Gradle Release Notes

Version 1.8-rc-1

Gradle 1.8 continues the focus on performance in recent Gradle releases. In this release, dependency resolution is more efficient in its use of memory. This means faster builds, in particular for really large builds. Also, the tooling API adds new features that allows integrations such as IDE import to work much more quickly - expect to see performance improvements in Android Studio soon.

This release of Gradle adds support for more native languages, with support for C and Assembler joining C++. Support for native languages in general is an area under heavy development and there are many more improvements planned in upcoming releases.

Dependency management is now more flexible with the introduction of component meta-data rules. These rules allow you to fine-tune dependency meta-data in your build or plugins.

Gradle 1.8 contains many contributions from developers outside the core development team. Thank you to all who contributed to Gradle 1.8.

For more information on what's new in Gradle 1.8, please read on. As always, please share your feedback and experiences with Gradle 1.8 via the Gradle Forums.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

Here are the new features introduced in this Gradle release.

Improved performance and memory consumption

Gradle 1.8 uses less heap than previous versions. The less heap Gradle uses, the less expensive garbage collection is, and the faster your builds are.

Some builds, particularly very large builds, should see some significant improvements in performance with Gradle 1.8.

Serialization of the resolution results.

The heart of this performance improvement is not creating the full dependency resolution results unless they are required. These results consume a lot of memory in large builds. Instead, the information is streamed to disk during the resolution process and the results assembled in heap only when requested. As this information is usually not needed, typical builds will get faster and all builds will use less heap.

Note that the results API has not changed and is fully backwards compatible with previous Gradle versions.

Component metadata rules

In Gradle, a dependency is resolved to a component (often also called a module). Each component has metadata associated with it, such as 'group', 'name', 'version', and a set of dependencies. Typically, this metadata is specified in a module descriptor (Ivy file or Maven POM). Component metadata rules allow you to manipulate this metadata from within the build script or a plugin.

Component metadata rules are another instrument for customizing dependency resolution (building on dependency resolve rules introduced in Gradle 1.4). These rules are evaluated during dependency resolution, immediately after component metadata has be retrieved from a repository. Using a rule, you are able to change the raw component metadata, overriding or tweaking the values to suit your build.

As of Gradle 1.8, only two pieces of metadata can be manipulated for a component: the status scheme, and the status. The former describes the increasing levels of maturity that a component may transition through over a series of versions. The latter describes the component's current maturity, and needs to correspond to one of the values listed in the component's status scheme.

A component's status scheme defaults to integration, milestone, release (in that order). The status defaults to integration for Ivy modules (if not specified in the Ivy file) and Maven snapshot modules, and to release for Maven modules other than snapshots.

What can a status (scheme) be used for? Most notably, a dependency can request the highest version with at least the stated status:

dependencies {
    // the highest version with status milestone or release
    compile "

Ivy users will be familiar with this feature. 'Latest' version resolution also works together with custom status schemes:

dependencies {
    // the highest version with status silver, gold, or platinum
    compile ""
    components {
        eachComponent { ComponentMetadataDetails details ->
            if ( == "") {
                // declare a custom status scheme
                details.statusScheme = ["bronze", "silver", "gold", "platinum"]

For API details, see ComponentMetadataHandler. Future Gradle versions will likely allow more pieces of component metadata to be manipulated.

Create native libraries and executables from C and Assembler sources incubating feature

With Gradle 1.8, it is now possible to include 'C' and 'Assembler' source files to create a native library or executable. The C sources are compiled with relevant compiler settings, and Assembler sources are translated directly to object files by the assembler.

Including C and Assembler sources in your project is straightforward. Whereas C++ sources are contained in a 'cpp' source directory, C source files should be located in a 'c' directory and Assembler source files in a 'asm' directory. These directory locations are by convention, and can be updated in your build script.

Here's an example of how you can customize which source files and directories to include:

sources {
    main {
        c {
            source {
                srcDirs "sourcefiles"
                include "**/*.c"
            exportedHeaders {
                srcDirs "includes"
        asm {
            source {
                srcDirs "sourcefiles", "assemblerfiles"
                include "**/*.s"

Note that support for building native binaries is under active development, and this functionality is very likely to be changed and improved in upcoming releases.

New duplicate file handling strategies

Gradle 1.7 introduced some strategies for dealing with duplicates when copying files and building archives such as ZIPs and JARs. The Gradle 1.8 release adds two more:

Thanks to Kyle Mahan for this contribution.

Tooling API

This release includes a number of improvements to the tooling API. The tooling API is used by tools such as IDEs, CI servers and other applications to execute and query Gradle builds. You can also use the tooling API to embed Gradle in your own applications.

Early preparations for Gradle 2.0

This release sees the start of initial preparations for a Gradle 2.0 release next year. At this stage, this means some cleanup of API and deprecating some old features, for removal in Gradle 2.0. You'll find more details below.

Removing unwanted features allows the implementation of Gradle to be simplified. In the long term this means fewer bugs, more features and faster builds for you.

Please note that we'll continue to follow our usual feature lifecycle for removing features. No supported feature or syntax will be removed without a significant period of prior deprecation.

Almost every deprecated feature has a non-deprecated replacement and this is documented in the deprecation descriptions below. However, some deprecated features do not have a replacement. If you find a feature that you use has been deprecated, and there doesn't seem to be a replacement for it that you can use , please let us know as soon as possible via the forums.

Fixed issues


Features that have become superseded or irrelevant due to the natural evolution of Gradle become deprecated, and scheduled to be removed in the next major Gradle version (Gradle 2.0). See the User guide section on the “Feature Lifecycle” for more information.

The following are the newly deprecated items in this Gradle release. If you have concerns about a deprecation, please raise it via the Gradle Forums.

Support for using Ivy DependencyResolver implementations

For several years (since Gradle 1.0-milestone-3), there have been two ways that you can define an Ivy repository for Gradle to use. The first, and preferred, way is to use Gradle's native repositories.ivy { } DSL. The second way was to register an Ivy DependencyResolver implementation using the repositories.add() method. There have been a lot of improvements to dependency resolution in Gradle over the years, but this native support for Ivy classes makes it difficult to continue this evolution.

Because of this, support for using Ivy DependencyResolver instances will be discontinued in Gradle 2.0. Please note that Gradle will continue to support Ivy repositories through its native DSL.

The following methods have been deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 2.0:

Gradle 1.7 Gradle 1.8
repositories {
    mavenRepo url: 'http://my.server/'
    add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.FileSystemResolver()) {
repositories {
    maven {
        url 'http://my.server/'
    ivy {
        artifactPattern '/some/dir/[organisation]/[module]-[revision].[ext]'

Using GradleLauncher to run Gradle builds

There are currently 3 ways you can programmatically run a build. The first, and recommended, way is to use the Gradle tooling API. You can also use the GradleBuild task type. The third way is to use the GradleLauncher API. The GradleLauncher API is now deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 2.0.

Unused constants on ArtifactRepositoryContainer

A number of constants on ArtifactRepositoryContainer are no longer used. These have been deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 2.0.

Unused classes

The following classes will be removed in Gradle 2.0. They are no longer used:

Open API classes

The Open API has been deprecated for over two years (since Gradle 1.0-milestone-4) and is due to be removed in Gradle 2.0. The entry points to the Open API were marked deprecated at that time.

To make the deprecation of the Open API clearer, all of the Open API classes are now marked as deprecated, in addition to the entry points. All of the Open API classes will be removed in Gradle 2.0.

Potential breaking changes

Upgraded to Ant 1.9.2

The version of Ant used by Gradle has been upgraded to Ant 1.9.2. This should be backwards compatible.

Changes in task arguments evaluation

All arguments passed for task creation are evaluated to be valid. In earlier Gradle versions, a typo in the arguments was silently ignored. The following snippet will now fail with an error message, giving a hint that 'Type' is not a valid argument.

    task myCopy(Type: copy) {
        from "..."
        into "..."

Changes to incubating C++ support

    binaries.all {
        if (toolChain in VisualCpp) {
            // Visual C++ configuration
        if (toolChain in Gcc) {
            // GCC configuration
Gradle 1.7 Gradle 1.8
`cpp.sourceSets.main` `sources.main.cpp`
cpp {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            source {
                srcDirs "..."
                exportedHeaders "..."
sources {
    main {
        cpp {
            source {
                srcDirs "..."
                exportedHeaders "..."

The order of resolved files and artifacts has changed

The order of resolved artifacts and resolved files has changed. This change is transparent to the vast majority of builds.

This change was necessary to implement important performance improvements mentioned above, and may impact the order of files of a resolved configuration, consequently, it may impact some classpaths.

Changes to handling of Ivy DependencyResolver implementations

In order to improve performance and heap usage during dependency resolution, this release includes some internal changes to the way meta-data is parsed. If you use an Ivy DependencyResolver implementation to define repositories, meta-data parsing is now delegated to Ivy instead of using Gradle's parser implementations. This means that these resolvers will no longer take advantage of performance improvements in Gradle's meta-data parsing and handling. However, the changes should generally be backwards compatible.

Note that using Ivy DependencyResolver implementations is deprecated, and we recommend that you use Gradle's repository implementations instead.

Ivy DependencyResolver implementations returned by Gradle APIs no longer support latestStrategy methods

A select few Gradle APIs methods return an Ivy DependencyResolver implementation (e.g. repositories.mavenRepo). These returned DependencyResolver instances no longer support the following methods: getLatestStrategy(), setLatestStrategy(), getLatest(), setLatest(). Calling one of these methods will now throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

Note that all Gradle API methods that return an Ivy DependencyResolver implementation are deprecated, and we recommend that you use Gradle's repository implementations instead.

External contributions

We would like to thank the following community members for making contributions to this release of Gradle.


On behalf of the Gradle community, the Gradle development team would like to thank the following people who contributed to this version of Gradle:

Contributions are an important part of the continuous improvement of Gradle.

If you would like to contribute to Gradle, please see for how to start.

Known issues

Known issues are problems that were discovered post release that are directly related to changes made in this release.