets the classes dir.
setClassesDir(File) - Method in SourceSet
Sets the directory to assemble the compiled classes into.
setClassifier(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in AbstractCompile
Sets the classpath to use to compile the source files.
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Checkstyle
Specified the classpath containing the compiled classes for the source file to be inspected.
setClasspath(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets the classpath containing the Groovy library to be used.
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Javadoc
Sets the classpath to use to resolve type references in this source code.
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaExec
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaExecSpec
Sets the classpath for executing the main class.
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JettyRun
Set the classpath for the web application.
setClasspath(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Classpath instruction.
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaDoc
setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Test
setClasspath(Object) - Method in War
Sets the classpath to include in the WAR archive.
setClassPathFiles(List) - Method in JettyRun
setColorOutput(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
Specifies whether logging output should be displayed in color.
setCommandLine(Object) - Method in Exec
setCommandLine(Iterable) - Method in ExecSpec
Sets the full command line, including the executable to be executed plus its arguments.
setCompileClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in SourceSet
Sets the classpath used to compile this source.
setCompiler(GroovyJavaJointCompiler) - Method in GroovyCompile
setCompiler(ScalaJavaJointCompiler) - Method in ScalaCompile
setCompression(Compression) - Method in Tar
Specifies the compression to use for this archive.
setConf2ScopeMappings(Conf2ScopeMappingContainer) - Method in MavenPluginConvention
setConfigFile(File) - Method in Checkstyle
Specifies the Checkstyle configuration file to use.
setConfigFile(File) - Method in CodeNarc
Specifies the CodeNarc configuration file to use.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in Upload
setConfigurations(Set) - Method in DependencyReportTask
Sets the configurations to generate the report for.
setConfigurations(ConfigurationContainer) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the configuration container used for mapping configurations to maven scopes.
setConnectors(Connector[]) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setContextHandlers(ContextHandler[]) - Method in JettyRun
setContextPath(String) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setCopyAction(FileCopyActionImpl) - Method in Copy
setCurrentDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the directory to use to select the default project, and to search for the settings file.
setDaemon(boolean) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setDebug(boolean) - Method in JavaExec
setDebug(boolean) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Enable or disable debugging for the process.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in Test
setDefaultProjectSelector(ProjectSpec) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the selector used to choose the default project of the build.
setDefaultTasks(List) - Method in Project

Sets the names of the default tasks of this project.

setDelete(Object) - Method in Delete
Sets the files to be deleted by this task.
setDependencies(List) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the dependencies for this POM.
setDependencyCacheDir(File) - Method in Compile
setDependsOn(Iterable) - Method in Task

Sets the dependencies of this task.

setDescription(String) - Method in AntTarget
setDescription(String) - Method in Configuration
Sets the description for this configuration.
setDescription(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Description instruction.
setDescription(String) - Method in Project
Sets a description for this project.
setDescription(String) - Method in Task
Sets a description for this task.
setDescriptorDestination(File) - Method in Upload
setDestinationDir(File) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
setDestinationDir(File) - Method in AbstractCompile
Sets the directory to generate the .class files into.
setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Copy
Sets the directory to copy files into.
setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets the directory to generate the documentation into.
setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Javadoc

Sets the directory to generate the documentation into.

setDestinationDir(File) - Method in ScalaDoc
setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Sync
Sets the directory to copy files into.
setDestinationDirectory(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setDestinationDirectory(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setDidWork(boolean) - Method in Task
Sets whether the task actually did any work.
setDir(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
Specifies base directory for this file tree using the given path.
setDir(Object) - Method in GradleBuild
Sets the project directory for the build.
setDirectory(File) - Method in ScanTargetPattern
setDirMode(int) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
setDirMode(int) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target directories.
setDistributionBase(Wrapper.PathBase) - Method in Wrapper
The distribution base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
setDistributionPath(String) - Method in Wrapper
Sets the path where the gradle distributions needed by the wrapper are unzipped.
setDistributionUrl(String) - Method in Wrapper
setDocEncoding(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setDocFilesSubDirs(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setDoclet(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setDoclet(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setDocletpath(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setDocletpath(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setDocTitle(String) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets title for the package index(first) page (optional).
setDocTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setDocURL(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-DocURL instruction.
setDomainObject(T) - Method in GeneratorTask
setDownloadJavadoc(boolean) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setDownloadSources(boolean) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setDryRun(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
setEnableAssertions(boolean) - Method in JavaExec
setEnableAssertions(boolean) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Enable or disable assertions for the process.
setEnableAssertions(boolean) - Method in Test
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in Task

Set the enabled state of a task.

setEncoding(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setEncoding(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setEnvironment(Map) - Method in Exec
setEnvironment(Map) - Method in JavaExec
setEnvironment(Map) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Sets the environment variable to use for the process.
setEnvironment(Map) - Method in Test
setErrorOutput(OutputStream) - Method in BaseExecSpec
Sets the output stream to consume standard error from the process executing the command.
setErrorOutput(OutputStream) - Method in Exec
setErrorOutput(OutputStream) - Method in JavaExec
setExcludeDirs(Set) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setExcludeDocFilesSubDir(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setExcludedTaskNames(Collection) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the tasks to exclude from this build.
setExcludes(Iterable) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
setExcludes(Iterable) - Method in CopySpec
setExcludes(Iterable) - Method in PatternFilterable
Set the allowable exclude patterns.
setExcludes(Iterable) - Method in PatternSet
setExcludes(List) - Method in ScanTargetPattern
setExcludes(Iterable) - Method in SourceTask
setExcludes(Iterable) - Method in Test
Sets the exclude patterns for test execution.
setExecutable(Object) - Method in Exec
setExecutable(String) - Method in Javadoc
setExecutable(Object) - Method in JavaExec
setExecutable(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Sets the name of the executable to use.
setExecutable(Object) - Method in Test
setExtDirs(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setExtDirs(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setExtendsFrom(Set) - Method in Configuration
Sets the configurations which this configuration extends from.
setExtension(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
setExtraScanTargets(List) - Method in JettyRun
setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in Javadoc
setFileMode(int) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
setFileMode(int) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target files.
setFilter(PublishFilter) - Method in PomFilterContainer

Sets the default filter to be used.

setFooter(String) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets footer text for each page (optional).
setFooter(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setForce(boolean) - Method in ExternalDependency
Sets whether or not the version of this dependency should be enforced in the case of version conflicts.
setForkEvery(Long) - Method in Test
Sets the maximum number of test classes to execute in a forked test process.
setFrom(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
Sets the source paths for this collection.
setGlobalExcludes(Collection) - Method in PatternSet
setGradleUserHomeDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the directory to use as the user home directory.
setGradleVersion(String) - Method in Wrapper
The version of the gradle distribution required by the wrapper.
setGroovyClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in GroovyCompile
Sets the classpath containing the version of Groovy to use for compilation.
setGroovyClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets the classpath used to locate classes referenced by the documented sources.
setGroup(Object) - Method in Project

Sets the group of this project.

setGroup(String) - Method in Task
Sets the task group which this task belongs to.
setGroupId(String) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the group id for this POM.
setGroups(Map) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setHeader(String) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets header text for each page (optional).
setHeader(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setHeader(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setHelpFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setHttpPort(Integer) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setHttpPort(Integer) - Method in JettyPluginConvention
setIgnoreExitValue(boolean) - Method in BaseExecSpec
Sets whether a non-zero exit value is ignored, or an exception thrown.
setIgnoreExitValue(boolean) - Method in Exec
setIgnoreExitValue(boolean) - Method in JavaExec
setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in Checkstyle
setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in CodeNarc
setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in Test
setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in VerificationTask
Specifies whether the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
setIncludeEmptyDirs(boolean) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
setIncludeEmptyDirs(boolean) - Method in CopySpec
Controls if empty target directories should be included in the copy.
setIncludePrivate(boolean) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets whether to include all classes and members (i.e. including private ones) if set to true.
setIncludes(Iterable) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
setIncludes(Iterable) - Method in CopySpec
setIncludes(Iterable) - Method in PatternFilterable
Set the allowable include patterns.
setIncludes(Iterable) - Method in PatternSet
setIncludes(List) - Method in ScanTargetPattern
setIncludes(Iterable) - Method in SourceTask
setIncludes(Iterable) - Method in Test
Sets the include patterns for test execution.
setInheritOutputDirs(Boolean) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setInitScripts(List) - Method in StartParameter
setInputFile(File) - Method in GeneratorTask
Sets the input file to load the initial configuration from.
setJarFile(Object) - Method in Wrapper
setJarPath(String) - Method in Wrapper
When executing the wrapper task, the jar path specifies the path where the gradle-wrapper.jar is copied to.
setJavaCompiler(JavaCompiler) - Method in Compile
setJavadocPath(String) - Method in AbstractLibrary
setJavaVersion(String) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setJavaVersion(String) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
setJettyConfig(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setJettyEnvXml(File) - Method in JettyRun
setJettyEnvXmlFile(File) - Method in JettyRun
setJFlags(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setJFlags(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setJvmArgs(Iterable) - Method in JavaExec
setJvmArgs(Iterable) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Sets the extra arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
setJvmArgs(Iterable) - Method in Test
setKeyWords(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setLevel(LogLevel) - Method in LoggingManager
Sets the minimum logging level.
setLicense(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-License instruction.
setLinks(Set) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL.
setLinks(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setLinksOffline(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setLinkSource(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setLocale(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setLocale(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Method in StartParameter
setMain(String) - Method in JavaExec
setMain(String) - Method in JavaExecSpec
Sets the fully qualified name of the main class to be executed.
setMainClassName(String) - Method in ApplicationPluginConvention
Sets the full qualified name of the main class of an application.
setManifest(Manifest) - Method in Jar
Sets the manifest for this JAR archive.
setMavenPomDir(File) - Method in ResolverContainer
setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in JavaExec
setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Sets the maximum heap size for the process.
setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in Test
setMaxMemory(String) - Method in Javadoc
Sets the amount of memory allocated to this task.
setMaxParallelForks(int) - Method in Test
Sets the maximum number of forked test processes to execute in parallel.
setMemberLevel(JavadocMemberLevel) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setMemberLevel(JavadocMemberLevel) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setModel(Object) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the underlying native Maven org.apache.maven.model.Model object.
setModuleDir(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setModuleName(String) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setName(String) - Method in FileCopyDetails
Sets the destination name of this file.
setName(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Name instruction.
setName(String) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Sets the name of this project.
setNativeLibraryLocation(String) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
setNoComment(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoDeprecated(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoDeprecatedList(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoHelp(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoIndex(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoNavBar(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoOpt(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
setNoQualifiers(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoSince(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setNoTree(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setOnlyIf(Spec) - Method in Task

Execute the task only if the given spec is satisfied.

setOptionFiles(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setOptionFiles(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setOptions(MinimalJavadocOptions) - Method in Javadoc
Sets the javadoc generation options.
setOutputDir(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setOutputDirectory(File) - Method in AntlrTask
Specifies the directory to generate the parser source files into.
setOutputFile(File) - Method in AbstractReportTask
Sets the file which the report will be written to.
setOutputFile(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setOutputFile(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
setOutputFile(File) - Method in GeneratorTask
Sets the output file to write the final configuration to.
setOutputFile(File) - Method in IdeaModule
setOutputLevel(JavadocOutputLevel) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setOutputLevel(JavadocOutputLevel) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setOverrideWebXml(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setOverview(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setOverview(String) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets a html file to be used for overview documentation (optional).
setOverview(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setPackaging(String) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the packaging for this POM.
setPath(String) - Method in FileCopyDetails
Sets the destination path of this file.
setPom(MavenPom) - Method in PomFilterContainer

Sets the default pom to be used.

setPomDirName(String) - Method in MavenPluginConvention
Sets the name of the directory to generate Maven POMs into, relative to the build directory.
setProfile(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
Specifies if a profile report should be generated.
setProjectDependenciesBuildInstruction(ProjectDependenciesBuildInstruction) - Method in StartParameter
setProjectDir(File) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
Sets the project directory of this project.
setProjectDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the project directory to use to select the default project.
setProjectProperties(Map) - Method in StartParameter
setProjects(Set) - Method in AbstractReportTask
Specifies the set of projects to generate this report for.
setProperties(Map) - Method in Checkstyle
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in Project

Sets a property of this project.

setProperty(String, Object) - Method in Task

Sets a property of this task.

setRelativePath(RelativePath) - Method in FileCopyDetails
Sets the destination path of this file.
setReload(String) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setRenderer(DependencyReportRenderer) - Method in DependencyReportTask
Set the renderer to use to build a report.
setRenderer(PropertyReportRenderer) - Method in PropertyReportTask
setRenderer(TaskReportRenderer) - Method in TaskReportTask
setReportFile(File) - Method in CodeNarc
setReportFormat(String) - Method in CodeNarc
Specifies the format type of the CodeNarc report.
setReportsDirName(String) - Method in ReportingBasePluginConvention
Sets the name of the reports directory, relative to the project's build directory.
setRepositories(RepositoryHandler) - Method in Upload
setRepository(Object) - Method in MavenDeployer
Sets the repository to be used for uploading artifacts.
setRequestLog(RequestLog) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setResultFile(File) - Method in Checkstyle
Specifies the file to generate the XML results to.
setRuntimeClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in SourceSet
Sets the classpath used to execute this source.
setScalaClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaCompile
setScalaClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaDoc
setScalaDocOptions(ScalaDocOptions) - Method in ScalaDoc
setScanForTestClasses(boolean) - Method in Test
setScanIntervalSeconds(int) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setScannerListeners(ArrayList) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setScanTargetPatterns(ScanTargetPattern[]) - Method in JettyRun
setScanTargets(File[]) - Method in JettyRun
setScopes(Map) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setScriptDestinationPath(String) - Method in Wrapper
Specifies a path as the parent dir of the scripts which are generated when executing the wrapper task.
setScriptFile(Object) - Method in Wrapper
setSearchUpwards(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
setSerialWarn(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setServer(JettyPluginServer) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setSettingsFile(File) - Method in StartParameter
Sets the settings file to use for the build.
setSettingsScriptSource(ScriptSource) - Method in StartParameter

Sets the org.gradle.groovy.scripts.ScriptSource to use for the settings script.

setShowDetail(boolean) - Method in TaskReportTask
setShowStacktrace(StartParameter.ShowStacktrace) - Method in StartParameter
setSkipUnmappedConfs(boolean) - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
Sets, whether unmapped configuration should be skipped or not.
setSnapshotRepository(Object) - Method in MavenDeployer
Sets the repository to be used for uploading snapshot artifacts.
setSource(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setSource(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setSource(Object) - Method in SourceTask
Sets the source for this task.
setSourceCompatibility(String) - Method in AbstractCompile
Sets the Java language level to use to compile the source files.
setSourceCompatibility(def) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Sets the source compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
setSourceCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in Jdt
Sets the source compatibility for the compiler.
setSourceDirs(Set) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setSourceNames(List) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
setSourceNames(List) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setSplitIndex(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setSrcDirs(Iterable) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
Sets the source directories for this set.
setStandardError(OutputStream) - Method in BuildLauncher
Sets the which should receive standard error logging from this build.
setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in BaseExecSpec
Sets the standard input stream for the process executing the command.
setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in Exec
setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in JavaExec
setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in BaseExecSpec
Sets the output stream to consume standard output from the process executing the command.
setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in BuildLauncher
Sets the which should receive standard output logging from this build.
setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in Exec
setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in JavaExec
setStartParameter(StartParameter) - Method in GradleBuild
Sets the full set of parameters that will be used to execute the build.
setStatus(Object) - Method in Project
Sets the status of this project.
setStopKey(String) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setStopKey(String) - Method in JettyPluginConvention
setStopKey(String) - Method in JettyStop
Sets key to provide when stopping jetty.
setStopPort(Integer) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setStopPort(Integer) - Method in JettyPluginConvention
setStopPort(Integer) - Method in JettyStop
Sets the TCP port to use to send stop command.
setStylesheetFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setSubprojects(Set) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
setSymbolicName(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-SymbolicName instruction.
setSystemProperties(Map) - Method in JavaExec
setSystemProperties(Map) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Sets the system properties to use for the process.
setSystemProperties(Map) - Method in Test
setSystemPropertiesArgs(Map) - Method in StartParameter
setTagletPath(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setTags(List) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setTarget(Target) - Method in AntTarget
Sets the Ant target to execute.
setTargetCompatibility(String) - Method in AbstractCompile
Sets the target JVM to generate the .class files for.
setTargetCompatibility(def) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Sets the target compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
setTargetCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in Jdt
Sets the target compatibility for the compiler.
setTaskNames(Collection) - Method in StartParameter

Sets the tasks to execute in this build.

setTasks(Collection) - Method in GradleBuild
Sets the tasks that should be executed for this build.
setTestClassesDir(File) - Method in Test
Sets the root folder for the compiled test sources.
setTestOutputDir(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setTestReport(boolean) - Method in Test
setTestReportDir(File) - Method in Test
Sets the root folder for the test reports.
setTestResultsDir(File) - Method in Test
Sets the root folder for the test results.
setTestSourceDirs(Set) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setTestSrcDirs(List) - Method in Test
Settings - Interface in org.gradle.api.initialization

Declares the configuration required to instantiate and configure the hierarchy of Project instances which are to participate in a build.

settingsEvaluated(Settings) - Method in BuildAdapter
settingsEvaluated(Settings) - Method in BuildListener

Called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.

settingsEvaluated(Settings) - Method in BuildLogger
settingsEvaluated(Closure) - Method in Gradle
Adds a closure to be called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
setTitle(String) - Method in Javadoc

Sets the title for the generated documentation.

setTitle(String) - Method in ScalaDoc
setTrace(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
setTraceLexer(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
setTraceParser(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
setTraceTreeWalker(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
setTransitive(boolean) - Method in Configuration
Sets the transitivity of this configuration.
setTransitive(boolean) - Method in ModuleDependency
Sets whether this dependency should be resolved including or excluding its transitive dependencies.
setUniqueVersion(boolean) - Method in MavenDeployer
Sets whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprised of the timestamp and build number, or to use the same version each time.
setUnixWrapperScriptGenerator(WrapperScriptGenerator) - Method in Wrapper
setUploadDescriptor(boolean) - Method in Upload
setUrlRoot(String) - Method in Wrapper
Sets the base URL to download the gradle distribution from.
setUse(boolean) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets whether to create class and package usage pages.
setUse(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setUser(String) - Method in WebdavResolver
setUserPassword(String) - Method in WebdavResolver
setUserRealms(UserRealm[]) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setValue(String) - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
Set's the value for the key of the manifest after the merge takes place.
setValue(T) - Method in OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption
setVariables(Map) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
setVendor(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Vendor instruction.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in Javadoc
Sets whether javadoc generation is accompanied by verbose output or not.
setVersion(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
setVersion(String) - Method in MavenPom
Sets the version for this POM.
setVersion(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Version instruction.
setVersion(Object) - Method in Project

Sets the version of this project.

setVersion(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setVisible(boolean) - Method in Configuration
Sets the visibility of this configuration.
setWebApp(File) - Method in JettyRunWar
setWebAppConfig(JettyPluginWebAppContext) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setWebAppSourceDirectory(File) - Method in JettyRun
setWebDefaultXml(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
setWebXml(File) - Method in JettyRun
setWebXml(File) - Method in War
Sets the web.xml file to include in the WAR archive.
setWildcards(Set) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
setWindowTitle(String) - Method in Groovydoc
Sets the browser window title for the documentation.
setWindowTitle(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
setWindowTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in Exec
setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in JavaExec
setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Sets the working directory for the process.
setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in Test
showAll() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
showAll() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
showFromPackage() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
showFromPackage() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
showFromPrivate() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
showFromPrivate() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
showFromProtected() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
showFromProtected() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
showFromPublic() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
showFromPublic() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
SkipWhenEmpty - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks

Attached to a task property to indicate that the task should be skipped when the value of the property is an empty FileCollection or directory.

Sonar - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar
Analyzes a project and stores the results in Sonar's database.
SonarPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar
A Plugin for integrating with Sonar, a web-based platform for managing code quality.
source(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
source(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
source(Object) - Method in SourceTask
Adds some source to this task.
source(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
Registers some source files for this task.
sourceDir(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
Registers a source directory for this task.
SourceDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
Represents a source directory.
SourceDirectorySet - Interface in org.gradle.api.file

A SourceDirectorySet represents a set of source files composed from a set of source directories, along with associated include and exclude patterns.

SourceFolder - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
SourceFolder(String, String, Set, String, List, List) - Constructor in SourceFolder
sourceNames(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
sourceNames(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
SourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks

A SourceSet represents a logical group of Java source and resources.

SourceSetContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
A SourceSetContainer manages a set of SourceSet objects.
sourceSets(Closure) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
Configures the source sets of this project.
SourceTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
A SourceTask performs some operation on source files.
Spec - Interface in org.gradle.api.specs
Represents some predicate against objects of type T.
Specs - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
Provides a number of Spec implementations.
splitIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
srcDir(Object) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
Adds the given source directory to this set.
srcDirs(Object) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
Adds the given source directories to this set.
StandardJavadocDocletOptions - Class in org.gradle.external.javadoc
Provides the options for the standard Javadoc doclet.
StandardJavadocDocletOptions(JavadocOptionFile) - Constructor in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
StandardOutputListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging

A StandardOutputListener receives text written by Gradle's logging system to standard output or error.

start() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
startConsoleScanner() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
Run a thread that monitors the console input to detect ENTER hits.
startJetty() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
startJettyInternal() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
StartParameter - Class in org.gradle

StartParameter defines the configuration used by a GradleLauncher instance to execute a build.

StartParameter.ShowStacktrace - Enum in org.gradle
Specifies the detail to include in stacktraces.
StartParameter() - Constructor in StartParameter
Creates a StartParameter with default values.
stop() - Method in JettyStop
StopActionException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks

A StopActionException is be thrown by a task Action or task action closure to stop its own execution and to start execution of the task's next action.

StopActionException(String) - Constructor in StopActionException
StopExecutionException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks

A StopExecutionException is thrown by a Action or task action closure to stop execution of the current task and start execution of the next task.

StopExecutionException(String) - Constructor in StopExecutionException
stopExecutionIfEmpty() - Method in FileCollection
Throws a StopExecutionException if this collection is empty.
stopVisiting() - Method in FileVisitDetails
Requests that file visiting terminate after the current file.
store(Node) - Method in Classpath
store(Properties) - Method in Jdt
store(Node) - Method in Module
store(Node) - Method in Project
store(Node) - Method in Workspace
store(Node) - Method in WtpComponent
store(Node) - Method in WtpFacet
stylesheetFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
subprojects(Closure) - Method in Project

Configures the sub-projects of this project.

suites(File) - Method in TestNGOptions
Add suite files by File objects.
suiteXmlBuilder() - Method in TestNGOptions
Sync - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Synchronises the contents of a destination directory with some source directories and files.
Sync() - Constructor in Sync
SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX - Field in Project
systemProperties(Map) - Method in JavaExec
systemProperties(Map) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Adds some system properties to use for the process.
systemProperties(Map) - Method in Test
systemProperty(String, Object) - Method in JavaExec
systemProperty(String, Object) - Method in JavaForkOptions
Adds a system property to use for the process.
systemProperty(String, Object) - Method in Test


tagletPath(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
taglets(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
tags(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
tagsFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
Tar - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
Assembles a TAR archive.
Tar.TarCopyActionImpl(FileResolver) - Constructor in Tar.TarCopyActionImpl
Tar() - Constructor in Tar
tarTree(Object) - Method in Project

Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file.

tarTree(Object) - Method in Script

Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file.

Task - Interface in org.gradle.api

A Task represents a single atomic piece of work for a build, such as compiling classes or generating javadoc.

TASK_ACTION - Field in Task
TASK_DEPENDS_ON - Field in Task
TASK_DIST_ZIP_NAME - Field in ApplicationPlugin
TASK_GROUP - Field in Task
TASK_INSTALL_NAME - Field in ApplicationPlugin
TASK_NAME - Field in Task
TASK_OVERWRITE - Field in Task
task(String, Closure) - Method in Project

Creates a Task with the given name and adds it to this project.

TASK_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
TASK_RUN_NAME - Field in ApplicationPlugin
TASK_START_SCRIPTS_NAME - Field in ApplicationPlugin
TASK_TYPE - Field in Task
TaskAction - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
Marks a method as the action to run when the task is executed.
TaskActionListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution

A TaskWorkListener is notified of the actions that a task performs.

TaskCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
A TaskCollection contains a set of Task instances, and provides a number of query methods.
TaskContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks

A TaskContainer is responsible for managing a set of Task instances.

TaskDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks

A TaskDependency represents an unordered set of tasks which a Task depends on.

TaskExecutionException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks

A TaskExecutionException is thrown when a task fails to execute successfully.

TaskExecutionException(Task, Throwable) - Constructor in TaskExecutionException
TaskExecutionGraph - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution

A TaskExecutionGraph is responsible for managing the execution of the Task instances which are part of the build.

TaskExecutionGraphListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution

A TaskExecutionGraphListener is notified when the TaskExecutionGraph has been populated.

TaskExecutionListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution

A TaskExecutionListener is notified of the execution of the tasks in a build.

TaskExecutionLogger - Class in org.gradle
A listener which logs the execution of tasks.
TaskExecutionLogger(ProgressLoggerFactory) - Constructor in TaskExecutionLogger
TaskInputs - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks

A TaskInputs represents the inputs for a task.

TaskInstantiationException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
A TaskInstantiationException is thrown when a task cannot be instantiated for some reason.
TaskInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in TaskInstantiationException
TaskOutputs - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks

A TaskOutputs represents the outputs of a task.

TaskReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics

Displays a list of tasks in the project.

TaskState - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
TaskState provides information about the execution state of a Task.
TaskValidationException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
A TaskValidationException is thrown when there is some validation problem with a task.
TaskValidationException(String, List) - Constructor in TaskValidationException
Test - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
Executes tests.
TEST_CLASSES_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
TEST_COMPILE_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
TEST - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
TEST_RUNTIME_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME - Field in SourceSet
The name of the test source set.
TEST_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
Test() - Constructor in Test
TestDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
Describes a test.
testFramework(Closure) - Method in Test
TestFrameworkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
The base class for any test framework specific options.
TestListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
Interface for listening to test execution.
TestNGOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.testng
@author Tom Eyckmans
TestNGOptions(File) - Constructor in TestNGOptions
TestResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
Describes a test result.
TestResult.ResultType - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
The final status of a test.
TMP_DIR_NAME - Field in Project
to(Object) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction

Specifies some target objects to be configured.

toString() - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
toString() - Method in AbstractLibrary
toString() - Method in AccessRule
toString() - Method in BuildCommand
toString() - Method in Classpath
toString() - Method in Container
toString() - Method in Facet
toString() - Method in JarDirectory
toString() - Method in JavadocOfflineLink
toString() - Method in JavaVersion
toString() - Method in Jdk
toString() - Method in Library
toString() - Method in Module
toString() - Method in ModuleDependency
toString() - Method in ModuleLibrary
toString() - Method in ModulePath
toString() - Method in Output
toString() - Method in Path
toString() - Method in Project
toString() - Method in ProjectDependency
toString() - Method in RelativePath
toString() - Method in SourceFolder
toString() - Method in StartParameter
toString() - Method in Variable
toString() - Method in WbDependentModule
toString() - Method in WbProperty
toString() - Method in WbResource
toString() - Method in WtpComponent
toString() - Method in WtpFacet
toUrl(String, File) - Method in PathFactory
toVersion(Object) - Method in JavaVersion
Converts the given object into a JavaVersion.
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
transform(T) - Method in Transformer
Transforms the given object, and returns the transformed value.
Transformer - Interface in org.gradle.api

A Transformer transforms objects of type T.

transformIntoWindowsNewLines(String) - Method in CreateStartScripts
Type - Enum in org.gradle.api.artifacts.specs
Dependency types.
type(Type) - Method in DependencySpecs


UncheckedIOException - Class in org.gradle.api
UncheckedIOException is used to wrap an into an unchecked exception.
UncheckedIOException(Throwable) - Constructor in UncheckedIOException
UnknownConfigurationException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts

An UnknownConfigurationException is thrown when a configuration referenced by name cannot be found.

UnknownConfigurationException(String) - Constructor in UnknownConfigurationException
UnknownDomainObjectException - Class in org.gradle.api

A UnknownDomainObjectException is the super class of all exceptions thrown when a given domain object cannot be located.

UnknownDomainObjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownDomainObjectException
UnknownPluginException - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
A UnknownPluginException is thrown when an unknown plugin id is provided.
UnknownPluginException(String) - Constructor in UnknownPluginException
UnknownProjectException - Class in org.gradle.api

An UnknownProjectException is thrown when a project referenced by path cannot be found.

UnknownProjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownProjectException
UnknownRepositoryException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
An UnknownRepositoryException is thrown when a repository referenced by name cannot be found.
UnknownRepositoryException(String) - Constructor in UnknownRepositoryException
UnknownTaskException - Class in org.gradle.api

An UnknownTaskException is thrown when a task referenced by path cannot be found.

UnknownTaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownTaskException
UnsupportedVersionException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
Thrown when the target Gradle version does not support a particular feature.
UnsupportedVersionException(String) - Constructor in UnsupportedVersionException
Upload - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
Uploads the artifacts of a Configuration to a set of repositories.
UPLOAD_GROUP - Field in BasePlugin
Upload() - Constructor in Upload
upToDateWhen(Spec) - Method in TaskOutputs

Adds a predicate to determine whether the outputs of this task are up-to-date.

uri(Object) - Method in Project

Resolves a file path to a URI, relative to the project directory of this project.

uri(Object) - Method in Script

Resolves a file path to a URI, relative to the directory containing this script.

use() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
useDefaultListeners(boolean) - Method in TestNGOptions
useDistribution(URI) - Method in GradleConnector
Specifies which Gradle distribution to use.
useEmbeddedBuildFile(String) - Method in StartParameter

Specifies that the given script should be used as the build file for this build.

useGradleUserHomeDir(File) - Method in GradleConnector
Specifies the user's Gradle home directory to use.
useGradleVersion(String) - Method in GradleConnector
Specifies which Gradle version to use.
useInstallation(File) - Method in GradleConnector
Specifies which Gradle installation to use.
useJUnit(Closure) - Method in Test
Specifies that JUnit should be used to execute the tests.
useLogger(Object) - Method in Gradle
Uses the given object as a logger.
useLogger(Object) - Method in GradleLauncher
Use the given listener.
usePlugin(Class) - Method in Project

Applies a Plugin to this project.

useTestNG(Closure) - Method in Test
Specifies that TestNG should be used to execute the tests.


validateConfiguration() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
validateConfiguration() - Method in JettyRun
validateConfiguration() - Method in JettyRunWar
Variable - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
Variable(String, boolean, String, Set, String, String) - Constructor in Variable
variables(Map) - Method in EclipseClasspath
Adds variables to be used for replacing absolute paths in classpath entries.
variables(Map) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
Adds variables to be used for replacing absolute path in dependent-module elements.
verbose() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
verbose() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
VERIFICATION_GROUP - Field in JavaBasePlugin
VerificationTask - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
A VerificationTask is a task which performs some verification of the artifacts produced by a build.
version() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
visit(Closure) - Method in FileTree
Visits the files and directories in this file tree.
visitDir(FileVisitDetails) - Method in EmptyFileVisitor
visitDir(FileVisitDetails) - Method in FileVisitor
Visits a directory.
visitFile(FileVisitDetails) - Method in EmptyFileVisitor
visitFile(FileVisitDetails) - Method in FileVisitor
Visits a file.


War - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
Assembles a WAR archive.
WAR_EXTENSION - Field in War
WAR_TASK_NAME - Field in WarPlugin
War() - Constructor in War
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in Logging.LoggerImpl
WarPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins

A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to add tasks which assemble a web application into a WAR file.

WarPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
WarPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in WarPluginConvention
WbDependentModule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
WbDependentModule(String, String) - Constructor in WbDependentModule
WbProperty - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
WbProperty(String, String) - Constructor in WbProperty
WbResource - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
@author Hans Dockter
WbResource(String, String) - Constructor in WbResource
WEB_APP_GROUP - Field in WarPlugin
WebdavResolver - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
A org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.RepositoryResolver for webdav based repositories.
WebdavResolver() - Constructor in WebdavResolver
webInf(Closure) - Method in War
Adds some content to the WEB-INF directory for this WAR archive.
whenConfigured(Action) - Method in GeneratorTask

Adds an action to be called after the domain object has been configured by this task.

whenConfigured(Action) - Method in MavenPom

Adds an action to be called when the pom has been configured.

whenMerged(Closure) - Method in IdeaModuleIml
Adds a closure to be called after *.iml content is loaded from existing file and after gradle build information is merged

This is advanced api that gives access to internal implementation of idea plugin.

whenObjectAdded(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Adds a closure to be called when an object is added to this collection.
whenObjectRemoved(Action) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Adds an Action to be executed when an object is removed from this collection.
whenPluginAdded(Closure) - Method in PluginCollection
Adds a closure to be called when a plugin is added to this collection.
whenReady(Closure) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph

Adds a closure to be called when this graph has been populated.

whenTaskAdded(Closure) - Method in TaskCollection
Adds a closure to be called when a task is added to this collection.
windowTitle(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
windowTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
with(CopySpec) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
with(CopySpec) - Method in CopySpec
Adds the given specs as a child of this spec.
withProjectDir(File) - Method in ProjectBuilder
Specifies the project directory for the project to build.
withType(Class, Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type.
withType(Class) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
withType(Class) - Method in PluginCollection
withType(Class) - Method in TaskCollection
withXml(Closure) - Method in IdeaModuleIml
Adds a closure to be called when the *.iml file has been created.
withXml(Closure) - Method in IdeaProjectIpr
Adds a closure to be called when the *.ipr document has been created.
withXml(Action) - Method in MavenPom

Adds an action to be called when the POM XML has been created.

withXml(Action) - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
Adds an action to be called when the XML document has been created.
workingDir(Object) - Method in Exec
workingDir(Object) - Method in JavaExec
workingDir(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
Sets the working directory for the process.
workingDir(Object) - Method in Test
WorkResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
Provides information about some work which was performed.
Workspace - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
Represents the customizable elements of an ipr (via XML hooks everything of the ipr is customizable).
Workspace(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in Workspace
Wrapper - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper

Generates scripts (for *nix and windows) which allow you to build your project with Gradle, without having to install Gradle.

Wrapper.PathBase - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper
Specifies how the wrapper path should be interpreted.
Wrapper() - Constructor in Wrapper
write(BuildExceptionReporter.FailureDetails) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter
write(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
write(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
write(JavadocOptionFileWriterContext) - Method in OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption
writeEntryAttributes(Node) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
writeTo(Object) - Method in Manifest
Writes the manifest into a file.
writeTo(Object) - Method in MavenPom
Writes the getEffectivePom() xml to a file while applying the withXml(org.gradle.api.Action) actions.
WtpComponent - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
Creates the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file for WTP projects.
WtpComponent(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in WtpComponent
WtpFacet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
Creates the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file for WTP projects.
WtpFacet(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in WtpFacet


XmlGeneratorTask - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
A convenience superclass for those tasks which generate XML configuration files from a domain object of type T.
XmlGeneratorTask() - Constructor in XmlGeneratorTask
XmlProvider - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
Provides various ways to access the content of an XML document.



Zip - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
Assembles a ZIP archive.
Zip.ZipCopyAction(FileResolver) - Constructor in Zip.ZipCopyAction
ZIP_EXTENSION - Field in Zip
Zip() - Constructor in Zip
zipTree(Object) - Method in Project

Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given ZIP file.

zipTree(Object) - Method in Script

Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given ZIP file.


Groovy Documentation