Chapter 18. The Java Plugin

The Java plugin adds Java compilation, testing and bundling capabilities to a project. It serves as the basis for many of the other Gradle plugins.

18.1. Source sets

The Java plugin introduces the concept of a source set. A source set is a group of source files which are compiled and executed together. These source files may include Java source files and resource files. Other plugins add the ability to include Groovy and Scala source files in a source set. A source set has an associated compile classpath, and runtime classpath.

You might use a source set to define an integration test suite, or for the API classes of your project, or to separate source which needs to be compiled against different Java versions.

The Java plugin defines two standard source sets, called main and test. The main source set contains your production source code, which is compiled and assembled into a JAR file. The test source set contains your unit test source code, which is compiled and executed using JUnit or TestNG.

18.2. Tasks

The Java plugin adds a number of tasks to your project, as shown below.

Table 18.1. Java plugin - tasks

Task name Depends on Type Description
clean - Clean Deletes the project build directory.
compileJava All tasks which produce the compile classpath. This includes the jar task for project dependencies included in the compile configuration. Compile Compiles production Java source files using javac.
processResources - Copy Copies production resources into the production classes directory.
classes compileJava and processResources. Some plugins add additional compilation tasks. Task Assembles the production classes directory.
compileTestJava compile, plus all tasks which produce the test compile classpath. Compile Compiles test Java source files using javac.
processTestResources - Copy Copies test resources into the test classes directory.
testClasses compileTestJava and processTestResources. Some plugins add additional test compilation tasks. Task Assembles the test classes directory.
jar compile Jar Assembles the JAR file
javadoc compile Javadoc Generates API documentation for the production Java source, using Javadoc
test compile, compileTest, plus all tasks which produce the test runtime classpath. Test Runs the unit tests using JUnit or TestNG.
uploadArchives The tasks which produce the artifacts in the archives configuration, including jar. Upload Uploads the artifacts in the archives configuration, including the JAR file.

For each source set you add to the project, the Java plugin adds the following compilation tasks:

Table 18.2. Java plugin - source set tasks

Task name Depends on Type Description
compileSourceSetJava All tasks which produce the source set's compile classpath. Compile Compiles the given source set's Java source files using javac.
processSourceSetResources - Copy Copies the given source set's resources into the classes directory.
sourceSetClasses compileSourceSetJava and processSourceSetResources. Some plugins add additional compilation tasks for the source set. Task Assembles the given source set's classes directory.

The Java plugin also adds a number of tasks which form a lifecycle for the project:

Table 18.3. Java plugin - lifecycle tasks

Task name Depends on Type Description
assemble All archive tasks in the project, including jar. Some plugins add additional archive tasks to the project. Task Assembles all the archives in the project.
check All verification tasks in the project, including test. Some plugins add additional verification tasks to the project. Task Performs all verification tasks in the project.
build check and assemble Task Performs a full build of the project.
buildNeeded build and build tasks in all project lib dependencies of the testRuntime configuration. Task Performs a full build of the project and all projects it depends on.
buildDependents build and build tasks in all projects with a project lib dependency on this project in a testRuntime configuration. Task Performs a full build of the project and all projects which depend on it.
buildConfigurationName The tasks which produce the artifacts in configuration ConfigurationName. Task Assembles the artifacts in the specified configuration.
uploadConfigurationName The tasks which uploads the artifacts in configuration ConfigurationName. Upload Assembles and uploads the artifacts in the specified configuration.

The following diagram shows the relationships between these tasks.

Figure 18.1. Java plugin - tasks

Java plugin - tasks

18.3. Project layout

The Java plugin assumes the project layout shown below. None of these directories need exist or have anything in them. The Java plugin will compile whatever it finds, and handles anything which is missing.

Table 18.4. Java plugin - default project layout

Directory Meaning
src/main/java Production Java source
src/main/resources Production resources
src/test/java Test Java source
src/test/resources Test resources
src/sourceSet/java Java source for the given source set
src/sourceSet/resources Resources for the given source set

18.3.1. Changing the project layout

You configure the project layout by configuring the appropriate source set. This is discussed in more detail in the following sections. Here is a brief example which changes the main Java and resource source directories.

Example 18.1. Custom Java source layout


sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDir 'src/java'
        resources {
            srcDir 'src/resources'

18.4. Dependency management

The Java plugin adds a number of dependency configurations to your project, as shown below. It assigns those configurations to tasks such as compileJava and test. To learn more about configurations see Section 28.3.1, “Configurations” and Section 29.2, “Artifacts and configurations”. Note also that transitive dependencies are disabled by default for the compile configuration. This can be overridden using:

configurations.compile.transitive = true

Table 18.5. Java plugin - dependency configurations

Name Extends Used by tasks Meaning
compile - compileJava Compile time dependencies
runtime compile - Runtime dependencies
testCompile compile compileTestJava Additional dependencies for compiling tests.
testRuntime runtime, testCompile test Additional dependencies for running tests only.
archives - uploadArchives Artifacts (e.g. jars) produced by this project.
default runtime, archives - Artifacts produced and dependencies required by this project.

Figure 18.2. Java plugin - dependency configurations

Java plugin - dependency configurations

18.5. Convention properties

The Java plugin adds a number of convention properties to the project, shown below. You can use these properties in your build script as though they were properties of the project object (see Section 17.2, “Using the convention object”).

Table 18.6. Java plugin - directory properties

Property name Type Default value Description
reportsDirName String reports The name of the directory to generate reports into, relative to the build directory.
reportsDir File (read-only) buildDir/reportsDirName The directory to generate reports into.
testResultsDirName String test-results The name of the directory to generate test result .xml files into, relative to the build directory.
testResultsDir File (read-only) buildDir/testResultsDirName The directory to generate test result .xml files into.
testReportDirName String tests The name of the directory to generate the test report into, relative to the reports directory.
testReportDir File (read-only) reportsDir/testReportDirName The directory to generate the test report into.
libsDirName String libs The name of the directory to generate libraries into, relative to the build directory.
libsDir File (read-only) buildDir/libsDirName The directory to generate libraries into.
distsDirName String dists The name of the directory to generate distributions into, relative to the build directory.
distsDir File (read-only) buildDir/distsDirName The directory to generate distributions into.
docsDirName String docs The name of the directory to generate documentation into, relative to the build directory.
docsDir File (read-only) buildDir/docsDirName The directory to generate documentation into.
dependencyCacheDirName String dependency-cache The name of the directory to use to cache source dependency information, relative to the build directory.
dependencyCacheDir File (read-only) buildDir/dependencyCacheDirName The directory to use to cache source dependency information.

Table 18.7. Java plugin - other properties

Property name Type Default value Description
sourceSets SourceSetContainer (read-only) Not null Contains the project's source sets.
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion . Can also set using a String or a Number, eg '1.5' or 1.5. 1.5 Java version compatibility to use when compiling Java source.
targetCompatibility JavaVersion . Can also set using a String or Number, eg '1.5' or 1.5. sourceCompatibility Java version to generate classes for.
archivesBaseName String projectName The basename to use for archives, such as JAR or ZIP files.
manifest GradleManifest an empty manifest The manifest to include in all JAR files.
metaInf List [] A set of file collections which specify the files to include in the META-INF directory or all JAR files.

These properties are provided by convention objects of type JavaPluginConvention , BasePluginConvention and ReportingBasePluginConvention .

18.6. Working with source sets

You can access the source sets of a project using the sourceSets property. This is a container for the project's source sets, of type SourceSetContainer . There is also a sourceSets() method, which you can pass a closure to which configures the source set container. The source set container works pretty much the same way as other containers, such as tasks.

Example 18.2. Accessing a source set


// Various ways to access the main source set
println sourceSets.main.classesDir
println sourceSets['main'].classesDir
sourceSets {
    println main.classesDir
sourceSets {
    main {
        println classesDir

// Iterate over the source sets
sourceSets.each {SourceSet set ->

To configure an existing source set, you simply use one of the above access methods to set the properties of the source set. The properties are described below. Here is an example which configures the main Java and resources directories:

Example 18.3. Configuring the source directories of a source set


sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDir 'src/java'
        resources {
            srcDir 'src/resources'

To define a new source set, you simply reference it in the sourceSets { } block. When you define a source set, the Java plugin adds a number of tasks which assemble the classes for the source set, as shown in Table 18.2, “Java plugin - source set tasks”. For example, if you add a source set called intTest, the Java plugin adds compileIntTestJava, processIntTestResources and intTestClasses tasks.

Example 18.4. Defining a source set


sourceSets {

18.6.1. Source set properties

The following table lists some of the important properties of a source set. You can find more details in the API documentation for SourceSet .

Table 18.8. Java plugin - source set properties

Property name Type Default value Description
name String (read-only) Not null The name of the source set, used to identify it.
classesDir File buildDir/classes/name The directory to generate the classes of this source set into.
compileClasspath FileCollection compile Configuration. The classpath to use when compiling the source files of this source set.
runtimeClasspath FileCollection classesDir + runtime Configuration. The classpath to use when executing the classes of this source set.
java SourceDirectorySet (read-only) Not null The Java source files of this source set. Contains only .java files found in the Java source directories, and excludes all other files.
java.srcDirs Set<File>. Can set using anything described in Section 14.4, “Specifying a set of files”. [projectDir/src/name/java] The source directories containing the Java source files of this source set.
resources SourceDirectorySet (read-only) Not null The resources of this source set. Contains only resources, and excludes any .java files found in the resource source directories. Other plugins, such as the Groovy plugin, exclude additional types of files from this collection.
resources.srcDirs Set<File>. Can set using anything described in Section 14.4, “Specifying a set of files”. [projectDir/src/name/resources] The source directories containing the resources of this source set.
allJava FileTree (read-only) java All .java files of this source set. Some plugins, such as the Groovy plugin, add additional Java source files to this collection.
allSource FileTree (read-only) resources + java All source files of this source set. This include all resource files and all Java source files. Some plugins, such as the Groovy plugin, add additional source files to this collection.

18.6.2. Some common source set examples

Using dependency configurations to define the source set classpath:

Example 18.5. Defining the classpath of a source set


configurations {
    intTestCompile { extendsFrom compile }
    intTestRuntime { extendsFrom intTestCompile, runtime }

sourceSets {
    intTest {
        compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.classes + configurations.intTestCompile
        runtimeClasspath = classes + sourceSets.main.classes + configurations.intTestRuntime

Adding a JAR containing the classes of a source set:

Example 18.6. Assembling a JAR for a source set


task intTestJar(type: Jar) {
    from sourceSets.intTest.classes

Generating Javadoc for a source set:

Example 18.7. Generating the Javadoc for a source set


task intTestJavadoc(type: Javadoc) {
    source sourceSets.intTest.allJava

Adding a test suite to run the tests in a source set:

Example 18.8. Running tests in a source set


task intTest(type: Test) {
    testClassesDir = sourceSets.intTest.classesDir
    classpath = sourceSets.intTest.runtimeClasspath

18.7. Javadoc

The javadoc task is an instance of Javadoc . It supports the core javadoc options and the options of the standard doclet described in the reference documentation of the Javadoc executable. For a complete list of supported Javadoc options consult the API documentation of the following classes: CoreJavadocOptions and StandardJavadocDocletOptions .

Table 18.9. Java plugin - Javadoc properties

Task Property Type Default Value
classpath FileCollection sourceSets.main.classes + sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
source FileTree . Can set using anything described in Section 14.4, “Specifying a set of files”. sourceSets.main.allJava
destinationDir File docsDir/javadoc
title String The name and version of the project

18.8. Clean

The clean task is an instance of Clean . It simply removes the directory denoted by its dir property.

Table 18.10. Java plugin - Clean properties

Task Property Type Default Value
dir File buildDir

18.9. Resources

The Java plugin uses the Copy task for resource handling. It adds an instance for each source set in the project. You can find out more about the copy task in Section 14.5, “Copying files”.

Table 18.11. Java plugin - ProcessResources properties

Task Property Type Default Value
srcDirs Object. Can set using anything described in Section 14.4, “Specifying a set of files”. sourceSet.resources
destinationDir File. Can set using anything described in Section 14.1, “Locating files”. sourceSet.classesDir

18.10. CompileJava

The Java plugin adds a Compile instance for each source set in the project. The compile task delegates to Ant's javac task to do the compile. You can set most of the properties of the Ant javac task.

Table 18.12. Java plugin - Compile properties

Task Property Type Default Value
classpath FileCollection sourceSet.compileClasspath
source FileTree . Can set using anything described in Section 14.4, “Specifying a set of files”.
destinationDir File. sourceSet.classesDir

18.11. Test

The test task is an instance of Test . It executes all unit tests found in the test source set.

Table 18.13. Java plugin - test properties

Task Property Type Default Value
testClassesDir File sourceSets.test.classesDir
classpath FileCollection sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
testResultsDir File testResultsDir
testReportDir File testReportDir
testSrcDirs List<File>

Have a look at Test for its complete API. Right now the test results are always in XML-format. The task has a stopAtFailuresOrErrors property to control the behavior when tests are failing. Test always executes all tests. It stops the build afterwards if stopAtFailuresOrErrors is true and there are failing tests or tests that have thrown an uncaught exception.

Per default the tests are run in a forked JVM and the fork is done per test. You can modify this behavior by setting forking to false or set the forkmode to once.

The Test task detects which classes are test classes by inspecting the compiled test classes. By default it scans all .class files. You can set custom includes / excludes, only those classes will be scanned. Depending on the Test framework used (JUnit / TestNG) the test class detection uses different criteria.

When using JUnit, we scan for both JUnit 3 and 4 test classes. If any of the following criteria match, the class is considered to be a JUnit test class. Extend TestCase or GroovyTestCase, Class annotated with RunWith or contain a method annotated with Test (inherited test methods are detected).

When using TestNG, we scan for methods annotated with Test (inherited test methods are detected).

Since 0.6.1 we scan up the inheritance tree into jar files on the test classpath.

In case you don't want to use the test class detection, you can disable it by setting scanForTestClasses to false. This will make the test task only use the includes / excludes to find test classes. If scanForTestClasses is disabled and no include or exclude patterns are specified, the respective defaults are used. For include this is "**/*Tests.class", "**/*Test.class" and the for exclude it is "**/Abstract*.class".

Both JUnit and TestNG are supported through their Ant tasks.

Regarding TestNG reporting, when the test report is disabled the default TestNG listeners are disabled (options.useDefaultListeners is set to false).

18.12. Jar

The jar task creates a JAR file containing the class files and resources of the project. The JAR file is declared as an artifact in the archives dependency configuration. This means that the JAR is available in the classpath of a dependent project. If you upload your project into a repository, this JAR is declared as part of the dependency descriptor. To learn more about how to work with archives and artifact configurations see Chapter 29, Artifact Management.

18.13. Adding archives

If you come from Maven you can have only one library JAR per project. With Gradle you can have as many as you want. You can also add WAR, ZIP and TAR archives to your project. They are all added the same way, so let's look at how you add a ZIP file.

Example 18.9. Creation of ZIP archive


usePlugin 'java'
version = 1.0

task myZip(type: Zip) {
    fileSet(dir: 'somedir')

println myZip.archiveName

Output of gradle -q myZip

> gradle -q myZip

This adds a Zip archive task with the name myZip which produces ZIP file It is important to distinguish between the name of the archive task and the name of the archive generated by the archive task. The name of the generated archive file is by default the name of the project with the project version appended. The default name for archives can be changed with the archivesBaseName project property. The name of the archive can also be changed at any time later on.

There are a number of properties which you can set on an archive task. You can, for example, change the name of the archive:

Example 18.10. Configuration of archive task - custom archive name


usePlugin 'java'
version = 1.0

task myZip(type: Zip) {
    fileSet(dir: 'somedir')
    baseName = 'customName'

println myZip.archiveName

Output of gradle -q myZip

> gradle -q myZip

You can further customize the archive names:

Example 18.11. Configuration of archive task - appendix & classifier


usePlugin 'java'
archivesBaseName = 'gradle'
version = 1.0

task myZip(type: Zip) {
    appendix = 'wrapper'
    classifier = 'src'
    fileSet(dir: 'somedir')

println myZip.archiveName

Output of gradle -q myZip

> gradle -q myZip

Often you will want to publish an archive, so that it is usable from another project. This process is described in Chapter 29, Artifact Management

18.13.1. Archive tasks

An archive task is a task which produces an archive at execution time. The following archive tasks are available:

Table 18.14. Archive tasks

Type Accepted file container Extends
Zip fileSet, fileCollection, zipFileSet AbstractArchiveTask
Tar fileSet, fileCollection, zipFileSet, tarFileSet Zip
Jar fileSet, fileCollection, zipFileSet Zip
War fileSet, fileCollection, zipFileSet Jar

The following file containers are available:

Table 18.15. File container for archives

Type Meaning
FileTree A set of files defined by a common base directory and include/exclude patterns. See Section 14.3, “File trees”.
ZipFileSet Extends FileSet with additional properties known from Ant's zipfileset task.
TarFileSet Extends ZipFileSet with additional properties known from Ant's tarfileset task.
FileCollection An arbitrary collection of files to include in the archive. In contrast to a FileTree they don't need to have a common base directory. See Section 14.2, “File collections” for more details.
AntDirective An arbitrary Ant resource declaration.

To learn about all the details have a look at the javadoc of the archive task class or the file container class itself. Common properties

The name of the generated archive is assembled from the task properties baseName, appendix, version, classifier and extension into baseName-appendix-version-classifier.extension . [15] The assembled name is accessible via the archiveName property. The name property denotes the name of the task, not the generated archive. An archive task has also a customName property. If this property is set, the archiveName property returns its value instead of assembling a name out of the properties mentioned above.

Archives have a destinationDir property to specify where the generated archive should be placed. It has also an archivePath property, which returns a File object with the absolute path of the generated archive. Adding content

To add content to an archive you must add file container to an archive (see Table 18.15, “File container for archives”). You can add as many file containers as you like. They behave pretty much the same as the Ant resources with similar names.

Example 18.12. Adding content to archive - include & exclude


task zipWithFileSet(type: Zip) {
    fileSet(dir: 'contentDir') {

You can add arbitrary files to an archive:

Example 18.13. Adding content to archive - arbitrary files


task zipWithFiles(type: Zip) {
    files('path_to_file1', 'path_to_file2')

Other examples:

Example 18.14. Adding content to archive - zipFileSet


task zipWithZipFileSet(type: Zip) {
    zipFileSet(dir: 'contentDir') {
        prefix = 'myprefix'

Example 18.15. Creation of TAR archive


task tarWithFileSet(type: Tar) {
    tarFileSet(dir: 'contentDir') {
        uid = 'myuid'

There is also the option to add an arbitrary Ant expression describing an Ant resource.

myZipTask.antDirective {        
   zipgroupfileset(dir: new File(rootDir, 'lib'))    

This is for rather exotic use cases. Usually you should be fine with the file container provided by Gradle. Merging

If you want to merge the content of other archives into the archive to be generated Gradle offers you two methods. One is merge:

myZipTask.merge('path1/', 'path2/otherArchive.tar.gz')

This merges the whole content of the archive passed to the merge method into the generated archive. If you need more control which content of the archive should be merged and to what path, you can pass a closure to the merge method:

myZipTask.merge('path1/', 'path2/otherArchive.tar.gz') {
    prefix = 'myprefix'

Under the hood Gradle scans the extension of the archives to be merged. According to the extension, it creates a ZipFileSet or TarFileSet. The closure is applied to this newly created file container. There is another method for merging called mergeGroup.

myZipTask.mergeGroup('path_to_dir_with_archives') {

With this method you can assign a set of archives to be merged. Those archives have to be located under the directory you pass as an argument. You can define filters what archives should be included. They are always included fully and you can't specify a path. If you need this features, you must use the merge method. Manifest

The convention object of the Java Plugin has a manifest property pointing to an instance of GradleManifest . With this GradleManifest object you can define the content of the MANIFEST.MF file for all the jar or a war archives in your project.

Example 18.16. Customization of MANIFEST.MF


manifest.mainAttributes("Implementation-Title": "Gradle", "Implementation-Version": version)

You can also define sections of a manifest file.

If a particular archive needs unique entries in its manifest you have to create your own GradleManifest instance for it.

Example 18.17. Customization of MANIFEST.MF for a particular archive


manifest.mainAttributes("Implementation-Title": "Gradle", "Implementation-Version": version)
myZipTask.manifest = new GradleManifest(manifest.createManifest())
myZipTask.manifest.mainAttributes(mykey: "myvalue")

Passing the common manifest object to the constructor of GradleManifest add the common manifest values to the task specific manifest instance. MetaInf

The convention object of the Java Plugin has a metaInf property pointing to a list of FileSet objects. With these file sets you can define which files should be in the META-INF directory of a JAR or a WAR archive.

metaInf << new FileSet(someDir)

18.14. Uploading

How to upload your archives is described in Chapter 29, Artifact Management.

18.15. Eclipse

Gradle comes with a number of tasks for generating eclipse files for your projects.

18.15.1. Eclipse classpath

EclipseClasspath has a default instance with the name eclipseCp. It generates a .classpath file.

Table 18.16. Java plugin - Eclipse properties

Task Property Convention Property
srcDirs srcDirs + resourcesDirs
testSrcDirs testSrcDirs + testResourcesDirs
outputDirectory classesDir
testOutputDirectory testClassesDir
classpathLibs the resolve result for testRuntime

18.15.2. Eclipse project

EclipseProject has a default instance with the name eclipseProject. It generates a .project file.

Table 18.17. Java plugin - Eclipse project properties

Task Property Convention Property
projectType ProjectType.JAVA

The java plugin also provides a task called eclipse which generates both of the eclipse tasks mentioned above. If you are using the war plugin, eclipse also leads to the execution of the eclipseWtp task.

[15] If any of these properties is empty the trailing - is not added to the name.